Showing posts with label Titans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Titans. Show all posts

Sunday, November 17, 2019

57 Channels and Only This Is On: November 17, 2019

Supergirl: No Dreamer, no Alex’s girlfriend, very little Brainiac 5… and we may have had the best episode since Saturn Girl went back to the future. Sure, Andréa’s mask was a little too generic, I thought that was Dreamer for a split second.
You can download Supergirl on iTunes.

Watchmen: So crazy rick Asian build her clock in Oklahoma away from the coasts where there is more likely nuclear attacks occur and earthquakes… but isn’t Tulsa right smack dab in the middle of Tornado Alley? Of course we already know what she says is not necessary the whole reason behind what she does as seen by her introduction. But she shoots to the top of the list of who imprison Ozymandias in what they certainly implied was on the moon this week.

The Walking Dead: So what is Negan’s game? He is telling the Whispers he wants to be with them but I feel he is just saying that. I do not really seeing him put Rick’s kid in danger no matter how much barbed wire he wraps around his bat.

Shameless: Oh my, are they really going to kill off Lip’s baby mama? Granted he will not be the only single parent in the household.

Mr. Robot: I feel like I missed something. So we first see the FBI agent pointing her gun at Darla. Last week I thought they ended with her seeing the two in the car, when did she get to the apartment? Or was I not paying attention last week because I was bored that there was no dialogue?
You can download Mr. Robot: on iTunes.

His Dark Materials: Wait, this whole story is taking in an alternative universe from our own and there is a portal to get here? Okay, after being bored the first week, that was kind of interesting.

Castle Rock: So the cult of the centuries old invasion of the body snatchers people do not bother to secure their snatchee’s? And they do not have to kill the people first? The first dude was definitely dead. Although now I am wondering how he was resurrected. Was just falling into the crypt enough to resurrect whatever snatched his body but everyone else has to go through that casket process? And just why are they waiting to kidnap Annie to be the vessel for their leader? And is because she killed that dude with an ice cream scooper the reason she is the best candidate?

But the bigger new in Castle Rock was the arrival of Annie’s step-mom, who promptly gets shot. But hey, we do know she can survive trauma to the gut because that was about where Annie stabbed her. Or maybe she will body snatched and survive that way. But who was Jot saying mom too? She does not want to call Annie her sister which makes me think she would not be ready to call the new lady mom. And what was the plan after she sedated her real mother? Just go back on the run with Annie? With the cops involved (and four episodes left) they clearly are not going anywhere soon now.
You can watch Castle Rock on Hulu.

Survivor: Island of Idols: I had a lot to say on Twitter while this was happening and I really do not want to relive these two hour so just head there to get my thoughts if you do not already follow me.
You can download Survivor: Island of the Idols on iTunes.

The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2: I really wanted T.J., famously hates quitters to lay into the Brits for just blatantly throwing a challenge. Really, they should institute a rule that if you are caught throwing a challenge you are automatically thrown into elimination, even switch the gender week if you have to. The show has just let these people ruin this season by pulling this crap. Sure it looks like they are finally doing something about it next week (though if they eliminate the two black players due to a swimming challenge that will be a bad look), hopefully it is not too late to save this season. Although this season is starting to look much better now airing after Survivor.
You can download The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2 on iTunes.

Almost Family: Brittney Snow being ashamed by doing just completely moronic this really is the best part of this show.
You can download Almost Family on iTunes.

The Good Place: Wait, the Blogger got 44% better over the year? How? I know we only saw about two and a half hours of the experiment but he ended by spreading gossip and fleeing when someone fell into a hole. Maybe since he started at so a low floor it was hard to get worse. But how does that explain Brett who got progressively worse until the final second when he started to apologize to get him to negative one percent. Although if the goal of this experiment was to get better, The Bad Place should have gotten great people who had very little room for improvement. Although now that the judge is going for a full reboot, should be interesting what comes next. I am going to go out on a limb and predict Team Cockroach finds a way to save humanity.
You can download The Good Place on iTunes.

Titans: Um, just how did Batman managed to get the female Titans to the same place at the same time? And why not try to get New Robin, Hawk, or Beast Boy there? Was it just so they could make the mansplaining joke? And why not just break out him out yourself or just have Bruce Wayne buy Old Robin’s release? Or was Bruce really there, he was still acting weird like in Old Robin’s fever dreams. Scarecrow toxin?

Then New Robin just randomly quoting maybe the fifth best West Side Story song was weird. Maybe more weird than him forking Deathstroke’s daughter. And with Rose telling her father she is out, did they just confirm we are in the middle of Judas Contact?

The Blacklist: Playing babies in anti-abortion crusaders… that is just a bit extreme. Of course the evangelical kept it and the politician did not. Although if the rapist was the biological father, where did the eggs come from? The crazy doctor? And just how can the baby survive in a man?
You can download The Blacklist on iTunes.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

57 Channels and Only This Is On: November 10, 2019

Supergirl: This whole season makes little sense with the Lena storyline, but the sentient tattoos made the season even more nonsensical. And I do not even want to talk about the Doc Oct rip-off in the Robocop helmet.
You can download Supergirl on iTunes.

Watchmen: Silk Specter made this episode a little less boring than the previous ones.

The Walking Dead: So Negan has his leather jacket back and a new bat. And then got captured by the Whispers. Maybe for the first time since being captured, the writers are going to finally give him something to do.

The Affair: Starting off the series finale with a flash dance. A flash dance with Helen’s neighbor that her boyfriend knocked up and then flew her across the country for her daughter’s wedding. Then there was just a random dude that I did not realize who it was until Noah mentioned his name and I finally realized, oh, that is the oldest son we have not seen since maybe the first season.

Then we finally got what I have been waiting for all season, Joanie meets a Soloway. I thought she may have bumped into one of the Soloway children, but no, she met an old Noah (in old man make-up that was very obvious him) who now owning the Lobster Roll. But what I never say coming was that the creepy reporter Joanie forked was Vic’s kid who gave a Spaceball’s explanation of how he was vaguely related to Joanie. Kind of made the whole series worth it for that scene alone.

But what a weird ending. This season seemed to be about Noah’s chickens coming home to roost set upon the backdrop of #MeToo. We the viewers knew some of those stories were made up and over-exaggerated, but Noah was still a pretty huge pervert who deserved some shame. But then they ended on a redemptive note, Noah outlive both his wives (I thought he was talking to Alison at the end; oh, and Helen’s mom lived to 100?), none of his children get even a mention in the future, and then he get the final shot doing the flash dance he choreographed as the final scene. But I kind of wish the whole season was this weird. The show set itself up as a super-serious piece of “art” but we never really got an explanation of two way some of the acts were wildly different telling of the same event. I guess Occam’s Razer is that was just how that person remembers things.

Mr. Robot: It only took me twelve minutes to realize, oh wait, no one is talking. Then two minutes later the guard whistled at Darla and I just rolled my eyes at the lengths they were going to pull off the now dialogue. Kind of a lame gimmick to pull off with so little time left. At least the one shot episode last season served a purpose and was by far the best non-season one episode. There were just too many times where there really should have been some dialogue. And I was a bit confused at where they broke into. Did this company just have a Soul Cycle open on Christmas Day?
You can download Mr. Robot: on iTunes.

His Dark Materials: This is the second attempt at adapting the books, the first bombed so bad it took down an entire movie studio. But after watching the first episode, maybe the book just is not something that should be adapted; the whole daemon thing just does not look good on screen and just comes across as weird when you see it in living color. And so far it is kind of confusing. I kind of need a Game of Thrones type map title sequence to give me an idea of where this is. Plus, and I really supposed to be scared of the chick from The Africa?

Castle Rock: Well, how Annie turned out the way she did makes much more sense now. Oh geez. Although her obsession with the song Let the River Run has a much darker context now. But from the moment that Rita started to show, I thought, oh no, is Annie going to kill her and steal her baby? Though I never thought that Joy could be her half-sister. Granted when we saw Annie’s wanted poster, it was only for murder, it did not say anything about kidnapping. But what I do not understand is where did Joy get the book. Did Annie just keep a copy this whole time; transfer it from computer to computer all this time?
You can watch Castle Rock on Hulu.

Survivor: Island of Idols: There have been plenty of dumb advantages but whatever they offered Janice may have been the worst. You get the triple wammie of not being trusted for playing it, not being able to vote, and then not even being able to view tribal Council. The Kellee was one of the most interesting plays in the history of the show. Then she managed to pull it off flawlessly and even had one unintended consequence of Jamal burning his Idol which then should put a target on his back which she clearly wants. As long as Dean does not blab about it, this may go down as one of the best moves in the history of the show. But she was one of four people targeted in the promo so maybe it will end up backfiring.
You can download Survivor: Island of the Idols on iTunes.

The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2: So now the British team has four actual British players and four non-Brits? It is a shame more people did not defect earlier. Really, Georgia, Bear, and Theo should have defected a long time ago when they realized they were never going to gain the numbers. But it will be funny if Cara/Paulie keep on sending in Americans who beat a Brit and then the “British” team then beats the Americans.
You can download The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2 on iTunes.

The Good Place: Oh wow, they finished the new experiment half way through the season. So what next (the title of the next episode seems like it could be a spoiler… or just something Jason says… or maybe both)? You got Simone and the blogger MIA, did they freeze or did they go so far that they are not affected? Could they have found their way to The Bad Place (or been kidnapped by Sean) and have to be rescued? That would be too close to last episode though. Ugg, they usually they give us a teaser of what to come instead of a huge cliffhanger like this.
You can download The Good Place on iTunes.

Titans: So did Raven know the gargoyle was going to go off and kill that dude or was it an unintended consequence? And just when is Old Robin going to get out of prison and how? Kind of seems like he know how but moneybags Bruce could always donate a win to get his release. Him just abandoning everyone just seems weird and these last too episodes just seems like a waste of time while they stall for the finale.

The Blacklist: So the baddie of the week was… a computer? Alrighty. But no fall out from Aram stealing the nametag from Red’s buddy. I thought for sure his new lady friend was nefarious, maybe she just is a thrill seeker and that was a complete coiuncidence.
You can download The Blacklist on iTunes.

Sunday, November 03, 2019

57 Channels and Only This Is On: November 3, 2019

Watchmen: So we actually got a quick answer to kind of a silly question from the premiere, how do two black people have three white children. Everything else was mostly confusing and still kind of boring.

The Affair: Ooo, our very first duel perspective… whatever that means. I am still not entirely what different things happening during different acts means. When it went back to Noah, I was convinced Helen was dead. But are we officially done with Joanie now? She has been absent for a couple episodes now and there is just one left.

Mr. Robot: Wait, Tyrell does not want to be killed by The Dark Army so he just walked away to bleed out to death in the wood? But I guess whatever that glowing thing will save him. But that storyline was still better than the FBI storyline where she pleasured herself to sleep on Christmas Eve where she dreamed about being killed by the Dark Army.
You can download Mr. Robot: on iTunes.

Castle Rock: I do not think Pops is done as done as the doctor thinks. I think that he can be reborn like his nephew. It was all but confirmed this week that is not the same nephew since his dog, who has better sense than Ace, wanted to attack him. But what exactly is he and what exactly does he know of Ace’s life? And what are these invasion of the body snatchers type people’s obsession with eggs? He did mention this started four hundred years ago and we learned that some thought it was witches while others think Satanist. But neither are known for body snatching.
You can watch Castle Rock on Hulu.

Survivor: Island of Idols: They did a good job making me wonder which way Aaron was going… right up until the point where he did not reciprocate dude’s fist bump. I do not even care if that was kind of a huge spoiler because it was just so forking hilarious. Not quite, “Natalie, can I have your jacket?” but it was up there.
You can download Survivor: Island of the Idols on iTunes.

The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2: I understand having an alliance with the other team to keep yourself from going in, but you have to draw the line somewhere, and that was a colossal dumb move by Joss. I get Kayleigh, she is the weakest and she needs to stick around by any means necessary, but for Joss to put in Georgia instead of Smashley just handed the Americans the win right there. Had he picked Smashley, best case scenario, the Americans loose two strong players and you gain one, worst case scenario, the U.S. loses one and you stand pat. Instead you risk the truly worst case scenario which would have been Georgia going home and Tori staying with the U.S. Picking Smashley may have been the only way the Brits could have win, yet Joss stupidly stayed loyal to people who will not be sharing their winning with him.
You can download The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2 on iTunes.

The Good Place:Mmmm, Michael let Bad Janet go. Kind of makes me think if the whole show has been a test for Michael to see if demons can be reformed.
You can download The Good Place on iTunes.

Titans: So if Starfire is now mad that her sister is queen, why did she leave and refused to return when summoned? Makes about as much sense as Batman not having voice mail. But why even wait until Superboy woke up? Why didn’t Old Robin call him when he arrived to let Superman know?

The Blacklist: So Aram just happened to crash the same wedding and just so happened to get the nametag as Red’s buddy? There has to be something else to his lady friend. She was a part of that death club so she is not above shady things.
You can download The Blacklist on iTunes.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

57 Channels and Only This Is On: October 27, 2019

Watchmen: So I take it, the old black dude at the end next to Don Johnson at the end was the young black kid escaping Tulsa at the beginning of the episode. But I found most of the premiere (aside from the awesome Oklahoma performance) pretty boring and confusing… so basically just like every other show ad film Damon Lindelof has been a part of.

The Walking Dead: So the gay dude has an Evil Dead arm now? Cool. But I forgot how many surrogate kids Carol had and they all died. Although I think she killed two of them because they were kind of psychopaths. Ugg, this show has been on way too long. I barely remember most of it at this point.

The Affair: I found it interesting that last week we got Whitney’s wedding prep through Noah’s eye but it was even more surprising that when Noah’s scandal broke, it was though Helen and Whitney’s eyes. Whitney’s act was partiularlly heartbreaking once I realized the douche she used to date was kind of her father and with her new guy she kind of turned into her mother. She has looked so beaten down this season I am beginning worry she will not make it to the end.

Mr. Robot: The annoying dude who was the only bad part of the first season is back? Oh joy. And White Rose listening to Culture Club was a bit gratuitous.
You can download Mr. Robot: on iTunes.

Wu-Tang: An American Saga: So the show just ends with Ghostface and RZA after they shot and robbed a crazy dude? For this whole time I was thinking this was a limited series, but I went back to the press release and it does call it just a series so I guess there can be more. So was RZA really robbed of his tapes and shot the dude to get them back? I do not remember that being in the Showtime doc. Nor do I remember Ghostface knocking up his sister. I kind of want to check his Wikipedia to see if Shuri is listed as one of his baby mama though we do not really know yet if she keeps the baby. If the show does get a second season, I hope they start calling themselves by the Wu names, I am still not entirely sure which ones are GZA, Inspechtah Deck, Cappadonna are or is they even included U-God yet.
You can watch Wu-Tang: An American Saga on Hulu.

Castle Rock: So is Annie crazy and she never killed the dude or is she crazy because she is seeing the dead guy? Or is there possibly a third option, she did kill him and he is back somehow? That is where I am leaning. But the one thing that bothers me with that theory, what happened to the big hole at the construction site? Did no one notice it? Did whatever revived the nephew fill it up?
You can watch Castle Rock on Hulu.

Survivor: Island of Idols: I got excited when they said there would be no Island of Idols this week, but unfortunately they seem to increase the amount of useless commentary from Sandra and Rob at Tribal Council this week.
You can download Survivor: Island of the Idols on iTunes.

The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2: Is Jordon really that stupid? Dude survived being murdered by Turbo earlier this season but them continued to goad him this week. At some point, Turbo is going to get through those security guards and murder Jordan and I will feel as sorry for him as I would someone who poked a bear one too many times.
You can download The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2 on iTunes.

The Good Place: Poor Jason, gets his heart ripped out by learning Blake Bortles gets traded. Later learns he was replaced by a Super Bowl winning quarterback only to find out he broke his clavicle. I do wonder if they will be able to work in Gardner Minchew II at all this season (the broken clavicle thing seemed to be added late). Although maybe because of Jeremy Blermiey, Jason may gets to get a Jaguar’s Super Bowl win in his afterlifetime.
You can download The Good Place on iTunes.

Titans: So where was Rose when all of this was going? Was she off at college? Did she learn about her father and bolted without bothering to tell her father? Is she even the daughter of Deathstroke’s wife? Does Deathstroke have side pieces? Did Jericho and the wife just not know about her which is why she was not even brought up?

Sunday, October 20, 2019

57 Channels and Only This Is On: October 20, 2019

Supergirl: So it was Lena who kidnapped Eve last week. Okay, that makes no sense. So what was the whole Leviathan thing that Eve was running from last season? And what the fork is going on with Lena? She just does not make any sense this season at all.
You can download Supergirl on iTunes.

The Affair: Noah is the protagonist of this show, but the way that reporter laid it out; Noah is a pretty horrible person. But the thing is, we do know he did not have sex with the publicist. Or did he as we have seen, how Noah’s scenes have shown up, they do not always line up what other people say it was. Could we get a flashback act from the publicist to get her side of the story? Or maybe the teacher’s assistant? I do vaguely remember thinking she definitely wanted to have sex with Noah. Or maybe that is what Noah though and her version could be completely different.

Mr. Robot: Wait, there is a third personality? People have long theorized that the American Psycho dude was also Elliot, and there were times I bought into it, but it just seems very unlikely at this point. But I did theorize that Darlene would start seeing Angela like Elliot saw Mr. Robot but she admits that she really does not see Angela. So maybe Angela is Elliot’s third personality. Seems plausible since she just died tragically. I kind of hope it is not someone we het that is still alive and the writers have to explain how Elliot was that person all along.
You can download Mr. Robot: on iTunes.

Wu-Tang: An American Saga: So dude is released from prison, commits aggravated assault on the guy who drove him home, shots his gun off when he arrives home, and starts killing people. I really hope that was some poetic license and not based on actual events because I really do not want to know people like that exists. But I am pretty certain this part was probably poetic license, but I liked how Ghostface’s little brother coins the iconic title, “Wu-Tang Clan ain’t nuthin’ ta fork wit.”
You can watch Wu-Tang: An American Saga on Hulu.

Survivor: Island of Idols: I have been harsh on the stupid Island of Idols twist this season, and it continues to be stupid, but at least Noura spending all that time practicing being the call only for her tribe to make here sit out meaning she loses her vote at the next Tribal Council. Or did she lose her vote at HER next Tribal Council? That was pretty unclear. Because if it was the former, it is kind of no harm no foul because her team won. Maybe this is why only someone from the losing tribe should be sent to the Island of Idols.
You can download Survivor: Island of the Idols on iTunes.

The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2: If the rest of the season boils down to Team Cara Maria vs. Team Georgia, consider me Team Georgia all the way.
You can download The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2 on iTunes.

Almost Family: Finally the guy Julia forked that might be her brother in the first episode is back. Thought I still find it weird that instead of finding out if they were related by looking at the DNA results, they just admitted it in that video. Also weird is that Brittany Snow is not the first Pitch Perfect actress to fork her half-brother on screen as Anna Kendrick already did that in A Simple Favor.
You can download Almost Family on iTunes.

Stumptown:So Donal Logue was evil… but not really. Alrighty. I still wish he was around for Dex’s 1500 hours. But I am sure he will pop up again eventually.
You can download Stumptown on iTunes.

The Good Place: Many people predicted that Vicky switched out Michael during the handover (I never bought it) but it turned out it was Janet that got kidnapped all along. So do they not really need Janet to keep the neighborhood together this whole time? That was just Bad Janet’s excuse to explain any hints that she was not Good Janet? I guess we should have all guess this when Janet rudely told Jason that the Jaguars traded Blake Bortles right after breaking up with him.
You can download The Good Place on iTunes.

Titans: Man, imaginary Batman was kind of annoying. If that is what Nightwing really thinks of him, no wonder he went to the other coast.

The Blacklist: When did Aram turn into James Bond? After he shot all the bad guys with their own gun and kissed the damsel in distress, I thought that was going to turn out to be a dream sequence and then Ressler and Lizzie would wake him up as they rush in to save the day.
You can download The Blacklist on iTunes.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

57 Channels and Only This Is On: October 13, 2019

Supergirl: Somehow it seems like Brainiac 5 got more annoying in between seasons. But anyway. I seems like the show is going to just rip off the most recent season of Young Justice with people being brainwashed with VR. And did Lena already get brainwashed? It seems weird how upset she was that Kara did not tell her about Supergirl, Kara finally tells her, pulls the story about at the last minute, but then still seems mad? Huh? And did Lena send the new owner another story or just nothing at all? If Lena always keeps her promises, and then reneges to the new owner, she is just doing what Kara did to her.
You can download Supergirl on iTunes.

The Walking Dead: So were are just under a decade into the apocalypse and a Russian satellite is just now falling to earth? Not bad craftsmanship. Other than that, kind of a boring premiere.

The Affair: Gee, Whitney is getting married and yet, we get to see the set-up from Noah’s point of view even though the only thing he did without her was get poison ivy and visit an empty house. Though as we see future Joanie, I have been wondering what her relationship to the Soloway’s is and here we at least see Noah try to see her. And as we have seen very different versions of the same events, we actually her two people talk about one of them, Whitney says her mother save her sister while Noah thought it was Alison. But that was the very first episode and I vaguely remember it happened let alone what Noah and Alison’s versions played it out. Then we got a definitive answer of what happened to Alison, her boyfriend did kill her. Admits it to but then claims she is crazy… should have taken him up on the whole killing him offer.

Mr. Robot: Last season during the one shot episode, I felt this building dread that Angela was not going to make it out of the building. Once she did, I thought it would be smooth sailing for her especially after turning out to be the powerful dude’s daughter… and then she gets her brains blown out first thing in the last season. But what a weird scene, for a while I thought that was still part of the “Previously On” because I vaguely remember old dude telling Angela she was his daughter in a place like that but then the scene just kept going making me realize a minute later, oh, this is new.

But is Angela really dead? Eliot is not the best narrator. We have seen him shot in the head before during the season where he had been in prison without telling us for almost half the season. Darlene did see her, sure in a coked up haze. Or maybe she is dead-dead but she pops up in Darlene’s head much like Eliot sees Mr. Robot. Then there is a way she comes back in the way White Rose promised Angela that she could see her mother ago with the machine she was building. Either way (or even the fourth way where she is dead-dead and we never see her again), I am kind of dreading the finial season the way I dreaded the final season of Game of Thrones)
You can download Mr. Robot: on iTunes.

Wu-Tang: An American Saga: Thankfully they put the real music video in the end credits to save me a trip to YouTube afterward. Goodness that was bad, I cannot imagine a Denise Williams sample would have made it much better. Having that song flop may have been the best thing that could have happened to RZA. Also, kudos, to the description maker of the episode that simply read, “Industry Rule #4080…” To the kiddies unaware, that is a line from A Tribe Called Quest which finishes, “record people are shady.”
You can watch Wu-Tang: An American Saga on Hulu.

Survivor: Island of Idols: I am not sure what was dumber, the girl alliance who got rid of Vince who was a solid number for them or Vince not using his Idol even though it was only good for two weeks. Probably Vince because he just followed countless others who think playing their Idol is a sign of weakness. But everyone thinks you have an Idol because you went to the mysterious Island of Idols, you can only play it twice (and who knows if you are going back the next week), you play it just in case people are trying to flush it.

But the women were pretty dumb to. In modern Survivor, voting to keep your Tribe physically strong is dumb. One, puzzles are the great equalizer now. Two, you are three weeks in, there is a swap coming soon, maybe next week. You have to think to yourself, who would I rather be swapped with, Vince, or one of the other three dudes you are wary of?
You can download Survivor: Island of the Idols on iTunes.

The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2: Good riddance Bear, please never come back.
You can download The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2 on iTunes.

Almost Family: Thankfully that found a much better shade of red for Brittany Snow this week. And I laughed pretty hard when Roxy said she would look after her father. That should end badly.
You can download Almost Family on iTunes.

Stumptown: I did not care too much for the first couple episodes because I was unsure what the show wanted to be. But if the show ends up being Dax following around Donal Logue, I would enjoy that show. Unfortunately it does not look like it will be that.
You can download Stumptown on iTunes.

The Good Place: So who was the hooded figure at the end? My first thought was death. But selfishly I hope it is The Real Eleanor.
You can download The Good Place on iTunes.

Titans: So all that to have Superboy save Jason Todd even though everyone even vaguely familiar with the comics knows he is going to die eventually? Meh, but I did like Krpto (even though he basically killed a dude) and the drunken lady doctor. If only Cadmus Labs on Supergirl had anyone as entertaining as her.

The Blacklist: So Lizzy’s mother is moving next door. But doesn’t Red visit regularly? Seems like she should be caught soon.
You can download The Blacklist on iTunes.

Sunday, October 06, 2019

57 Channels and Only This Is On: October 6, 2019

The Affair: After being completely missing last week we get a complete episode of just Joanie this week. Plus we got a confirmation of the timeline; Allison does not die for another two years. So we are three years until Noah’s movie gets made? They have taken some big time jumps on the show so it is nice that someone is paying attention. We also got Cole’s second wife in the future and a Noah mention, but I still wonder if she will ever run into the guy who raised her for a couple years or even the Soloway children. And if Cole was in his seventies when he died, is the army guy who killed Allison still alive to pay for his crime? All I know is I want more of that reporter.

Fear the Walking Dead: Well they finally took my advice to clear out the ghost town, but only after Ginny was on her way. Oh, and it turns out she evilly killed all those people. But how very Bond villain of her to just walk away and let Morgan die without seeing him actually die. Almost as silly of Grace not having radiation poisoning, but instead turned out to be pregnant.
You can download Fear the Walking Dead on iTunes.

Wu-Tang: An American Saga: Wait, Method Man played lacrosse? I kind of want a Method Man playing lacrosse spin off. Can we resurrect Rock ‘n’ Jock for a lacrosse game with Method Man and other celebrities we would have never guessed played the sport.
You can watch Wu-Tang: An American Saga on Hulu.

Survivor: Island of Idols: Last week’s premiere was a giant ball of flaming shirt. But I have softened on this season a little this week because Kellee is just content gold this week. And much like the lone bright spot of last season Lauren (not be confused with this season’s Lauren the killjoy), Kellee also played colligate soccer. But even Kellee could not do much to improve the borefest that is the Island of Idols. And unfortunately, unlike the lone bright spot of last week, they did not vote the annoying dude this week. Meh.
You can download Survivor: Island of the Idols on iTunes.

The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2: I had no idea until they went against each other this week that Nicole and Jenny were two separate people. And it was kind of lame that TJ let people sit out of trivia. Make everyone go at least once, that made no sense especially when people were going twice.
You can download The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2 on iTunes.

Almost Family: I did not have much expectation for this show considering the premise was so absurd, but I have to say the three sisters really made this show compelling. Though it is kind of silly that the black chick stole the chick with the bad redhead dye job’s boyfriend only for her to turn out to be a lesbian. But I will still watch every episode.
You can download Almost Family on iTunes.

Stumptown: Oh, so this is going to be a P.I. show? They kind of completely dropped the ball telling the viewer what exactly the show was going to be in the promo and the first episode.
You can download Stumptown on iTunes.

The Good Place: Oh wow, we learned a new curse word this week. And I have already called five different people deckheads so far since. But the sad day we all feared all summer finally happened this week, Jason learned the Jags cut Blake Bortles. Now if only he can meet Gardner Flint Minshew II.
You can download The Good Place on iTunes.

Titans: I think we all knew Jason Todd would die eventually, but is he really going to be killed by Deathstroke? And if that fall kills him, don’t you have to bring in Batman at that point, having his apprentice die?

The Blacklist: Oh yeah, Red got stabbed at the end of last episode. Could have used that in a “Previously On: instead of a flashback in the middle of the episode. I have trouble remembering things I watched last week let alone what I watched four months ago. But I guess we do learn around the same time Red does.
You can download The Blacklist on iTunes.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

57 Channels and Only This Is On: September 29, 2019

The Affair: Oh hey, even Sierra gets her own segment. Kind of weird to devote half an episode in the final season to someone who just popped up last season but was barely there even then. Considering the Helen-Noah exchange, I am a bit surprised that we did not get both sides of that scene. But I guess maybe we will see Noah’s side of it next week. Also a little weird that we got our first Joanie free episode, she is only getting about five minutes per episode to begin with and now she is getting nothing. I wonder when they will give her a full thirty minute segment or this is basically how they will be using her all season.

Fear the Walking Dead: I never understand why everyone on zombie shows find a place overrun by zombies so daunting. Create a bottleneck and kill them as they come out.
You can download Fear the Walking Dead on iTunes.

Survivor: Island of Idols: I was not expecting much because there are very few things I ever want on my television less than Rob but I have to say, somehow this premiere did not even meet my already low expectations. I may even go as far as calling it the worst season premiere in the history of the show. The season stated off on a bad foot because there was no Probst, no big mad dash for supplies, not even a challenge, just dudes walking onto a beach. So nothing really excited happened for about a half an hour.

Then after the challenge we got the Island of Idols, and boy was that excruciatingly bad, in an eighties train video on how to camp bad. Seriously, those two are just going to give everyone who visits a survival lesson each week. That is just boring. And why are they pulling names out of a bag? Have the winning team pick in the old day. Games of chance are boring.

As bad as the episode was, at least we got a happy ending with the most annoying dude going home first. Although, I cannot say there is anyone worth rooting for of those that are left. I guess I kind of am rooting for Elisabeth because I remember her watching her at the Olympics. But as a prediction, I will say… um, Vince I guess.
You can download Survivor: Island of the Idols on iTunes.

The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2: Usually competition shows go to an ad break leaving you thinking that the challenge is still in doubt so very weird to have TJ tell Johnny he missed something and then cut to break. So as a person who watches way too much television, it made me think that then Theo would screw up leading to a Johnny comeback. But no, after the break, Theo rolled to an easy victory after the Johnny mistake. But at least TJ told Johnny of the mistake compared to telling Laurel she won last week only to be, “oops” on review. But hey, good riddance Johnny, I really hope we never see you again.
You can download The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2 on iTunes.

The Good Place: I almost got the twist right. After spending the summer thinking of whom the two remaining people the demons picked, I settled on there being a real Real Eleanor whose Vicky skin-suit was based on. And then Vicky would kidnap her and torture the humans. Instead the demon who is always taking off his shirt was masquerading as a random old lady. Then the other new human was just a generic WASP who misses the good ol’ days. Actually kind of disappointing that the four new humans are the generic WASP, some random blogger, Chidi’s ex-girlfriend, and then Chidi himself. No Donkey Doug. No Dress Bench. No Blake Bortles. No Stone Cold Steve Austin. Oh well.
You can download The Good Place on iTunes.

Titans: Ew gross, Wonder Girl forked a fish. But it was nice to have an episode without the actual teen Titans around. But the question now is just who hired Deathstroke to kill off the Titans? Is Lex Luther too obvious of an answer? Though a Superman sidekick is not in the Titans so why exactly would he care?

Sunday, September 22, 2019

57 Channels and Only This Is On: September 22, 2019

The Affair: We finally got that Whitney centered act that I thought we should have gotten way back when Noah climbed into the hot to watch two chicks make out and one of the chicks turned out to be his daughter. She even manages to possibly start an affair her first time out. Although she may not go back to the guy who lets another guy watch. At least it worked out; she is getting her own gallery. That was better than Noah this week who just did stupid things after another.

Fear the Walking Dead: So why are the better tomorrow people bad? Sure they ruthlessly killed Logan, but they let Morgan and Al go when they broke in on behalf of the dude they were looking for. Hopefully they get fleshed out in these last couple episodes.
You can download Fear the Walking Dead on iTunes.

The Challenge: Well that was wild. I did think it was weird that Laurel just seemed shove that last flag in at the top. Also kind of weird that none of the production staff noticed that both Laurel and Ninja missed a hole. Usually when someone misses something, the cameraperson zooms in on it so everyone knows that something was missed. Everyone just seemed to drop the ball on that. It will be interesting to see how things move forward. I cannot see a way where any of the Americans not put one of their own in if they lose now. Or possibly they try to throw it again so an American is guaranteed to go home like this week or will the backfire this week will make them all try. But really, I am surprised that Ninja did not just ship, the americans are in free fall now so every Probing Ground winner would be wise to join up with the Brits. At least until they start to implode too.

Titans: So Wonder Girl just left Chicago without even noticing Starfire just disappeared? Alrighty. But I never thought they could find a character as annoying as New Robin, but Dr. Light is up there. I was kind of hoping they would just kill each other. But how bad are the original Titans that they needed the whole team to take him down but New Robin almost took him down singlehandedly?

Sunday, September 15, 2019

57 Channels and Only This Was On: September 15, 2019

The Affair: Considering how I was surprised that Helen was looking like she was going to hook up with “modern James Bond” I did find it interesting that the “modern James Bond” wants movie Noah to get bac with movie Helen by the end of their movie. Kind of says something if the show ends up going with the “modern James Bond” ending or go with the ending that Noah was adamant about. And then we got short scene of Joanie being extremely messed up and for the second time in three episodes where her scene ends with her ambiguously possibly dead. This is going to be a long season. I do wonder if we get another perspective in the future other than her’s.

Fear the Walking Dead: So just when the main antagonist of the season find a conscience, he gets shot in the head. And apparently by the person who hired him to get the oil. Alrighty. So that nerdy cowgirl chick is now the chief antagonist?
You can download Fear the Walking Dead on iTunes.

The Challenge: There are not many cases where I would actually root for Wes to win on the Killing Floor, but against Bear would be one. Meh. It would have been interesting had Wes won because it would have been the first time this season where there would be a serious question of if he would join the British team. Although maybe he could have been welcomed back into Team US and the two voted him in could be on the outs. The next episode is titled “Benedict Laurel.”

Titans: I wonder if the show will turn a corner after a pretty lackluster first season. The original four characters were a bore last year but Lyla Garrity and Wonder Girl are now cast members and provided the two best scenes this week. Rose Wilson seems intriguing, but it will be a bigger test when they give her father more screen time. Although Dr. Light was kind of silly but I do not see him being around very long with Hawk, Dove, and Wonder Girl heading to San Fran. But does no one care that Starfire just disappeared?

Sunday, September 08, 2019

57 Channels and Only This Is On: September 9, 2019

The Affair: Oh joy, we get three different perspectives on Vic’s funeral. But how obvious that Janelle was going to fork her ex-husband? What is the show without actual affairs? I do wonder if we ever get an explanation why we sometimes get wildly different versions now that we are in the final season. But Helen wasted no time in getting over Vic. I kind of thought for a second she would end back with Noah by the end of the series. There was a point during Helen’s act, I actually though Joanie may have actually died because it was getting kind of late. But now she is back on Montauk. I wonder if she runs into anyone we know. It sounds like Cole is dead, but I wonder what connections she has to Noah. He did raise her for a while. Maybe the show can come full circle and she can have an affair with one of the Soloway children while in Montauk.

Fear the Walking Dead: That storyline just really made me think of the time Rick on the main show ran into a preacher alone in his church who was testing his faith in the middle of the of the zombie apocalypse. So around the fifth season of the next spin-off, is someone going to run into an Iman testing his faith?
You can download Fear the Walking Dead on iTunes.

The Challenge;War of the Worlds 2: I did not really like the new tribunal rules when they were first announced last week but seeing them in action again it just makes less sense. Seriously, someone can just shout out I am the head of the tribunal? Seems like they could do this better. I think in the past when they had large team they would have captains and if the winning caption won they were in the power position but the losing captain was up for elimination. That just seems better.

Titans: I guess it was good they introduced Trigon in human form because he real form looked pretty bad. And where did he go? I though he gets trapped in Raven’s crystal. She just psychically pushed him into some wormhole thing and then everyone was like, alright, let’s go to San Fran. What an anti-climactic ending. And they had the entire year to come up with that. They should have just kept with that being the season finale instead a season premiere.

Thursday, September 05, 2019

The Most (and Least) Anticipated Questions of 2019-20 Television

The Challenge premiered last week, Wu-Tang: an American Saga started yesterday and Titans premieres tomorrow which means the slow start of the fall television is upon us until the flood gates upon in two and a half weeks when the networks unveil their line ups. As I usually do every fall, I am asking all the big questions heading into the new television year.

1. Will someone get into The Good Place for the first time in 521 years? You know it has gotten too hard to get into The Good Place when Doug Forcett is currently not on track to get there. But the judge has let Team Cockroach set up a new version to see if people can get in without having to worry about racking up negative point for doing things that in theory sound good like buying flowers for your mother because unfortunately too much gasoline was used to get them there. Of course The Bad Place it doing everything to keep their cupboards stocked by picking four people that will hinder The Brainy Bunch. Which adds a secondary question, who else did Shawn pick? We met an annoying blogger that triggered Tahani. When I heard Shawn got to pick, I initially thought Eleanor’s mom, Tahani’s sister. Chidi’s ex-girlfriend, and Donkey Doug, but the blogger really ruined that prediction. Chidi’s ex still seems very likely, but I really hope Donkey Doug makes an appearance.

2. Will Mr. Robot and Homeland stick the landing? Two shows that had meteoric rises that then had rough sophomore seasons. After seven seasons, Homeland has mostly ironed itself out (aside the season where Peter Quinn slowly and painfully died). Mr. Robot on the other hand has to iron itself quit quickly because this is it. Here is hoping one if not both of these shows can go out in the way they came in.

3. Will Disney+ be a Netflix killer? Netflix has been a behemoth for almost a decade now with even the deep pockets of Amazon, Facebook, and YouTube (who has already thrown in the paid streaming towel) unable to put much of a dent into it. But two companies with even deeper pockets, Apple and Disney are launching their own paid subscription streaming services this fall. Now if I am Netflix, I am not too worried with Apple (one word: Ping) who seems to be more along the lines of Amazon who seems more interested in selling other stuff (though that may change after Amazon bought the rights to tell Lord of the Rings stores for about a billion dollars) but Disney is pushing hard with big name IP (Star Wars, Marvel, Pixar, along with their classic animated movies) and a very nice price point at $7, one dollar cheaper than Netflix cheapest tier. Expect Disney+ gives you four log-ins to Netflix’s one, and 4K compared to standard definition For $13, Netflix will let you stream in HD on two screens while at that price, you still get Disney+ in 4K with four streams, but you also get ESPN+ and Hulu with ads (no Hulu ad free or live TV bundles announced yet). Disney+ also has discounted yearly rates. Sure these are introductory rates and I would expect a rate hike within five year, but I would still be worried if I were Netflix. And I have not even brought up HBO Max and the unnamed Comcast streamer both coming next year which will be taking two of Netflix’s biggest performers, Friends and The Office respectively.

4. How will Shameless move on without Fiona? After nine seasons it is an end of an era as Fiona finally cashed out and went south away from the bitterly cold Windy City. But there are still five Gallagher children left since Ian, who announced right after Fiona he was leaving the show only to announce his return months later; six if you count Franny and seven if you count Lip’s who is on the way (his baby mamma has been bumped up to series regular as well as Mickey who is regaining that status). So there will likely still be plenty of trouble brewing on the south Side.

5. Who is going to die/show up on Crisis on Infinite Earths? The former may be a bit easier to answer since Arrow has already cancel and the titular character has already been cast on a dude version of G.L.O.W. which I have zero interested in. Of course the comic book had two major death so there may be a surprised death (most surprising would be if it is the same as the comic book). So the bigger question is will there be any surprise appearances. Burt Ward from sixties Batman has been already announced as well as the voice of many Batman animated shows and movies Kevin Conroy. But will there been any surprise guest? Rumor that the three main Smallville actor may show up (Chloe is, um, otherwise busy). But can the lowly CW get anyone from the movies? Can they get anyone from the DC Universe show (the Swamp Thing cast is very avaiable right now) . I hear Ben Affleck is also very available to play his Batman. I just hope they land Black Manta or anyone from the upcoming Bird of Prey movie.

As the great philosopher Butt-Head once pondered, how would we know if something was cool if there weren't things that sucked; here are the five least anticipated questions:

1. Can the Titans defeat Trigon after he mind controlled Dick? Um, the trailer shows Raven with a gem in her forehead, so I am going to go ahead and guess yes.

2. What crappy IP can The CW exploit next? Half of The CW schedule is based on DC heroes (Batworman joins the fall lineup after a lackluster appearance in last season’s team up) that are not to say there is much for any new ideas. The only shows on the fall that are not based on existing IP is some football show and a show that is older than the network itself (granted two of the five midseason shows are original ideas) with dark Nancy Drew also joining the lineup. The Lost Boys has been in development there for a couple years, how long until they do dark Fat Albert?

3. Who will win the battle of Catherine the Great shows? Remember the nineties when there were two asteroid movies, two volcano movies, two Mars movies, and two insect animated movies release within months of each other? With the overabundance of airtime, we might get that version on television. Over the next couple months we are likely to have multiple shows based on a Russian Empress from the eightteenth century. Okay the two will likely be very different as seventy-four Hellen Mirren will star in the HBO adaptation starting October 21 while the Hulu version has twenty-one year old Elle Fanning playing a slightly younger version. No word when Hulu will premiere The Great but if you remember, earlier this year, Hulu surprise dropped their Frye Festival documentary just days before Netflix released their much hyped version. My guess is that the HBO show will get more viewers but the Hulu one will be much more entertaining.

4. Who’s going to watch CBS comedies? For most of this century, CBS comedies have dominated the rating but in the last couple years it has mostly being kept afloat by The Big Bang Theory. But that show is now gone and being replaced by… Bob Hearts Abishola. And as stupid as the name is, the trailer made it look really creepy as a hospital client starts to stalk his immigrant nurse. Then The Unicorn and Carol’s Second Act do not look much better. Compare that to NBC’s Thursday line up and the peacock may finally getting its Much See TV mojo back with the funniest show on television, The Good Place, the always solid Superstore and two freshmen show that look pretty good.

5. How can you make Survivor worse than Edge of Extinction? Well, have an island full of Idols that is inhabited by a giant bust of Boston Rob seems like a good start. Meh. Wake me up when they bring Lauren back.

Here is everything I will be watching this fall. Way too much on Sunday and Wednesday, the networks really need to stary spreading out their shows.

8:00 – The Neighborhood (CBS, September 23)

8:00 – The Little Mermaid Live! (ABC, November 5)
9:00 – Mix-ish (ABC, September 24)
9:30 – Black-ish (ABC, September 24)
10:00 – The Purge (USA, October 15)

Wu-Tang: An American Saga (Hulu, yesterday)
Castle Rock (Hulu, October 23)
8:00 – Survivor (CBS, September 25)
8:00 – The Goldbergs (ABC, September 25)
8:30 – Schooled (ABC, September 25)
9:00 – The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2 (MTV, Already Started)
9:00 – Not Just Me (October 2, FOX)
9:00 – Modern Family (ABC, September 25)
10:00 – Stumptown (ABC, September 25)

8:00 – Superstore (NBC, September 26)
8:30 – Perfect Harmony (NBC, September 26)
9:00 – The Good Place (NBC, September 26)
9:30 – Sunnyview (NBC, September 26)

Titans (DC Universe, September 6)
Light as a Feather (Hulu, October 4)
Dollface (Hulu, November 15)
Reprisal (Hulu, December 6)
Marvel’s Runaways (Hulu, December 13)
8:00 – The Blacklist (NBC, October 5)

8:00 – Ray Donovan (Showtime, November 17)
9:00 – Supergirl (The CW, October 6)
9:00 – The Walking Dead (AMC, October 6)
9:00 - Watchmen (HBO, October 20)
9:00 – Shameless (Showtime, November 3)
10:00 – Mr. Robot (USA, October 6)
10:00 – Silicon Valley (HBO, October 25)
10:00 – Kidding (Showtime, November 3)
Brain Games (Nat Geo, December 1)

Sunday, December 23, 2018

57 Channels and Only This Is On: 12/23/2018

Ray Donovan: Wait, Bridget is old enough to drink? Wasn’t she banging her teacher two seasons ago? I was shocked she did not get carded. Maybe there was a time jump I am not remembering. But I see now why Bunchy was running after that car last week, I did not see who got in that car, I was thinking since they were at a church it was a priest. And you knew it would happen, too many punches are making Terry shake again. Back to Ray, I have no clue where this season is going now. I figured he would find a way to get the mayoral candidate he was forking elected but now I wonder if he would really help Susan Sarandon. Is there a way to do both? That if he gets out of the crazy house. And should I know who the bald person was at the end? Connor? A metaphor? Just a random patient singing?

Survivor: David vs. Goliath: As great as this season has been, probably the best in at least a decade, it is kind of disappointing and kind of clichéd that in a season that pitted David’s vs. Goliath’s, that a David was able to beat five Goliath’s in the end. But really all I want is Angelina in the next couple all-star season. Only she could make a clue that was so simple look so complicated.

Speaking of all-stars, we are getting four returning players next season. Meh. As great as this season was, whenever the show mixes returning players with new ones rank as the worst. Especially the ones where it is just one returning player per tribe.
You can download Survivor: David vs. Goliath on iTunes.

Vikings: I was wondering why they ended the last episode on a cliffhanger when it seems very much like Igar was threatening his brother. But the big reveal turn out to be a fake Lagatha. Kind of lame. I am a bit surprise that Ivar did not punish his brother for the insubordination at the feast. And that was a large family to expel from his settlement. That is probably a mistake for everyone. But a melancholy happy trails to the seer. I kind of missed why exactly Ivar killed him.
You can download Vikings on iTunes.

Timeless: So we get a movie to wrap everything up except it kind of felt like just two episodes strapped together. But it was kind of weird that Lucy never bothered to get her sister back. It is one thing to save someone from dying like Wyatt did with his wife, but the wife was fated to die, the sister should exist. And I wonder if that Asian chick from the end who had designed for a time machine was the granddaughter of the North Korean the team saved?
You can download You can download Timeless on iTunes.

Titans: There is nothing I hate more than dream sequences and what a complete waste of a finale to spend basically the whole time in Robin’s darkest timeline. And this felt like a penultimate episode and next week the Titans find a way to save Robin and defeat Trigon. Was that the original idea because his season was supposed to twelve episodes? Did the show just simply run out of money? But hey, we did get an end credit scene and… um, does anyone care about Super Boy? I was actually more excited to see Krypto.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

57 Channels and Only This Is On: 12/16/2018

Supergirl: These crossover events are just getting lamer. And that potential Bat Woman spinoff looks like it would be abysmal unless they for some reason find a way for Saturn Girl to be part of the show. Or, how about just giving Saturn Girl her own show?
Supergirl on iTunes.

Ray Donovan: So Bunchy is going to turn himself in, yet Micky is able to push a cop down and that geriatric that just had a heart attack can outrun him. Alrighty. But I feel bad for Bridget, she moves across the country only to have her father follow her and get her in danger almost instantly. Maybe she can move back to California, or just find her brother and go there because clearly no one cares about him. But I found it weird that Ray was turned on the mayoral candidate so quickly considering he just forked her last week (literally) and then (figuratively) forked her this week. What exactly is Ray’s play? Is he really going to let her lose? Or is he going to end up framing her opponent for killing the gaured that Bunchy wacked? That would be a very Ray Donovan thing to do.

Survivor: David vs. Goliath: If I were to rank my ten favorite Survivor moments, I am sure a couple of the slots would go to fake Idols being played (“It’s a forking stick”) but I have to say, Nick “finding“ the fake Idol he planted to stop other people from looking was brilliant. Well almost, Davie still looked for, and found a clue. And Davie wisely did not give up his vote for a chance to play it later. He ended up getting a few votes. But poor Nick, not only did that fake Idol did not work in keeping people from looking, him playing his fake Idol did not give him the correct response to not play the Idol he did not need to play.
You can download Survivor: David vs. Goliath on iTunes.

Vikings: Yep, the real baby daddy of the princess had to die. I kind of figured that would be the end to avoid him saying anything. Oh yeah, Ragnor’s other son is back. How long has it been? A couple seasons but decades on the show? And who exactly is the sacrifice? They certainly made it seem to me that Ivar was talking about his brother when he brought it up to him. So why end on a cliffhanger, does that mean it is someone else?
You can download Vikings on iTunes.

Titans: So Beast Boys sees some chick wield a golden lasso and his first thought was this much be Wonder Girl? Um, does Wonder Woman not use one in this universe? Then I mostly laughed when White Sean from Rescue Me walked out of that mirror. Not exactly who I picture when I think of Trigon, a larger than life villain with red skin, antlers, and more than two eyes. But I guess the biggest thing that happened this week was the promo for the season finale (wait, there are only eleven episode, kind of a weird number) with Robin taking on Batman. Though it seems pretty obvious all those scenes are from some warped reality, pretty much what exactly The CW crossover did this week.

Nightflyers: I actually enjoyed this week’s episodes more than the first batch because it seemed like they were actually going somewhere. There was that cool scene with the captain surviving the decontamination because apparently he is not an organic material. Although kind of gross when it was sort of revealed he has been forking what you could call his sister. Seriously, what is with all the incest in George R.R. Martin’s work? But what a clusterfork of an ending.
You can download Nightflyers on iTunes.

Sunday, December 09, 2018

57 Channels and Only This Is On: 12/9/2018

Supergirl: Wow, that has to be the lamest superpower ever. But hopefully this is the last we see of Agent Liberty now that he is in jail because that storyline sucked. But I have a sinking suspicion the mysterious figure he was talking to on the phone this week was the new president so he may get out sooner than later.
Supergirl on iTunes.

Ray Donovan: Wow Teresa sure was able to get to New York pretty quick. I know Terry said he would need Bridget to look after the kid for a couple days, but it did not seem that long.

Survivor: David vs. Goliath: Every season, as it starts to wind down, someone I barely remember pops up with a plan that makes me go, really, you have been hiding in the shadows this whole time and that is your big plan to win over the jury. Davie is that person this season. The rest of the tribe wisely realizes that Christian would win in a route and blindside him because he has an Idol. But Davie in all his infinite wisdom tells Christian this… and then still votes for him. What? I kind of hope he makes the final just so I can hear his explanation as to why he thinks he played the best game.
You can download Survivor: David vs. Goliath on iTunes.

Vikings: Ooo, Ivar’s new bride is a spicy minx. He may not be able to produce an heir, but that is not going to stop her from giving him one. But what will the baby daddy say about the heir to the throne? Speaking of heirs, interesting Alfred is trying to convert the pagans to Christianity much like Ragnar once practiced (though I do not remember him renouncing his God, just doing a hybrid). And so much for the bishop going back to his vow of celibacy. That did not last long. Speaking of forbidden love, it looks like Bjorn has the same penchant for banging princesses as his father.
You can download Vikings on iTunes.

The Good Place: I never thought we would get to the actual Good Place this season, maybe the season finale at the earliest. And how disappointing that I have spent the last three years trying to maximizing my Good Place points only to learn no one has gotten in there in centuries. No more snail funerals for me.
The Good Place on iTunes.

Blindspot: So Zapata is caught and Jane as gone full loony. I thin last week may have made for a better mid-season finale.
You can download Blindspot on iTunes.

Titans: I recently signed up for DC Universe and finally caught up on the show and, well, you would think of how much the DC movies have gotten panned for being too dark and gritty, they would not make a show that was too dark and gritty. But alas, here we are. Though the most recent was the best so far. Having Lyla Garrity helps, she has been in a coma way too long. But really, it is not a good sign when the two best episodes spent not much time on the Titans because the Doom Patrol episode was the second best.

Nightflyers: Well, this George R.R. Martin adaptation is certainly no Game of Thrones. And really it run into the same problem every spaceship television show run into: the ship is too small making the show too claustrophobic for ten hours o so. You really need to spend some time outside.
You can download Nightflyers on iTunes.