Listening to DJ Earworm’s United State of Pop 2010 (Can’t Stop the Pop) I came to the realization that last year kind of sucked. But fret not, pop culture is looking up for 2011 because we need to party it up before the world ends next year (or so the Mayans and John Cusack
11. Detox – Dr. Dre: Sure we have been waiting for Detox to be released for most of the last decade, but a single, Kush, and accompanying video was released late last year singling that me may actually get the whole thing sometime in the next twelve months and as soon as February. But much like Chinese Democracy, I’ll believe it when I see it in iTunes. I’d suggest Dr. Pepper speed up the process by giving everyone a free can if Detox drops this year, but I still haven’t received my free promised when Axl Rose deliver his album on time (yes I am still bitter).
10. Lights Out: FX debuted the two best new shows of 2010 (Justified
9. The Avengers: No, not the movie that features all of the superheroes, that won’t be released until next year, but two members will get their own vehicles this year. Thor will be released in May while Captain America: The First Avenger is set to hit theaters in July. Now I am more of a DC guy, but I was never really was a fan of Green Lantern or of Ryan Reynolds for that matter and the trailer really didn’t get me excited. While the Thor trailer did pique my interest and I have a curiosity of how Captain America can translate to children of the 21st century because the goody two shoes acts didn’t work very well for the Superman reboot.
8. Watch the Throne – Kanye West and Jay-Z: If a drunken Kanye is to be believed, we can expect this collaboration next week, but I have a feeling we may have to wait a bit longer. Maybe next week we will just get another sneak peak (possibly a G.O.O.D. Friday track) to add to the already leaked, La Roux infused That’s My (Expletive Deleted).
7. Your Highness: Can the guys that made action movies hilarious with Pineapple Express
6. 2012 Elections: Sure we will have to wait until November of next year to learn the results, but the primary campaigning will start any day night. And we may get the odd situation where the Tea Party and liberals will be rooting for the same candidate: Sarah Palin. She and none of the other Republican front runners have officially thrown their hats into the ring but also-rans Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, and Ron Paul are likely to take on popular governors Haley Barbour (Mississippi), Mitch Daniels (Indiana), and Tim Pawlenty (of Minnesota who famously shaved off his mullet only not to get picked by McCain as his running mate). Oh and Donald Trump wants to run. Also registered Democrat and former the Rent Is Too Damn High Party candidate Jimmy McMillian has announced he will be seeking the Republican nomination. More interesting will be if any Democrat challenges Barack Obama. As much as the far right likes to label him a socialist, he has governed very far to the right than the liberals that elected him over Hilary Clinton had hoped for: he continued Bush’s foreign policy, and arguably has been more aggressive. And the much maligned health care reform looks like it was written more by insurance companies than a Kennedy, and looks a lot like the reforms that Romney enacted in Massachusetts and Bob Dole proposed in the nineties. No matter who runs, here’s hoping for a full stale of YouTube debates this year.
5. Falling Skies: Forget that his other sci-fi show hitting this year, Terra Nova that will be either in Fox’s death slot and / or canceled by 2012, the Steven Spielberg show to keep your eye out for this year is TNT’s Falling Skies. Sure Noah Wiley may make for the most unrealistic action hero since, I guess Adrian Brody in Predators
4. Beastie Boys: Hot Sauce Committee pt. 1 was supposed to drop in 2009 but was delayed to Adam Yauch’s battle with cancer. MCA is doing better now and not only will we likely see part 1 this year; part 2 is actually scheduled to be released sometime this spring.
3. U2: Two Beastie Boys albums in one year don’t wet your pallet enough. How about the possibly of three U2 albums this year? First there is Songs of Ascent featuring songs from the No Line on the Horizon which was supposed to be released back in 2009 but keeps being pushed back. The band is also working with Danger Mouse for new songs which should be awesome and is slated to be out the first part of this year. They are also working on a dance album similar to the u2 Remixes of the 90’s which may also see the light of day this year.
2. Sucker Punch: How can Zach Snyder possibly outdo the testosterone awesomeness of 300
1. Friday Night Lights: The best show returns to terrestrial television sometime this summer (hopefully sooner).
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