Sunday, August 25, 2024

57 Channels and Only This Is On: August 25, 2024

Snowpiercer:  It was pretty obvious on Lost when someone was going to die.  One of the lesser characters would get their own episode and die at the end.  With an episode entitled, The Engineer, my first thought, oh, that dude is going to die.  But then they talked about Melanie being the head engineer so I thought maybe she was the titular character.  Nope dude died at the end.  Why didn’t he put on a space suit thing?  Kind of an easily avoided death.  And don’t they need an engineer to run the train?


But just a week after saying the new antagonist was no Wilford, Wilford actually shows up.  About time.  We are halfway through the season.  He wasted no time going full Wilford just messing with everyone.  Welcome back.


Orphan Black: Echoes:  Really, of all the aunts that could have shown up?  If you cannot get any of the clones, at least bring in Uncle Donnie instead.  Oh well, thankfully only one episode left.


The Challenge: Battle of the Eras:  Ugg, This could have been an epic elimination with so many annoying people going home.  Instead, Paulie and Amanda were the only ones I was happy to go home.  But why was that stupid block a door challenge the iconic Era Four elimination?  Was it just because scrawny Jay managed to be CT?  But all that told me was that the challenge makers have been slacking for the last ten seasons.


The Ark: So who blew up the gen three clones?  Are we finally going to meet the Eastern Allience? 


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