Sunday, July 28, 2024

57 Channels and Only This Is On: July 28, 2024


House of the Dragon:  Meh, another episode where no one died at the end.  Instead Seasmoke tried to hook up with a bastard even though supposedly supposed to be tied to a dragon until you die.  So is that just an old wives’ tale or is that guy whose name I forgot dead?  I am also getting tired of Daemon’s This Is Your Life every episode.  And really, after forking his mom, anything after that is going to be a letdown.


Snowpiercer:  I thought for sure when the bad guy pulled off his mask, was going to turn out to be Wilford.  I certainly was not expecting Phil Coulson.  I wonder if Coulson has run into Wilford at some point.  Though we are really going to need an explanation of where these dudes were hiding this whole time.  I guess there might be pockets, like that one scientist survive at her station before being rescued.


Orphan Black: Echoes:  I am confused after this episode how exactly they made a copy of an old chick that turned into a teenager.  Maybe I just do not care enough to pay attention.


The Ark: Why do I have a feeling about the talk about loyalist to the evil chick being everywhere will have repercussions later this season?


2024 Olympic Games:  I really liked the boats and the interspersing of the parade of athletes and the show.  Though I do not understand why there were so many non-French people who participated, especially those who carried the torch.  Feels like NBC said to the IOC, we pay the most for this, make sure you include some participants that the American audience knows.  It was also a bit disappointed that the Assassin’s Creed guy was never explained.   

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