Showing posts with label Star Wars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Star Wars. Show all posts

Sunday, November 13, 2022

57 Channels and Only This Is On: October 13, 2022


The White LotusThe youngest of the all guys family seemed to be trying a little too hard and I have a feeling he may be just as bad as his father and grandfather.  But I am really beginning to think bring back Tonya was a bad idea.  She is the person I want to spend the least amount of time with.


The Walking Dead:  Oh no, they put Negan in front of a firing squad.  Of course that would have been more effective had they not just aired a commercial saying his spin off was coming next year.  Oh hey, and that one guy we have not seen for a few seasons is back.  I thought he might have been dead but apparently he was a Oceanside this whole time, a place the writers seemed to have forgotten about until this week.


Let the Right One In:  Oh, there have been two timelines this whole time.  Seems kind of an unnecessary plot twist that did not have much of an effect on the plot.  But is the daughter just pure evil now and that three month jump was to yadda-yadda a slow heal turn?  I also have to wonder why a father of a vampire daughter for ten years now does not have a refrigeration system in place for situations like this.  The guy died in a restaurant, just hide it is the freezer for a while.  But now that the drug dealers think the guy was killed by users and the warehouse has been cleaned out, I wonder what that means for the two storylines intertwining again.  Will dad continue to find the source of the drugs?  How long before he actually finds the top of the supply chain?  End of the season?  How long do they think this show can even go?  That girl is not going to look like a seventh grader for very long.


Quantum Leap: So Al’s daughter was able to hijack Ben’s leap last week but could not find him again?  Why not try and follow him to his next leap?


Andor: I mentioned how these three episode arcs would make for a better movie than episodic television, I ended up being unable to watch the last three episodes until this week and I got to say I was right.  I liked this third arc much better watching them in quick succession than I did those first two arcs having to wait for them weekly.  Though I have to nitpick that none of the inmates were smart enough to grab the guard’s boots.  Sure, they short circuited that floor, but what about the other floors?  And what happens to the boss who cannot swim?  Does he find a floatation devise?  Does Andor steal a ship and go back for him?  Is he just going to be recaptured by the guards when everyone else leaves?


The Handmaid’s Tale:  I am pretty surprised that June et al did not end up in New Bethlehem.  Why bring that up as an option.  And then, why did Moira and Martha did not go with June?  And why did they think a train would be much better than flying?  If they would search for him at the airport, of course they would also be at the train station.  Why not just drive to Alaska?  The southern border is extremely porous.  But of course Serena was on the train, which was the easiest prediction to make.  Now the big question is how will those two mothers bring down Giliad from so far away?  I still think they will make their way to New Bethlehem eventually.


Survivor:  It is always a good episode when the people on the bottom of an alliance realize they are on the bottom and flip.  Though, I do not remember a time when the people realize they are on the bottom, make plans to flip, but do not.  If not now, when?  And why did Cassidy still vote for Ryan?  Was she out of the loop, or was this on the very off chance Janine had something?  Or just simply out of spit?


The Challenge: Ride or Dies:  Oh Michele, how did you ever win Survivor making decisions like that?  Oh course you throw in the duo that sent you in.  Now you just pissed off a new team and I doubt Nany and Johnny will reciprocate any time soon.  And you threw in a rookie team that would have had your back and now they are gone and that is less numbers for you.  I have a feeling with Kim gone, Michele will be sent in every time until she loses.  Had that been Nan vs. Laurel, that would have been a win-win whoever got sent home.


Stargirl:  Okay, the Ultra-Humanite sounds awesome.  I hope we get flashbacks to the time he put his brain inside that actress.  Though there goes my perdition that Dragon King was the killer.  Granted, it turned out someone came back from the dead, just not Dragon King.  But how did icicle get revived?  Did someone collect all the ice cubes, lent them melt, they freeze the water?  Seems far-fetched, but in the comics, pretty much anything can happen.  Maybe the most obvious answer was the Pink Pen granted a not specific enough wish.


Titans:  For a second there, I thought the elf was the evil chick who stole Raven’s power.  But have to wonder how the prison was able to contain Jinx if she could so easily transport herself just by taking off her shoe.


Pennyworth:  So Batman’s aunt is joining another cult?  And the doctor at the start of the season is just dead now?   But R.I.P. Captain Blighty.  It will be hard to think of a more mailed-in performance in recent memory.

Sunday, October 23, 2022

57 Channels and Only This Is On: October 23, 2022


House of the Dragon:  So the cripple is into feet.  At least the writers finally gave some of these side characters some actually characterization.  Then you have Cristen Cole straight up murdering some random dude that we barely met with multiple people watching… and once again gets a promotion afterwards. Speaking of characters we barely met, were we really supposed to care about the twins with the same name racing against Cristen and One Eye to find Aemon?  It does not seem like much would be different on who got there first and that was the bulk of the episode.  Buy Rhenese if off to tell Rhenira about the Green’s plan, thus finally starting the Dance of the Dragons.  I guess the old head of the Kingsguard will join them.  But why exactly was he just able to leave with no problem, but they quickly stopped and hung the other dude?


The Walking Dead:  Oh, so the mayor wants to put all the blame on Eugene even though she knows her former lackey was the one that had the zombies released.  So I guess that is where the tension will come from.  Well that and the new climbing zombies.  But when are we going to get the fast zombies we were promised during Worlds Apart? And which variant is more frightening?  But back to the mayor and her lackey, what was going on with the kid zombie, at first I thought she was going to like the kid zombie eat the lackey, but then brought in another body to eat, so what is the lackey supposed to do?


Let the Right One In:  Okay, those monkeys are creepy.  But if the monkey could break its restraints, why couldn’t the brother?  But the sister was quick to learn that is was not just their blood and blood banks that were keeping the brother fed.  And who was that henchman working with and how much does the other guy know?  The father said it was just those two.  The henchman also ran into the other storyline, I wonder just how often those two storylines intercut this season.  And what will the henchman do when he learns the boss owns that car?


Quantum Leap:  I first though the guy who knew ben was with Al’s daughter, but why would Ben be following him?  Could there be a third team out there leaping?  But can that dude actually see Ben, or did he somehow know that the person he leaped into was not really that guy and guessed it was Sam?  And if not Al’s daughter, does that guy have a hologram following him around?  Would Ben be able to see them?  And most importantly, why no teaser of where Ben leaps next week?  But overall, seems way too early to be breaking the rules of the original and leaping to a time earlier than the leaper.  That was a big no-no in the original. 


La Brea:  The killed off the chick who knew how to get in the tower?  I am beginning to think this is a The Hatch situation where it takes way too long to get into.  Though, since this is a time travel show, that chick it out there somewhere.  But the Isaiah family tree is confusing.  So his mother is in 1987, who presumably will travel back in time with her husband and father, conceive Isaiah, leave her father to raise her son?  When do they go back in time?  Where exactly is 60(ish) year old mom now?  Where is dad at any age?


Andor: Oh wow, The Waif sure cleans up nicely.  I needed context clues to even realize that was her (though I needed someone to inform me that the Lady in Red was the shop assistant).  But my problem with the first with the first six episodes was they seemed like two district movies that did not have much to do with each other besides the lead character. You could have started on episode 4 and not be confused for the next two episode. Finally, those two blocks of episodes are coming together.  I am guessing this next block will be Bix and / or Vel (I definitely did not have to look up those names) breaking Andor out of prison.  Vel is certainly not actually going to kill him, letting him rot in prison knowing what he knows also seems risky.


The Handmaid’s Tale:  I was annoyed after making Serena slowly more sympathetic only for her to become pure evil again seemingly just to fill the main antagonist roll with Fred gone. But I guess the writers are trying to make Serena sympathetic again. She is beginning to feel like one of those WWE wrestlers who go back and forth being the good and bad guy every other feud they are in.  But who is the antagonist of the show now?  The family that was keeping Serena hostage?  Is Lawrence finally going to go full heel after going back and forth more often than Serena?


Tell Me Lies:  Well, the promo monkeys fooled me into thinking it was the brother who fell off the deck.  Instead it was Wrigley whose football career may be over.  But now that almost everything is out there, it feels like the levee is going to break in the finale and I am all for it.  Will someone have photographic proof of Stephan and Macy that night?  Was Facebook a big thing at that time?  Will we get to see what happened that night?  I am not sure I believe Stephen’s retelling, I would really like to see how that night unfolded myself.


Survivor:  Voting out Geo was the right move, you do not want to blindside someone who can turn around and steal your Idol, but I wished the Survivor Gods somehow willed Ryan to be voted off after one of the misguided plays of all time.  Also pretty dumb: Janine and Jesse risking their vote.  I am not sure what is dumber, losing your vote with so few people in your tribe, or losing your vote with the merge on the horizon?  So Geo is out and the other two lost their vote.  Compare that to the last time here Noelle came out of it with an Extra Vote and a secret alliance.  Do not be greedy people.  At least Janine still has her Idol, Jesse is out a vote and one of his tribe mates he was ready to vote out has every reason to join her secret alliance over him.  A lot of moving parts next week (even though no dumb turn back time this season, but the preview made it look like there will still be a dumb twist), Jesse seem like the most likely to get voted out next week.  Unless he somehow benefits from whatever the new dumb twist turns out to be.


The Challenge: Ride or Dies:  Ugg, I was so glad when Kacee and her loser brother were booted, why were they brought back?  I was so happy to have a season with no Josh and very little Kacee.  Plus they really need to outlaw helping people during the elimination.  It is so stupid they allow that.


Stargirl:  Oh yeah, I completely forgot they left the Green Lantern storyline on a cliffhanger.  I also forgot Keith David was playing a talking skull.  Cool.  Since this was just “Part 1” I guess we will continue this diversion from who killed The Gambler.  Though, at this point, it is pretty obviously Dragon King.


Pennyworth:  So V (of Vendetta fame) is just some aging hippy?  That is a huge letdown.

Sunday, October 16, 2022

57 Channels and Only This Is On: October 16, 2022


House of the Dragon:  They say when you lose one of your senses; it heightens the others you have left.  I was unaware that if you lose an eye, you will increase in height so much you start towering over your older brother.  It feels like they mixed up like casting.  This Aemond looks more like the Aegon we saw last week.  But now that Viseris is dead, it feels like this show can finally start.


The Walking Dead:  So everything is peachy keen between everyone?  With a few episodes left, I cannot image this truce will last long.


Kevin Can Fork Himself:  So Kevin was an abusive douchebag this whole time.  Unfortunately that actor is not very good and still came off as goofy.  But then again, none of the actors did a very good job switching between sitcom and drama.


Quantum Leap:  It is kind of cool that Ernie Hudson was one of the people Sam leaped into during the original season.  If we keep meeting the people who Sam saved, that would almost make the present day interesting.  But I would still be fine if they dumped that storyline completely.


La Brea:  So all that in the premiere and Scott could not get into the building even though the opened the secret passage way.  Why even go back to the clearing, just steal the key yourself?  That all just seemed unnecessarily complicated.  Hopefully we actually can get into the building next week.  Also unnecessarily complicated: getting caught going out the front just so they would have to go out the back way.


Andor:  I am beginning to think it would be best wait until every third episode and watch that three episode block as a movie.  Those first two episodes of the block so far have been slow and plodding, but those third episodes do end up delivering.


The Handmaid’s Tale:  When I said Serena could find a driver who was better than Ezra, I certainly was not expecting for her better than Ezra to be June.  I guess she finally realized she was being held captive and this was her only way out of that house.  But now what?  Are she and June just going to become buddies now?  Will Serena help June save her husband if June helps her escape those people keeping her prisoner? 


Then back in Giliad, things certainly escalated quickly with that commander not getting even a fair trial, just shot in the middle of lunch.  But how silly that Aunt Lydia is perfectly fine with the rape ritual, but gets extremely high and mighty if the rape does not happen exactly as with tradition.  I wonder if others start telling her stories because that could lead to the death of almost every commander except for maybe Lawrence and Nick.  But what exactly will become of Esther?   Does Giliad have exceptions for rape?  Will she be placed somewhere else?  Maybe Lawrence or Nick will take her in.


Tell Me Lies:  I am beginning to think Lucy might just be the psychopath that Stephan is.  Making out with your boyfriend in front of his ex while she is trying to perform is some next level stuff.  But did the Next Week On really just spoil what happens with Drew?


Survivor:  Whenever someone does not use their Idol or gets blindsided, I sit from my couch wondering why everyone is not just constantly paranoid.  But we did see this week what happens when you are constantly paranoid and that may get you out quicker than not being paranoid.


The Challenge: Ride or Dies:  Kacee and Kaylah gone in the first episode?  How did we ever get so lucky?  Except they ruined that high by bring back Johnny.  And apparently Kacee can be seen in the This Season On, which makes it likely that she replaces Nany who is seen with a neckbrace.  Sigh.  Next thing you know, they will find a way to bring in Josh.  The Senior Tour cannot return soon enough.


Stargirl:  Finally, Shiv and Wildcat going at it after snipping verbally for the whole season.   Bet Shiv would have liked the nerd quad on her side after being outnumbered.  But how are they going to explain how her father survived death?  There are kind of an endless list of options in the DC Universe.


Big Sky:  So is this show procedural now?  Because this small Montana town may end up having the same murder rate as the town Jessica Fletcher lived in (R.I.P. Angela Lansbury).


She-Hulk:  That finally was a little too cute.  All that build up just for one big fake out. But then again, I have never been that big a fan of meta comedy.


Pennyworth:  It is obvious that Martha with forgive Thomas, Batman still needs to be conceived, but I wonder just how long will it take her to trust him.  There is also the question is if that is a onetime thing, or will he react that way every time her hears the song?  And was that V of V for Vendetta fame at the end?


A Friend of the Family:  Here is another show where the middle child seemed to have a much bigger growth spurt than the eldest child.  But what bizzaro world that someone gets sentenced for five years, but only serves fifteen days?  I understand being lenient on first time offenders, but maybe not be lenient on kidnappers, especially cutting their prison time by 99%.


Sunday, September 25, 2022

57 Channels and Only This Is On: September 25


House of the Dragon:  We have heard about her for a while and we finally get to meet Daemon’s wife and she did not disappoint, just mocking him, she will be a great addition to the cast… oh wait, she is already dead.  Well, fork.  Also gone really quick, the Sea Snake’s kid’s lover.  Maybe not try and blackmail a King’s Guard member.  Sign and now we are in for the largest time jump.  Shockingly the king was still in the previews for next week.  Just how long is that dud going to survive.


Tales of the Walking Dead:  A strong end to the season, I am always down for a haunted house (though not really down for bird murder).  Here is my official ranking of season one:

1)      Evie / Joe

2)      La Doña

3)      Blair / Gina

4)      Amy / Dr. Everett

5)      Dee

6)      Davon


City on a Hill:  I am actually a little surprised that the priest was the one who took a shot at Jackie.  Though, the suspect was very long.  Also surprising is that Dryden got wind of the investigation into him.  Will they be able to take him down with just one episode left this season?


Quantum Leap:  I have been asking for a reboot of this show ever since the reboot craze started about a decade or so ago.  Unfortunately they did not take me up on my suggestion of having Sam be the new Al.  They could not even get Scott Bakula at all.  After seeing what the show became, I am not surprised that he passed on the show.  What a flaming piece of hot garbage filled with too many people who cannot act including a scientist who thinks it is socially acceptable to show up to work in a suit fashioned like a crop top. As a whole, they just spent way too much time in 2022.  I vaguely remember one episode of the original spending one episode mostly in its present day, but was about it.  We rarely ever saw Al not in hologram form. This show needs to make a hard pivot and soon.  Have Ernie Hudson be the new Al, have Al’s daughter, who I am guessing will turn out to be doing her own rogue Quantum Leap program, and just get rid of everyone else from 2022.


Reboot:  Okay, I laughed way too hard at the song they played at the end of episode two.  But the Hulu executive may end up being the sneaky best part of the show, but I kind of feel bad for the actual head of comedy (but hey, they did give up this show, Only Murders in the Building, Dollface, and The Great).  And you have to wonder who at the network force the writer to cast some hot chick who cannot act, because dudes 18-34 do not care about acting skill.  The guy did create Modern Family so…


Andor: Call me old fashioned, but I prefer my television shows to be, you know, television shows.  While this show looked great, the performances were good, but the first three episodes felt more like a two hour movie split into three than three actual episodes of television.  But anyway.  Is that lady mechanic supposed to be Andor’s sister?


The Handmaid’s Tale:  So One Eyed Willie survived, but did the other one survive?  It probably would be hard to just have her trying to kill herself every week.  But the big news of the week was that Serena tried to stay in Gilliad.  Wouldn’t she have to stand trial like Fred?  Does no one know she was the reason Fred was even captured by the Canadians.  I laughed at the American dude asking why she would want to go back when she was free now… and promptly put her back in detention when she was returned to Canada.


Tell Me Lies:  Nothing says bad parent quite like casting Peggy Bundy.  I laughed when Lucy tried to insist she had the worse mother.  Sure she may have forked another dude while your father was dying, but it is not like she sits on the couch all day eating Bon Bon’s.  But I really missed the side characters this week.  I really came to the realization this week that Stephan and Lucy may be my two least favorite characters on the show. But Lucy finding Stephan’s drawing at Macy really made me wonder when those pictures on his computer are from.  I was thinking they were taken at college, but now I am not sure.  But if they were taken while they were still in high school, that would make her very underage at the time.


Survivor:  Oh wow, I do not remember the last time the most annoying person went out first.  Usually annoying people are kept around because they are easy to beat at the final Tribal.  Okay, it was actually her clothing choice that was annoying; the elevator salesman probably had the more annoying personality.  I am just glad I do not have to spend most of the season staring at that rainbow outfit after having to look at that extremely annoying ostrich shirt for most of last season.


Stargirl:  I have been defending Shiv’s innocence all season, but now that she is growing her father’s dragon skin, the same time of dragon skin found at the crime scene.  Though, I do wonder if maybe there is a Jekyll and Hyde thing going on.  Or maybe her dead father is somehow taking over her conscience.


Resident Alien: So they killed off the alien tracker right after he found his kid?  That was cruel.  So what exactly happened to the kid?  Id the reason why the aliens stopped taking the tracker to his kid because the government captured him?  But where are the aliens that had him in the first place?


Big Sky:  I forget what happened to the Indians and why their henchman is now with Meadow Soprano, but Reba McIntire is a massive downgrade.  But obviously she was going to turn out to be the big bad of this season; it looks like she went into her plastic surgeon and asked for The Joker.


Tuesday, September 06, 2022

The Most (and Least) Anticipated Questions of 2022-23 Television


The start of the television season is upon us, though it feels like it already started as many big shows started last week.  Though, it reality, it feels like the television season did not even end with a constant stream of notable shows popping up during what typically been a barren wasteland for scripted television.  But I digress.  The unofficial start of the television season is when I like to ask a couple questions that hopefully get answered by the end of the season… if the season actually ever ends in the era of streaming.


      1.       Who Will Win the IP War: Marvel, Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings, or Star Wars?  Labor Day is when temperatures start to fall with the unofficial end of summer, but things are already heating up on television.  We have three episodes of She-Hulk and House of the Dragon as well as two episodes of Rings of Power.  Then the day before the official first day of fall, Andor premieres.  Marvel, Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings, and Star Wars represent the three biggest names on television right now (sorry DC and Walking Dead who also recently launched less buzzworthy shows).  HBO says Hot D got 10 million viewers for its premiere and increased that for the second episode.  Then Prime said 25 million people watched Ring (though a bit apples to oranges because Hot D was just Americans and Rings were worldwide).  The Ploose did not give out She-Hulk numbers, but something called Samba TV claims 1.5 million households watched the premiere, but again households to people can be apple to oranges).  That viewership went up seems like Hot D is currently in prime position to win the IP wars.  The low states comedy of She-Hulk will probably come in last with Andor being the dark horse.  The last two Star Wars shows were not well received but Rogue One was one of the bright spots of the Disney era Star Wars properties.  But what is clear, there will be a round two.

      2.       Who the Fork Is Lottie Matthews?!?  Fewer things got me more hyped while watching television over the past year than listening to Natalie’s voice mail on Yellowjackets when her AA sponsor found out who emptied Travis’s bank account and asked her, “Who the fork is Lottie Matthews.”  Sure, my theory that Lottie was Pit Girl went out the window, but considering how Lottie went from a background character to a crazy Antler Queen, I am not disappointed.  If she could go off the rails after a couple months, just how crazy has she become twenty-five year later?  Unfortunately the show already spoiled her acolyte Van is still alive when they announced Lauren Ambrose has been cast as an adult version.  Elijah Wood has also been cast, but thankfully not as adult Javi in another spoiler, but as one of Misty’s Citizen Detectives.

      3.       What Now on The Handmaid’s Tale?  After three seasons of torture porn, June actually managed to escape Gilliad last season and celebrated by brutally murdering Commander Waterford.  So what do you do after escaping and killing your capture?  Well, June still needs to rescue her daughter who is still in Gilliad.  Hopefully that does not take three seasons to accomplish.  And while the Commander is dead, his widow is still very much alive.  Though one person we will not be seeing is Emily who has been written off the show.  Though no big loss as she had not added much to the show after escaping back in season two.

      4.       Will Dr. Ben Seong Run Into Dr. Samuel Beckett?  For years I have been asking for a Quantum Leap reboot with Sam playing the Al role.  While we are getting a Quantum Leap reboot, the leaper is still a dude and the Al sand in will be played by Ernie Hudson.  Sigh.  Now the question is, will the new leaper eventually run into Sam?   Here is hoping he will and it will be sooner rather than later.

      5.       Who Killed Pail Rudd and When Will We Find Out?  Much like the first season of Only Murders in the Building ended with a teaser of a new murder, season two ended will Paul Rudd dying on stage shortly after having a tense exchange with Charles Hayden Savage and a notably shaken Mabel in shock.  Was Mabel the “she” Charles told Paul Rudd to stay away from?  The list of alternatives is not very long.  Lucy is too young but could Lucy’s mom be back in the picture.  Then there is the question of when will the third season premiere.  Season two actually arrived two months earlier than the first, could we get the third season two more months earlier?  That would put it in late April.  For Emmy reason, it is doubtful, but the Emmy window ending in late May, a premiere around that time does not seem out of the question.  Then the other question remains, if Paul Rudd was murdered on stage, will they need to change the name of Only Murders in the Building?


As the great philosopher Butt-Head once pondered, how would we know if something was cool if there weren't things that sucked; here are the five least anticipated questions

      1.       Who Will Survive the Walking Dead?  It is the end of the era, after ten seasons, the last as which was split into three parts; The Waling Dead is coming to an end.  So who will survive?  Well, Daryl and Carole have already been announced for a spin-off show (though Carole dropped out) as well as one with Maggie and Negan so I am guess those four survive unless those shows will just be those zombiefied four around eating stupid humans.  Actually, that may actually be better than what we will likely get.

      2.       Who Will Survive The CW Sale?  It was a bloodbath last spring when The CW canceled three of its female fronted superhero television shows (Stargirl was lucky in that it had not aired yet).  The Flash has already been announced for a final season which will leave just Stargirl, Superman, and the upcoming Gotham Knights as the lone superhero shows.  Will any of them or the other low performing show make the cut after the new owners have full control?  Who care, no one will likely watch either way.

      3.       Who Will Survive the HBO Max / Discovery Merger?  The new CEO comes in, axes the almost completed Batgirl and the internet turns into Chicken Little.  Someone even claimed HBO Max would stop making originals and current originals would move to HBO.  Stupid people.  While this month HBO Max will premiering… um, just about nothing, a sizzle real that launched with Hot D promises new seasons of Pennyworth (coming next month) Titans, Doom Patrol, Hacks Minx, Our Flag Means Death, coming soon.  Okay, the only new show is some new show with Elizabeth Olsen based on a story Hulu already did earlier this year.  So the merger may mean less content coming from HBO Max / Discover, but in an era of too much television, that may not be such a bad thing

      4.       Who Will Survive NBC Axing the 10:00 Hour?  This rumor just hit the internet recently launching a thousand Jay Leno jokes.  But if NBC does end up axing six hours every week, what will be left?  Sadly, it will probably not be what historically NBC has done best: comedies.  They are no sitcoms premiering this month, though Young Rock and some George Lopez show are coming to Fridays in November.  But losing 10:00 would also mean no full nights of Chicago or Law and Order shows.  Though what will become of ambitious shows like La Brea that NBC tries every year?  What surprises me about this is that linear television is still very profitable and NBC’s streaming sister, Peacock is the one that seems to be struggling the most.  It seems like a very poor business move.  But if we get less procedurals, maybe that will not be such a bad thing.  Speaking of which…

      5.       Just How Many Spin-Off Are There?  Law and Order and Chicago are not the only shows that dominate an entire night, FBI, All-American, and Walker all take up a full day of programing.  NCIS and The Rookie do have shows on different nights while Grey’s Anatomy takes up multiple timeslots on Thursday .  Surprisingly we are down to just the original CSI this fall.  Who are watching all these shows and their spin-offs?


Here is everything I will be watching this fall... Why the fork are there so many shows on Wednesdays?  How about spreading things out?


8:00 – The Neighborhood (CBS, September 19(

9:00 – Kevin Can Fork Himself (AMC, already started)

10:00 – Quantum Leap (NBC, September 19)



Reboot (Hulu, September 20)

9:00 - La Brea (NBC, September 27)



Wedding Season (Hulu, September 7)

Tell Me Lies (Hulu, September 7)

The Handmaid’s Tale (September 14)

Andor (Disney+, September 21)

Pitch Perfect: Bumper in Berlin (Peacock, November 23)

8:00 – Stargirl (The CW, already started)

8:00 – Survivor (CBS, September 21)

8:30 – The Goldbergs (ABC, September 21)

9:00 – Abbott Elementary (ABC, September 21)

10:00 – Big Sky (ABC, September 21)



Mike Judge’s Beavis and Butt-Head (Paramount+, already started)

She-Hulk (Disney+, already started)

The Lord of the Ring: The Rings of Power (Prime, already started)

A Friend of the Family (Peacock, October 6)

8:30 – Ghosts (CBS, September 29)



Ramy (Hulu, September 30)

8:00 – Young Rock (NBC, November 4)



9:00 – House of the Dragon (HBO, already started)

9:00 – The Walking Dead (AMC, October 2)

10:00 – Let the Right One In (Showtime, October 9)

Sunday, June 26, 2022

57 Channels and Only This Is On: June 26,2022


The Time Traveler’s Wife:  So we are supposed to believe there are five fetuses just stuck in time somewhere?  Gross.  Plus it does not make any sense.  Henry did not manifest his powers until he experienced a traumatic experience when he was about ten, but these fetuses could do it before they are even fully formed.  Huh?  And Ygritte plan is to just fork younger Henry’s until one stick just seems just as dumb. 


The First Lady:  So the show ends with Eleanor losing her husband and getting a new job, Betty opening up a rehab facility and Michelle, well Michelle is dealing with a douchebag moving into her house.  I said it before, but way too soon to include Michelle on this show.  But it turns out that Eleanor ignores her children so much to the point I was surmised when the only child we saw said she had six.  We rarely saw any Ford children besides Susan, but they did show up.


The Man Who Fell to Earth:   Oh yeah, I remember those nun from the episode where the FBI guy birth the cow.  I do not remember why he went there, chasing the alien, I guess.  I know we are supposed to think the FBI guy is evil, but shooting a nun in the back was a little too cold.  And that nun bleeding in the shape of angel wings was a bit much.


I Love That for You:  They got me with Joanna admitting she was lying only to be revealed that they cut the feed.  But I was correct that they were going to keep the ruse even if they found out she was lying.  But no way are they going to let her leave for HSN because they could just extort her to stay.  I would also like to say, great INXS deep cut.  They are considered an eighties band, but they did have some great music they put out in the following decade.  I will stand by Welcome to Wherever You Are. 


In the Dark:  They said it was an hour to the cabin, but was the sister lawyer really able to get the case files about the queenpin, make it to the prison, get though the visitation hurdle, convince the queenpin not to kill her brother, and then have the queenpin get in contact with her henchmen in time?  That is just a completely absurd jump of logic.


Motherland: Fort Salem:  Ooops, I forgot to search for a recap on YouTube before watching the new season, that Previously On was not nearly enough information.


The Challenge: All Stars: Ugg, I really hate when they leave the episode on a cliffhanger.  I was going to say especially since there was obviously not going to be a women’s elimination since Veronica broke her toe while walking down the steps (?) but the next time on has KellyAnne and Kahlah with helmets on while holding on the stick.  T.J. can be very trollish, but would he really wait until he is just about to blow the whistle before saying, just kidding, you are both safe?  Sure, I would find that hilarious, just do not make us wait a week to see it.


Obi Wan Kenobi:  My two favorite lines in the episode, if not the entire series, were, "This ends today." I had a good laugh at that. No it doesn't. I am not one to whine about stakes, but that was just a trollish line from the writers. The other was, "Goodbye Darth." So Obi Wan is just on a first name basis with an evil sith lord already. Okay.  But the Third Sister just turned out to be completely useless and made little sense and was just one of way too many people this season who were inexplicably defeated but for some reason were not finished off.  After this and Boba Fett, hopefully Andor puts the Star Wars universe back on track.


Ms. Marvel:  Brown Jovi was great, but why do you not have them play Livin’ on a Prayer during the fight sequence?  Why not have Brown Jovi soundtrack the whole series?

The Old Man:  Just by seeing her in the cast list, I assumed Maeby was the daughter before seeing she was in the CIA.  Thankfully they did not wait that long to make that reveal.  I am also glad that they confirmed fairly quickly that the Old Man stole the Warlord's wife because that was my first thought as to why the warlord wants the Old Man.  Now I just need for them to reveal why the Warlord waited 30 years to seek his revenge and why the CIA is helping.


Sunday, June 19, 2022

57 Channels and Only This Is On: June 19, 2022


The First Lady:  So the show ends with Eleanor losing her husband and getting a new job, Betty opening up a rehab facility and Michelle, well Michelle is dealing with a douchebag moving into her house.  I said it before, but way too soon to include Michelle on this show.  But it turns out that Eleanor ignores her children so much to the point I was surmised when the only child we saw said she had six.  We rarely saw any Ford children besides Susan, but they did show up.


The Man Who Fell to Earth:   There is home security and then is biological weapons than make someone’s head explode.  I think I have to concede that Newton is still alive after that plot, yet something still seems off with his conversations with Faraday.  I just get strong Kal-El talking to his dead parents in the Fortress of Solitude vibes from those scenes.  But then we get the explosive reveal at the end that Newton’s plan is to bring his people to Earth.  So what becomes of the humans?  Just how many of his people are left?  Will Faraday even go along with this?


I Love That for You:  Okay, I laughed so hard when Ryan Philippe came in at the end.  We were told he was a gust at the telethon, but I certainly was not expecting him to show up as the only to have an audio response to Joanne admitting she was not actually sick. I have predicted that Patricia would still want to profit off of the fake sickness if she ever found out, but now that Ryan knows, can she still keep up the ruse?


In the Dark:  So Murphy is out already… with the drug lord drugs with her.  Oops.  So that is why Darnell get shot?


The Challenge: All Stars: There have been dumb answers throughout the years in trivia, but “Lance Armstrong” being the first person on the moon is up there as the dumbest ever.  But it was nice to see The Treehouse go from the majority to the minority in two short weeks.  No confirmation from TJ, but will be actually have the final start next week without the Sabotage anymore?  Based on the episode count, seems like there will be one more elimination.  Maybe the mercenaries is why we no longer have a sabotage.


Obi Wan Kenobi:  If the Third Sister was really hunting Darth Vader this whole time to get revenge for her fellow younglings, why has she not done it already?  I am pretty sure she was alone with him an episode or two ago.  But anyway.  Gotta love any plan that hinges on a ten year old understand advanced electronics.  Why exactly did they build that place so small no normal human person could fit into it?


Ms. Marvel:  Illumin-aunties may have been the greatest nickname ever.  So the new dude is evil (calling him your cousin is a weird way to hide your crush’s identity)?  Never trust a dude who recreates Phoebe Cates in Fast Times at Ridgemont High.  Though his mom might be the real Big Bad.


Players:  I really enjoyed American Vandal and only gave this show a try because it was by the same people.  I am not sure it is because I know nothing about e-sports or the key of the other show was potty humor and this show lacks it, but, man, this show I boring.

Sunday, June 12, 2022

57 Channels and Only This Is On: June 12, 2022


The Time Traveler’s Wife:  Wait, so the time traveler is dating Ygritte and the blonde at the same time?  I do wonder at what point do they just have an orgy with multiple versions of the time traveler.  If dude is willing to soak his own deck, you have to imagine he would be down for that.


Fear the Walking Dead:  We learned before the last break that Madison was coming back but did they really have to wait until the very last episode and an episode after Alivia (seemingly) died?  For a second, I thought the zombiefied version of the mother kind of looked like Alicia, I wonder if that was intentional.  But I am really having trouble believing someone who needs oxygen could survive a zombie apocalypse very long.  No way Madison is aking it long enough after the mother destroyed her tank.


The First Lady:  I am glad they finally got Betty out of the White House because she probably as the most active post-White House life of any First Lady other than Hilary Clinton.  Actually they could have gotten her out sooner because two and a half episodes do not seem like enough.


The Man Who Fell to Earth:  I have had an issue with tone while watching this show; it just seems all over the place.  But this was the first episode that actually felt cohesive.  I liked the devise of the alien talking to his wife.  The show may have been better off if had just been him telling his story on Earth to his wife.  But they found the original alien?  Living unground in a mountain in Cambodia?  Alrighty.  I have questioned if he was actually still alive or not and… and I still am questioning if that is really him.


I Love That for You:  Oh my, I was not expecting that good ol’ southern boy to be having sex with a woman.  But now that Beth Ann is on to Joanna, thinking she is dating her father who is pretending to be her doctor, I wonder how long until she figures out the entire ruse. Oh, and I really hope clip on bangs are not a real thing. 


Irma Vep:  I liked this show when Alicia Vikander was on screen, but really disliked it whenever the Fresh director was on screen.  Hopefully he gets fired from the film.


In the Dark:  Ugg, they are doing the stupid, three months earlier trope.  Let me guess, the blind chick gets released early for turning on the queenpin and the bald chick shoos her buddy.  But why is she not telling the guard that someone put a razor in her sandwich?


The Challenge: All Stars: Good riddance to treehouse.  Is Sylvia really that horrible of a person or is she trying way too hard to be part of a possible rivals season?  I just cringed at her completely unnecessary hate towards Kellyanne.


The Real World Homecoming: New Orleans:  This show just cannot get through a whole season without someone leaving.  Though they seem to be having a harder time getting casts back together if they had to jump from season two to nine.  Next up would be Back to New York, but I am guessing you are not getting The Miz to take two weeks off.  Rumors they may have to jump to Austin (season 16) or Key West (17).  My suggestion is go back to the start and get as many from San Francisco and as many from London and just combine seasons if you cannot get a full cast to show up.  Or maybe it is time to try Road Rules Homecoming.  Who would not want to see a bunch of forty and fifty ear olds spend a week or two in a Winnebago?  I was kind of hoping someone from Road Rules would show up and steal their robotic dog again.  Oh well.


Obi Wan Kenobi:  Why knock out the Stormtrooper and drag them into an empty room if you are not going to steal their armor? A disguise would have made things a bit easier. But I guess you cannot hide Leia in the suit.  Then Boba's lay down Bacta Tank seems like a much better alternative than having to be suspended like Darth and Obi-Wan were. But nothing gets me more than the lighting up a lightsaber in a dark room. Chills every time.


Ms. Marvel:  Well, that was a delight.  It has been a while since I laughed as hard as I did when the dad walking in in his Hulk costume.  For a second, I thought the show was just going to straight up murder a teenage girl with Thor’s hammer.  Hopefully the show does not get ruined by Ms. Marvel actually getting powers.