Showing posts with label Lost. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lost. Show all posts

Sunday, March 28, 2010

57 Channels and Only This Is On vol. CXXIII

Tool Academy: Human lie detector? Seriously? What is most disturbing is they said the chick’s testimony holds up in the court of law. I’m fidgety in any situation, whether I am lying or not. Hopefully I am never falsely but in that kind of situation. You can stream recent episodes over at You can also download Tool Academy on iTunes.

Chuck: I cannot express how much I hate when an episode starts in the third act then pulls the “X Amount of Time Earlier” place card. Is it anymore surprising that it was Casey that shot the double agent had we not heard the gun shot a half an hour earlier? Not for me. At least Big Mike mentoring Casey on how to deal in real life was entertaining. Well except for eating after Jeff took a bite out of the sandwich, that was gross. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Chuck on iTunes.

How I Met Your Mother: Do the writers even watch their own show? Or did they just conveniently forget that Barney wasn’t always the suave businessman we know today but was once a tree hugging hippie and certainly had a few bad pictures taken during his soul patch phase, because there is no way to take a good picture when you have a soul patch (um, not that I know from personal experiences or anything). You can stream recent episodes over at You can also download How I Met Your Mother on iTunes.

The Big Bang Theory: I have been waiting for it for three season and we finally got a drunken Sheldon. Unfortunately Penny is for some reason still with Leonard so we did not get my dream scenario of Sheldon waking up next to her. You can download The Big Bang Theory on iTunes.

Greek: Arg, how could they break up Laura and Dale the same episode we find out about them? Hopefully Dale comes to his senses and doesn’t mind going back into the (pantry) closet. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Greek on iTunes

Castle: Oh snap. Certainly they didn’t actually kill off Beckett (I hope) but that doesn’t make the ending any less shocking. Should be interesting how next week plays out. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Castle on iTunes. Also be sure to check out my chat with Stana Katic.

Lost: Much like a We Are the World remake, I thought a Richard Alpert centric episode would be fool proof, but leave it to Lost (and Lil Wayne’s auto-tune) to make me look like a fool for thinking that. To make things worse, we finally get the big reveal of what is up with the island (I think) and I still left the episode disappointed. First we get all of two minutes in present day. Then for the flashback, instead of a full two hundred(ish) years of Alpert’s existence we only get a less than a year in the life of Richard. What about how Richard recruited all the Others like Whitmore, Eloise Hawking, Zeke et. al. There was some much they could have done with this hour and I left feeling cheated. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Lost on iTunes

Justified: Whereas most procedurals seem to deal with criminal masterminds, it looks like Justified will be dealing with the criminals on the short end of the gene pool which I am all for. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Justified on iTunes.

Parenthood: Note to self: if I ever find myself having to talk to a kid who spends too much time in the show, do not, under any circumstance, start quoting Woody Allen. But I wonder if showing this episode would work instead. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Parenthood on iTunes.

Mercy: I was wondering when the insurance company would come for Sonia for killing the old lady a couple weeks ago. I really didn’t think that it would just go away as easily as they planned it. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Mercy on iTunes.

Modern Family: A pretty flat episode with little to laugh at this week aside from some of the Cameron/Gloria scenes. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Modern Family on iTunes

Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains: It is time to add someone else into the pantheon of Dumb Survivor Moves. In fact the only two dumber movies in Survivor history that Tyson letting Russell convince him to vote for Parvati would be Erik giving up the Immunity Necklace to be promptly voted out and James getting voted out with two Immunity Idols in his pocket.

But Russell showed this week why he shouldn’t even be in the discussion for Greatest Survivor History and that is because he plays the dumbest social game. I bet one of the biggest reasons he didn’t win was because at the last tribal to play it, he whipped out the Immunity Necklace and didn’t even bother to play it. And this week, instead of simply giving his Idol to Parvati before Tribal, he had to make this grand douchebag pronouncement before doing so. He is lucky the other tribe didn’t get to sit in for it. You can stream recent episodes over at

Survivor on iTunes

Community: Annie as a bad cop? Yes please. But Glendale should be happy that April Fools Day got banned because it is the most worthless holiday. Pranks are not at all funny when they are expected. That is why I pull all of mine on March 31st when people least expect it. You can stream current episodes on Hulu. You can also download Community on iTunes.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

57 Channels and Only This Is On vol. CXXII

Tool Academy: Two episodes for the price of one. Though I do not understand why they didn’t air one during the Oscars. I cannot imagine there are many people who watch Tool Academy every week that have seen The Hurt Locker. And I bet more people catch the repeat airing of the show than watch the premiere (I know that is how I catch it). Then for the second time this season, we actually get a break up before elimination. Do these people forget that there is a sizable cash prize at the end of the show? It would probably take most of these people close to a decade to make $100,000. You can stream recent episodes over at You can also download Tool Academy on iTunes.

Chuck: Of course everyone is leaving Chuck but Morgan. Hurph. Ellie and Awesome are joining Doctors without Borders, Sarah is moving to Washington and Casey is resigned to a civilian life (though still working at the Buy More presumable). Here’s hoping it is all a red herring and that Morgan ends up being the one that leaves because if when Casey is reinstated, hopefully he isn’t happy that Morgan was the one that blew his cover. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Chuck on iTunes.

Greek: Of course Lea Thompson shows up during an eighties themed episode. Thankfully there wasn’t a storyline of her most memorable from the decade where she tried seducing her son. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Greek on iTunes

Lost: Why exactly did Smokie send Sawyer over to the Hydra when he could have just went all Smokie and killed everyone? Is he not allowed to kill Whitmore like it was eluded that Ben was not allowed to a couple seasons ago? And if Whitmore and his goons didn’t kill the Ajira leftovers (I will take him at his word that he didn’t), who did? Does Sawyer no longer knock up Matt Saresen’s mom in the flashsideways? Speaking of the flashsideways, why is Miles wasting his time in Vice, wouldn’t he be better served in Homicide or can he no longer talk to dead people? But of course, the time for questions is over! You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Lost on iTunes

Mercy: What, they couldn’t get Snookie or The Situation to star in this episode because it was pretty obvious who the Guidos were portraying. I feel dirty for thinking all of this. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Mercy on iTunes.

Community: Holy Buster Bluth sighting! But just how many classes do these students take? It seems like they are in more than most community colleges offer. And what college requires an art credit let along two Spanish classes? You can stream current episodes on Hulu. You can also download Community on iTunes.

Also check out my First Impressions of Justified.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

57 Channels and Only This Is On vol. CXXI

Chuck: I rarely yell at my television, even during sports (okay, I do yell at the sweepers during Curling, but that is about it) but when Casey was talking about shipping Morgan out of town I was screaming that they do that. As painfully annoying as Morgan is now, he is probably going to be much worse now that he knows Chuck is a spy. And if sitting through too much Morgan wasn’t enough for one episode, even the Jeffster musical interlude was even lackluster. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Chuck on iTunes.

How I Met Your Mother: When did everyone decide Jennifer Lopez was relevant again? She recently pulled double duties on Saturday Night Live (just days after her record company pulled her latest album and dumped her) and now doing a guest stint here. Shouldn’t she be at a Dancing with the Has-Been’s point in here career? You can stream recent episodes over at You can also download How I Met Your Mother on iTunes.

Greek: Aww, Mardi Gras. I really never got it on account that I am not Catholic and thus do not give anything up for Lent. But my favorite part of Fat Tuesday is to point out at around 1:00 AM to those that did give up debauchery for Lent that Ash Wednesday technically started an hour ago. Fun times. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Greek on iTunes

Castle: The actors really seemed to have way too much fun filming this episode for obvious reasons. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Castle on iTunes. Also be sre to check out my chat with Stana Katic.

Lost: Let’s jump into my patent pending time machine all the way back to last week when I joked, “And now (Ben) is best friends with his father! And his daughter is now the sexy French nanny to his kids!” Granted I would have guessed that Alex was one of his students had I thought she was that young (shouldn’t she be in her twenties?). Even though this was the best episode this season, it still got a little too tongue and cheek for my tastes. By the end I was half expecting Arntz to blow up again. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Lost on iTunes

Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains: Are the Heroes really this dumb that they can take leads into all the challenges and just completely come apart while doing a puzzle that two of them did before? It has become painful to watch them now. But judging from the promo it looks like they may be saved from another Tribal and we will be getting an epic showdown between Boston Rob and Russell. Just remember that the show airs Wednesday next week due to March Madness. You can stream recent episodes over at

Survivor on iTunes

Community: No truer scene has been filmed than the one at the end of the episode. I am right there with you Jeff and Peirce. You can stream current episodes on Hulu. You can also download Community on iTunes.

Sunday, March 07, 2010

57 Channels and Only This Is On vol. CXX

The Marriage Ref: My first thoughts when NBC cut into The Olympics Closing Ceremonies to air a special of The Marriage Ref was that it was the worst decision that NBC has made ever. Yes even dumber than the Jay Leno debacle. And then I only got madder when the show managed to be lamer than all the promos I had to sit through during the Olympics led me to believe. Really, three celebrities, many of which have no way to take the high ground on moral issues, making fun of the common folk. Sure there were some funny moments, but it was hard to get through a half hour special, I cannot image how anyone could watch the hour version. Certainly if it didn’t have Jerry Seinfeld’s name attached to it, there is no way The Marriage Ref ever makes it to air.

Granted I had to retract my Worst Decision Ever for NBC after I watched the rest of the Closing Ceremonies the next day which restarted up with a performance by Nickelback and didn’t get much better after that. Seriously Canada, please stop sending all your crappy music south of the border, we have plenty here already. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Tool Academy: What a strange turn of events. One Tool storms of which for some reason leads to another fight between the Neander-Tool and The Toolette’s boyfriend. Than out of nowhere the Glow Stick Tool starts swinging on him. It is getting to the point where I have to start thinking that this all may be staged. You can stream recent episodes over at You can also download Tool Academy on iTunes.

Chuck: The writer are sure doing their best to make Chuck unlikeable. Really, is there really anything worse that dumping a girl the day after you first have sex with her in front of her parents? Poor Lana Lang, she sure deserved better than that. And let’s hope Sam doesn’t stick for Sarah, but that is a downgrade in a name. At the very least go for the full Samantha. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Chuck on iTunes.

How I Met Your Mother: Ouch. This episode really hurt. I too was on The Hook at one point in my life. Back in college I asked this chick to a basketball which she responded, “I have a boyfriend, but if you don’t mind we go as friends.” Needless to say that was the most awkward four hours of my life. Thankfully I got off the hook later that summer when I ran into her and she had gotten a nose ring and was starting to morph into a hippie. You can stream recent episodes over at You can also download How I Met Your Mother on iTunes.

The Big Bang Theory: Great callback to the best episode of the season so fall. Then throw Sheldon in jail and a Stan Lee cameo and this one is up there for this season. And more Raj musical shirt please. You can download The Big Bang Theory on iTunes.

Lost: I really need to start up an office pool of what random character from the main storyline runs into a main character during their flashsideways. This time around, Sayid’s brother (who inexplicable is now married to Nadia for no reason other than the writers saying, “look how we changed history!”) owes money to the dude who killed Ben’s daughter. Tune in next week when Ben has his plumbing fixed by Henry Gale! And now he is best friends with his father! And his daughter is now the sexy French nanny to his kids! Only ten more episodes? Thank goodness. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Lost on iTunes

Mercy: So the show goes away for the Olympics and when it comes back, Ronnie is Tommy Gavin all of the sudden. Alrighty. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Mercy on iTunes.

Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains: Finally, something interesting. And not just Coach’s absurdly funny monologues (seriously, I was waiting for Tyson to tell him, “Are you crying, there is no crying in Survivor,” but mocking his feather at tribal council will have to do). Finally a blindside. That is the problem with All Star editions; you are less likely to stab someone in the back you already know as opposed to someone you met just a month ago. Though I am not sure it is technically a blindside when the majority of the tribe didn’t vote for Cirie. And they are really being gratuitous with the challenges, last week it was mud, this week baby oil. Is Jello next week? You can stream recent episodes over at

Survivor on iTunes

Community: I have decided this week I am completely over Abed. Though it was announce the show will be back next season earlier this week, I hope he isn’t. You can stream current episodes on Hulu. You can also download Community on iTunes.

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Best of the Week vol. XXXVI

Quote of the Week: I have dated a lot of liars before so I usually know how to spot them, but you, you are like the best I’ve ever seen. I hope that you’re lies keep you warm at night. (Hannah, Chuck)

Song of the Week: Kick Drum Heart – The Avett Brothers (Parenthood)

Big News of the Week: Canada Takes the Gold: After the greatest three periods of hockey I have ever seen, I had to take a double take when the announcers that overtime would start off four on four. With the exception of football (who ironically were talking about changing their last week), this may be the dumbest overtime rule in sports. You do not play an hour of a hard fought game and just change the rules. Sure, you can speed up games in round robin or regular season, but ion the playoffs where their nothing to play for tomorrow, you play until someone scores man up. At least we can rest in the solace that America is the best five on five hockey team in the world.

Gratuitous Token Hot Chick Picture of the Week:

Kristin Kreuk coming out of the shower

Free Download of the Week: Pilot - Parenthood (iTunes): For my thoughts on the series premiere, check out First Impressions: Parenthood. For the anti-iTunes folks, you can also download it for free on the Playstation Network and Amazon Video on Demand (see below).

Deal of the Week: Save Up to 50% off New Blu Ray Deals (WWII in HD, Forrest Gump, Black Hawk Down)

Video of the Week: Lorene Michaels has to be kicking himself for not being able to get all the past (fake) presidents for one skit on Saturday Night Live. Although how were Randy Quaid or Joe Piscope not available to reprise their Reagan. I am assuming I wasn’t the only one who had to look up who played Reagan on SNL after seeing Jim Carrey taking over the role. But watching this only makes me wish Bob Dole had been elected president so Norm McDonald would have been included. Oh well.

Next Week Pick of the Week: Lost, Tuesday at 9:00 on ABC: Hopefully the promo monkeys are being extremely misleading because I really hope they were not insinuating what I think they were insinuating. At any rate, it looks like we will be getting a Ben-centric episode and hopefully he returns to form after being neutered by a pre-dead Locke when he took charge of The Others.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

57 Channels and Only This Is On vol. CXIX

Winter Olympics: It is sad that the curling competition not just because last night will be the last time we see the Norwegian uniform, but we will have to wait another four years until we get to watch another curling match. Seriously, cannot ESPN find a spot to air some matches? Certainly they could find some open time on The Ocho.

Tool Academy: You know it is true love when your Tool spots a decade old line from a chick flick while sobbing. “You complete me.” To quote Kyle, “Psst, chicks, I don’t know.” And it only took the girlfriends two episodes this season to break out the claws. And did the skinny dippers conveniently forget they had a dude and a lesbian lurking around? You can stream recent episodes over at You can also download Tool Academy on iTunes.

Greek: No Dale and Rebecca scenes this week. Hurfph. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Greek on iTunes

Lost: So Jack has a kid because Jacob never touched him. Alrightly. Naturally the writers played coy with the mother but really there is only one plausible (not that Lost hasn’t dealt with unplausibility), and mommy dearest will turn out to be Juliet. The kid it too old to be Carol Vessey’s and it would be a very long stretch for anyone else (and extremely disappointing if it is someone we haven’t met). But of course, the time for questions is over!

While back on the island we get yet another anticlimactic ending with Smokie turning out to be Claire’s friend. But we do not learn why she was so angry that someone took her baby when it was actually she left her baby unattended in the woods all alone which is why someone took Aaron.

But the biggest smack to the head dumb was Jacob having Hurley leading Jack to some Lighthouse where everyone was once again listed (just how many more places are the names scribbled across the island?) on some dial like apparatuses, only for Jack to smash the mirrors. The mirrors that helped Jacob (presumably) help guide the candidates to the island. Sure, why not? You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Lost on iTunes

Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains: I call baloney. For years now, Probsts has been telling tribes that they could not sit out the same people in back to back challenges only to explain away Courtney sitting out two in a row by saying that it resets every episode. Lame. This deprives us from seeing Candice body slam her into the mud. And not to sound chauvinistic, but they really need to incorporate mud challenges more often. And you know it was gratuitous because there was an unnecessarily amount of mud that went up to some contestants knees. The only way it would have been more gratuitous would be if they made them compete in the mud. Maybe next season. You can stream recent episodes over at

Survivor on iTunes

Sunday, February 21, 2010

57 Channels and Only This Is On vol. CXVIII

2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics: With all the success the U.S. team it having, it is depressing that our curling team started out to a combined 0-6. It got so bad that someone changed the Wikipedia page of skip John Shuster (who missed three straight game winning stones) calling him the biggest choke artist drawing inspiration from “Bill Buckner, Brad Lidge, Scott Norwood, and the city of Cleveland (hey now). He currently works as a quality control specialist for Toyota.” But them something happened and both went on a two game win streak and we have one man to thank for the turnaround: Vernon Davis. Yes, the San Francisco 49er Tight End. Apparently Davis took up the sport last year and was named honorary captain and once he arrived in Vancouver, American has not lost. If the woman end up getting knocked out of contention, I will be rooting for Germany if only for one reason: Melanie Robillard.

 Melanie Robillard, the reason to watch curling

But today’s games will be all about hockey as we take on host Canada, both undefeated (with the USA with more points as Canada needed shootouts to beat the Swiss who we easily defeated) at 7:40 on MSNBC. I understand why NBC delegated hockey, but a game of this magnitude should get the main network treatment. Although considering everyone goes into the metal round, only the top four teams get a first round bye, and the winner will be guaranteed a bye (even with a loss, the U.S. could still do that). At least if there is a rematch in the gold medal match that will be on NBC next Sunday at 3:00.

Tool Academy: The guiltiest guilty pleasure is back and I cannot be happier. One the best moments on television is that moment when they reveal to everyone that that are actually on Tool Academy. And it is clear three seasons in; there are no shortages of Tool in America. The big news this season are there two female Tools this year (one straight, one lesbian) and the change actually makes things better as the Toolettes have to room with their male counterparts. And you have to wonder if girlfriends will want to put moves on the lone guy when they inevitably get fed up with their Tools. You can stream recent episodes over at You can also download Tool Academy on iTunes.

Greek: Sign me up for more Dale and Rebecca pairing. After one meeting of the mind Dale quits and I feared that might be the end of it. But thankfully he took the job back. I feel cheated that it took this long for them to figure out how to get Dale in the ZBZ house. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Greek on iTunes

Lost: Sign me up for the buddy sitcom spin-off following Ben and Locke teaching at a middle school. But I guess it is clear that every week we are going to get a new Other in a flashsidways, so who is next: Zeke, One Eyed Willie, Ben’s daughter? And where are Faraday and his parents? Wll any of the Tailies show up? As for Locke’s flashsideways, did Peg Bundy really suggest his dad attend their wedding? Did Locke forgive his father or did he no longer push him out the window. And if so, how did Locke get in the wheelchair? Of course, the time for questions is over!

Back on the island, Smokey is apparently trying to recruit people to help him get off the island. Though I am not entirely sure why he is going about it the way he is. He knocks out Richard just to let him go. Then he brings Sawyer to some cave just to make an “inside joke.” Then we learn what is with the numbers, except we have no clue as to why the Dharma Initiative co-opted them. And “Jacob likes numbers” may go down as the lamest answer Lost ever gives us. And that is saying a lot. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Lost on iTunes

Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains: How can the Heroes be that bad at puzzles? That is two big leads they lost in consecutive weeks. And both times they were nowhere near to being close to winning. And I cannot remember would said it, but I agree the show may benefit by taking a page out of Mark Burnett’s other show, Celebrity Apprentice and go to two hours. I’ve noticed that they have been combining reward and immunity challenges lately and two hours would give them plenty of time to do both. You can stream recent episodes over at

Survivor on iTunes

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Best of the Week vol. XXXIV

Quote of the Week: This is the weirdest damn funeral I've ever been to. (Frank Lepidus, Lost)

Song of the Week: Search and Destroy – The Stooges (Lost)

Big News of the Week: Tiger Woods Apologies Four Months Later: Yawn.

Free Download of the Week: 20 In 10: Digital Collection – Sister Hazel (Amazon MP3): Many people forgot about Sister Hazel in the nineties, but they are still at it and put out five albums last decade and here is a twenty song sampler of songs from those albums.

Deal of the Week: Mega Savings on Mega Hits (Serenity, Back to the Future Trilogy, Curious George)

Video of the Week: It was a decade ago when Erika Christiansen became the It Girl of the moment after a breakout performance in Traffic. Then she signed onto Swimf@n and things went downhill from there. Hopefully her inclusion in the highly likeable Parenthood will hel her fiannalkly live up to her promice. Here she is talking about her character:

Inside Julia

Next Week Pick of the Week: The Winter Olympics, All Week on NBC, MSNBC, CNBC, and USA: A week in and there are still plenty of must see events as they hand out the rest of the medals including curling (men’s on Saturday at 6:00 on CNBC; women’s on Friday at 6:00 on CNBC) and hockey (Sunday at 3:00 on NBC). Head over to for full listings.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

57 Channels and Only This Is On vol. CXVII

Chuck: A lot of pretty big plot holes in this episode. Like who lets the bad guy get out of the museum to get back to The Ring intersanctum (which looked a lot like that of Fulcram) to mention that Shaw was still alive. And after all the fuss Hannah made about Chuck leaving her at the museum to hang out with his ex-girlfriend, how did she not see Sarah about a hundred feet away the second time around? And I was half expecting when Sarah told Chuck she had a type: hero, that Chuck didn’t respond, “if you didn’t notice I have a type too: brunettes.” Come to think of it, I really need to get Zach Levi to hook me up with the devil because I would mind trading in my soul to hook up with Rachel Bilson, Jordana Bewster, Kristin Kruek, and Yvonne Strahovski in succession. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Castle on iTunes.

How I Met Your Mother: Throughout the four and a half seasons of the show, Barney has come up with some ingenious plans to hook up with chick, but all of them pale in comparison of giving out his phone number at the Super Bowl. Too bad it turned out to be more than he could handle. You can stream recent episodes over at You can also download How I Met Your Mother on iTunes.

The Big Bang Theory: Hopefully this episode extends into the next one because I wouldn’t mind a full thirty minutes of Sheldon and Penny being sick together, singing soft kitty to each other. You can download The Big Bang Theory on iTunes.

Greek: What was with all the protective gear by the umpires and catchers? It was only slow pitch. As a former umpire, I was embarrassed. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Greek on iTunes

Castle: Of course the Devil did it. It was just a matter of how or why once I saw him. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Castle on iTunes. Also be sure to check out my chat with Stana Katic.

Lost: So Sayid is infected like Jack’s sister and presumably Rousseau’s team. But even though the time for questions is over, I have wonder how does one get infected? Rousseau’s team had contact with Smokey and Claire did with her father (who I think may have been Smokey in disguise) but how does that explain Sayid unless Smokey is the one that tainted the spring. I was completely wrong with Claire not being pregnant and naturally it was delivered by Ethan Rom Goodspeed. Alrighty. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Lost on iTunes

Modern Family: Did no one think to cut the belt strap on the coat? And too bad we didn’t get a full Valentine’s date from Dylan and Haley. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Modern Family on iTunes

Leverage: It is always good to see Sterling because if there is one thing the show needs is a constant antagonist and he is really good at it. And with all the twist and turns of this episode, there are many more in the season finale next week and one doozy of a cliffhanger. You can stream current episodes on Hulu. You can also download Leverage on iTunes.

Community: The show really needs to watch it when it goes too far overboard with the pop culture references. It may benefit the show if Abed transfers next year so they do not have to lean on the crutch. You can stream current episodes on Hulu. You can also download Community on iTunes.

Also check out my First Impression of Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains.

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Best of the Week vol. XXXII

Quote of the Week: Just like Bartowski, bring a knife to a gun fight. (Casey, Chuck)

Song of the Week: One Night in Bangkok – Murray Head (The Big Bang Theory)

Big News of the Week: Lost Returns for the Last Time: And surprisingly I excited about the show for the first time since season one. Of course this may have something to do with me taking five minutes to figure out how Lost will end (if you are interested to know too, check out First Impressions: Lost the Final Season). And much of the discussion is about the dueling timelines which apparently have been dubbed “flashsideways.” Speaking of my orginal post on the Lost season premiere, naturally I left a few things out in my rush of posting it, and I forgot my way out there theory of the week in that Claire is no longer pregnant (we conspicuously never see her belly when Kate hijacks her cab). I am also beginning to think that Christian Sheppard is not a conduit of Jacob as he would like us to believe but was actually, Smokey / Fake Locke / Richard Hatch all along using the name of Jacob to put into action his masterplan.

Lost on iTunes

Gratuitous Token Hot Chick Picture of the Week:

Kristin Kreuk as a Buy More Nerd Herder

Free Download of the Week: Choclate Chip – Isaac Hayes (

Deal of the Week: Save on TV Show Favorites (Friday Night Lights, Kings, Bionic Woman)

Video of the Week: Remember about a year ago there was a special hosted on all the major networks (sans Fox) called Stand Up 2 Cancer? Well the non-profit is still going and has recruited none other than Sheldon Cooper’s alter ego Jim Parsons to show that everyone can make a difference when it comes to fighting the disease.

Up2 You + Me

Next Week Pick of the Week: Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains, Thursday at 8:00 on CBS: I hated Survivor: All Stars and when they brought people back for Fans vs. Favorites, it wasn’t much better. Yet I am actually looking forward Heroes vs. Villains (an idea they stole from the Real World / Road Rules Challenge) and they divide up all the devious players from those with a stronger moral compass. Although some odd choices like Candice Woodcock who deserted her tribe as a hero and I am not entirely remember what qualifies Danielle DiLorenzo (who topped my list of The Hottest Token Hot Chicks of Survivor list) and Sandra Diaz-Twine as villains. Be on look out later this week for more Survivor content to get ready for the new season. As a preseason prediction, I will say Stephenie LaGrossa.