After a lackluster start to its second season, it looks as if Lost

The Others – Kidnapped Walt and Alex; spied on the passengers via the black smoke a.k.a. the Monster. Possibly also have cameras filming them in the bunker.
Them – Kidnapped the kids from the tail section; spied on the passengers via Ethan and Goodwin.
Then the ending was exactly what I have been waiting for all season when Jack asked how long it would take to train an army. Once Michael and the boys came back, I don’t know why they didn’t start up a war room in hopes of finding Walt. All I hope is that Ana Lucia’s answer will be “not long.” But I have a feeling it will take until around the end of the season.
Other interesting tidbits in this week’s show are that Jin actually took an order from his wife. I thought even after Sun’s plea that he was still going to chase after Michael. Another person who didn’t seem too thrilled he was left out of the search party was Sayid, so that may cause some tension, not too mention Jack asking Ana Lucia about training an army considering Sayid was in an actual army. Also Hurley thinks he has a chance with Libby because of the “If you’re stranded on a desert island” theory. Apparently he forgot that it only works when you’re the only two. He still has to compete with about twenty-five other dudes on the island. Plus I have a theory about Libby that I will get to later.
One theory I want to dispute that I seen multiple times is that Carol Vessey left Jack for Sawyer. Yeah, it crossed my mind briefly but there is no way anyone is going to leave a doctor to shack up with a vagabond. But I’m not against a theory that she hooked up with someone else on the island but it is easy to discredit everyone else:
Mr. Eko – In another country
Sayid – In another country
Jin – In another country
Charlie - In another country, would know if your wife is dating a rock star
Locke – Had to resort to 1-900 numbers
Michael – Too poor to lure a doctor’s wife away
Boone – possibly underage at the time (plus since he’s dead, doubtfully he will be included in any major back flash plot twist)
So even though I think we have yet to meet the other man, here are the top three guesses of those people we’ve meet:
3. Hurley – You don’t go from Jack to Hurley, but dude is loaded so outside chance
2. Libby – We don’t know anything about her except she is a psychologist maybe she plays for the other team and got Carol to switch.
1. Desmond – Just have a feeling
Next week it looks like we get another Charlie-centric episode. There were a lot of shots of Aaron in the preview, but I have a feeling most of them were drug induced images. I guess we have to wait a week to find out.
As for Veronica Mars
In a story I broke here last week, Xena the Warrior Princess will be making an appearance in Neptune next week as an FBI agent (okay I didn’t break the story, I just love it whenever the guys on PTI use the phrase so I will be stealing it for my own use). Apparently all of my guess on why the FBI was making a stop in Neptune were wrong and the new evil TV Guide revealed she is in town on an entirely new case. And thanks to the fine people over at UPN, I have exclusive pictures of the former Warrior Princess naturally questioning Veronica about the case she is working on (this not being a joke and I’m supposed to mention that the pictures are courtesy of UPN/Warner Bros. so please don’t steal them):

I totally missed the connection between Alex and the french chick's son, but I also enjoyed the mentioning of Ethan. I've also pondering the possibility of two rogue groups on the island, and not just one. The theory on Jack's wife is also interesting because it does seem that a lot of things and people are somehow connected one way or another. Having Jack's wife having left him for another man or woman that has somehow ended up on the island would fit with all the other coincidences on the island. Sawyer would be a good bit. In a past episode, Sawyer had also met or at least seen Jack's dad before he died.
ReplyDeleteI didn't think Sarah ever outright said, "I'm leaving you FOR someone else." She just said she met someone else. I didn't get the idea that they were running off together, just that she realized how miserable she was with Jack.
ReplyDeleteAnd money is not a deciding factor in this case. It could have easily been Sawyer. He's charming, good looking and a con artist. He either could have easily led her to believe he had money, or she just didn't care because she was getting the kind of attention she couldn't get from Jack.
I sort of like the theory that she was sleeping with Jack's father, but I don't think it's likely just because that would be too hard to keep secret.
Oh, also, I do subscribe to the two camps of "Others" theory, but I have it the other way around. I think "Them" are the ones who are shoeless and look a little hillbilly. The "Others" are the ones who are well dressed, wear shoes, and have shown the ability to infiltrate all the Lostaways ala Goodwin and Ethan. It could be that the Others took Alex and "THEY" rescued her.
ReplyDeleteI thought about dad being the other man but I still think it will turn out to be someone on the island. Plus I doubt mom would send Jack to Australia after dad if he cheated on her with their daughter in law.
ReplyDeletePlus didn't the crazy French chick already mention that Alex was a dude?