There are shows that are so bad they are entertaining (see Mercy or some of VH1’s Celebreality) and then there are ones that are just plain bad. The Deep End falls clearly into the latter category. It is hard to tell if the writers are morons are they expect the viewing public to be so. For instance there is plot point where a legal assistant is having problems with her boyfriend while simultaneously the boss’ wife thinks he is cheating on her. Then there is a “duh, duh, duh” moment at the end that the boss and the assistant were the couple even though anyone with a double digit IQ could have figured that out in the first act. Writing this bad is usually reserved for shows on The CW.
The bad writing is exasperated by the writers don’t seem to know if they want to be a drama or comedy and cannot to either very well and have horrible pacing trying to combine the two. Just the pacing in general was painful to watch as there are more than a few moments where I sit there wondering if I missed a scene or two as the plots just jump weirdly. But the most egregious writing problem was they made Dr. Harold Abbott
The shame of it is, most of the cast is likeable headlined by Tina Majorino (Water World
The Deep Ends airs Thursdays at 8:00 on ABC. You can stream episodes on Hulu.
Someone who has a clue about the law needs to oversee the scripts. On the last episiode there was a 16 year old that was sexting and they were saying he could be in prison for 30 years. C'mon even if some judge threw the book at him he would be in juvie until he was 21... and hardly likely under the circumstances. In the same episode the two lawyers and their client were surprised when a health insurer tried to subrogate by attaching a settlement. Any first-year ambulance chaser would be aware that could happen and structure the settlement accordingly. Instead there was this very hokey work-around. If these writers were doing ER you'd see people dying of head colds and doctors would be forgetting there are antibiotics. C'mon, het real!
ReplyDeleteAnd that is why I stopped watching after one episode.