Last season, Lost started out the gate as the show with the most buzz. This fake Survivor type show was full of interesting and diverse characters, intertwining flashbacks, and a mysterious island that was a character unto itself. All along the journey first season, we were surprised and shocked at all the twists and turns in the flashbacks and on the island, the biggest being that Locke was in a wheelchair at the time of departure. But something happened last season that too most of the wind out of the Lost sail, namely the finale. If the first season moved at breakneck pace, the finale slogged along for three hours as we sat and said, “Just go down the hatch already.” We had to put up with boring flashbacks of the survivors as the prep for the plane along with a long and boring montage of them actually boarding the plane only to have the last image of the season being a group looking down the hatch.
So after a summer of complaining, the people over at Lost gave us what we wanted right off the bat, not that we knew what we were looking at. When the castaways finally descended into the hatch, we got to see it in three straight episodes, once from Jack’s perspective, along with Locke’s and Kate’s. I was surprised we didn’t get to see it for a fourth time in Desmond’s flashback. And since this was the season of see the same thing over again. We also got to see the second confrontation with Zeke, Jin reuniting with Sawyer and Michael on the beach, and the token hot chick’s death scene more than once.
Unfortunately season started off much like the season one finale ended where we sat around waiting for something to happen as we sit threw flashbacks that are not all that interesting. Then when something actually did happen, it was either was pretty obvious like the token hot chick dieing, or I just stopped caring a long time ago like learning how the plane crashed. And now that characters are getting their third and fourth flashbacks, they just seem less interesting. Then there was the Rose and Bernard flashback which had to be the most boring one yet. Yeah, the island has healing powers; I got that with the first Locke flashback. C’mon, couldn’t we have a Rousseau, Libby, or even an Others flashback?
But as the season progress, it did get a little better and that was all due to the inclusion of Not-Henry Gale. Yeah, it was pretty obvious from the get go that Not-Henry was an Other, but that didn’t stop his character from being interesting as he tried to drive a wedge between Jack and Locke. And who knew that when he reunited with Zeke and the boys that they could be so funny but I find it interesting as the Other’s revealed each other’s names, we still didn’t learn Not-Henry’s. And even though he looked to be in charge on the pier, I’m still not sold on Not-Henry being Him.
The second finale seemed like a new show onto itself as we learn more about Desmond, a character we barely got to know before he left. Then we get longer glances at the Others and we see them interact as well as new setting including the giant foot that I’m surprised why everyone is so hung up on the four toes thing. Then there was the last scene, where we got the first look at the outside world with the Artic station and the call to Desmond’s former girlfriend. But with Lost, we were left with many unanswered questions as well as the answers (well, at least my speculation):
- Why did the Others want Jack, Kate, and Sawyer? (They were the one’s who went after Michael, but they don’t want Locke because of his former paralysis)
- What’s with the giant four toed foot? (It was built by Polynesians that lived, or still live, on the island and only put four toes because they are lazy.)
- Who is Him? (Penny’s daddy)
- What was with the bright light and loud noise? (The island resetting large electrical charge.)
- What are the fates of Locke, Eko, and Desmond? (Alive, alive, and alive.)
- Why was Libby in the mental institution? (The death of her husband sent her into a deep depression.)
- What happen to Cindy, the flight attendant? (Was captured by the Others)
- What’s up with the Hanso Foundation and Dharma Initiative? (I think I need to watch the orientation films again.)
- Who’s Sun’s baby daddy? (Artificial inseminated, sperm donor - Zeke)
- Who did Carol Vessey leave Jack for? (Um, Ed maybe?)
- Why did the others let Walt leave after doing so much to get him? (Much like Desmond, they know he will be back.)
- Who eyeball was in the tailies’ hatch? (Some one we haven’t met)
Oh and course, there are still these unanswered questions from last year (with some revised answers from what I originally thought at the end of last season; see - Guys (Dramatic Pause) Where Are We?):
- How did Locke get in the wheelchair? (Shot by his dad after stalking him.)
- What is the monster? (A Hanzo experiment gone wrong.)
- Why did the fortune teller change his mind about Claire keeping her baby? (He was paid off by the Others.)
- How did Jack single handedly beat up Ethan Rom after be beaten like a red headed step child days earlier? (Ethan let him win.)
- Why would Sayid hook up with Shannon after being so close to finding his true love? (I, personally forget about any past loves if I had a chance with Shannon.)
- What's with the numbers? (Just a way to connect everyone and everything.)
- What did the French chick say to Hurley to calm him down? (Gave him some French lovin’)
- Why did Claire name here kid Aaron? If she lost all her memory, what could the significance of this be? (I think the writers screwed up.)
- What did the Others want with Walt? (He can control the monster.)
I may add more to this list later. Feel free to leave any unanswered question in the comment section and if I add it, I’ll give you credit and even try answering it for you.
Lost 2.x gets a
![Terror Alert Level: Elevated [YELLOW]](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh6-iVFV0hXCTSYP16K_V0Rrxp3GqFrtBIJKeTUyQ2LpxZQ9XKHFj6QGtqqa7oxhLadLV8vUj8R84AftD8IKUSfN0u_u0CYDtJwhrpCPN2DBWquAIDv0jbVlhZL0mDFKlPKluGyxw/s400/small_elevated.png)
No more questions at the moment. Just had to tell you, it cracks me up that you call her Carol Vessey. Every single time I see her on anything, I call her Carol Vessey. (that first season of Ed was really good.) When speaking of Carol Vessey, one MUST say both names.
ReplyDeleteCarol Vessey.
When/if I think of another question, I'll let you know.
Seriously, am I supposed to remember her name on Lost with all the little details that pile up on the show? Plus i'm too lazy to rack my brain trying to remember it or google her. So really, it's either calling her Carol Vessey or the chick from Happy Gilmore.
ReplyDeleteGreat review! I couldn't agree more with the idea that the show picked up once "Henry Gale" joined the survivors. I also think that you're on to something with the Others wanting Walt because he could control the island's monster. We all know what he did with the polar bears!
ReplyDeleteDidn't Ruseau name her baby Aaron? Maybe thats why claire named hers aaron, maybe she was brain washed, I wonder if she will go psycho like michael and kill charlie?
ReplyDeleteThomas - Rousseau's kid's name is Alex. One can hope that Claire goes psycho because it would give something interesting for her to do.