Sunday, July 21, 2024

57 Channels and Only This Is On: July 21, 2024


House of the Dragon:  Meh, another episode where no one dies.  But hey, we did get a Daemon sex dream with his mother.  That was messed up.  When you are having sex dreams about your mom, maybe it is time to leave.


Orphan Black: Echoes:  Will people really be arguing Celine Dion vs. Mariah Carey in thirty years?  Is anyone arguing them today?  Are they really going to be the Beatles or the Stones for Gen Z? 


The Acolyte:  Well, we all knew Yoda was alive during this time period.  But will be see more of him on the show?  It was critically panned, met with a resounding “meh” by fans, and does not seem to be doing well by the streaming numbers.  This was supposed to revitalize the Star Wars franchised but ended up being a muddled mess, well, outside all the Jason Mendoza jokes.  Oh well, there is always Skeleton Crew supposedly coming later this year.


The Ark: Usually I need a lengthy YouTube recap to help me remember what is going on between shows, but after watching a lengthy YouTube recap of the first season and still came away remember none of that happening nor any of the characters.   This is one of the least memorable shows ever.

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