Let me start this week’s Toss Up at the end of Lost
But beside that whole sequence last night was up there with the Hurley and Eko episodes, but then again that’s not saying much. Now back to Dorothy’s uncle (get it Henry Gale, oh never mind) it became obvious that he was an Other with the comment he made to Locke about Jack being the leader. This is you classic divide and conquer plan. I don’t think some random billionaire would think of this quickly after being torture or would even think that doing it would help him.
Speaking of the Others, it seemed my theory of two opposite tribes that habitated the island pre-crash, a group of Others and a group of Them (see it in depth: Toss Up). Basically it stated that Ethan was separate from Zeke but as we saw in the Claire flashback that the two are working together, and I didn’t even need to see Kate discover the fake beard to know that was Zeke who summoned Ethan because his voice was very distinctive. But this just begs the question why is Zeke, and presumable his homies, dressing up like an extra from Deliverance
Then we have our very first flashbacks that took place exclusively on the island (and I’m not counting The Other 48 Days because that was a recap, not a flashback to get technical). They did a really good job with the first couple flashbacks making the audience wonder if it were in fact a flashback or just Claire’s mind playing tricks on her. They also made us assume that we also got our first glimpse of Alex, Rousseau’s kid, but I’m not to quick to assume that.
Back in present day, the chicks found, presumable, the third bunker mention in the orientation film. Although I was a little disappointed that we didn’t run into Michael or Desmond (remember them?) inside the bunker. And with the entire bunker stripped bare, why would Zeke leave the Deliverance outfit there. Since it’s only been a couple of days since the confrontation with Locke, Sawyer, and Jack, it means he’s been back there recently, so why take everything, but continue to stash you beard there? Just another question in the long list of questions that the show still needs to answer.
Veronica Mars
I’m hoping to have my picture problems solved by the weekend, and I’ll also sort through my taped interviews and transcribe a few of them this weekend too. Until then, for those interesting in what’s upcoming on the show, all I’ll say is I (heart) Dick. Stay tuned this weekend for more.
I can't read this post because I haven't watched Lost yet. But...before you happen across my American Karaoke-type blog..I hope you can take a joke. :)
ReplyDeleteDon't feel so bad. I heart Beaver, and there's not even a clever t-shirt for that. Yet.
ReplyDeleteWow, even in all my sophomoric tendasies, I never though to ask about an I (heart) Beaver t-shirt. I really need to get one made.
ReplyDeleteScooter, Eko had 2 little beard ponytails (one for each of the Others he'd killed) when he confessed to Henry Gale he cut off those two reminders utlimately absolving himself of the guilt.
ReplyDeleteI didn't get the beard thing either! Thanks duckyxdale for the explanation.
ReplyDeleteHow many stinkin' hatches are on this island? And I'm with you, what happened to Desmond? Why haven't we run into him again? Did he get killed? Leave?
I didn't get the reference to the authors that Locke kept talking about either. Was that supposed to make the Other trip up or something?
And Claire never calls her baby by it's name. It's always "my baby", it's becoming annoying.
I'd love a blog visit. I'm dedicating one post per week to TV shows (Lost, Amazing Race, Idol & more.) http://carmenhasgonetoplaid.blogspot.com/
Gee, and I just thought Eko was a Captain Lou Albano fan. This is the worst analogy on the show yet.
ReplyDeleteIf we get some Hanes t-shirts and some iron-on letters, I'm sure we can get some I *heart* Beaver t-shirts. If we want to get crazy, we can put I *heart* Dick on the back. Appropriate for all family functions.
ReplyDeleteI am feeling a little crazy, well by crazy I mean drunk, and that may not be the best time to use an iron though. Someday though, someday...
ReplyDeleteWhen straight boys are drunk is usually when they actually realize...
ReplyDeleteI *heart* dick
Sadly it wasn't until I was drunk when I realized I (heart) Beaver.