Welcome to the 15th Annual Scooter Television Awards honoring show that aired a majority of their season between July 2018 and June 2019. Without further ado, here are the winners of the 2018 STA's:
Best Scripted Show: Doom Patrol
Best Comedy: The Good Place
Best Sci-Fi Show: Future Man
Best Comic Book Adaptation: Doom Patrol
Best Period Show: G.L.O.W.
Best Animated Show: Young Justice
Best Reality Show: Survivor
Best Remake, Reboot, or (non-comic book) Adaptation: Miracle Workers
Best Miniseries: Little Drummer Girl
Best Talk Show: Pardon the Interruption
Best New Show: Doom Patrol
Guiltiest Guilty Pleasure: The Bold Type
Worst Show I Made Though an Entire Season Of: A Discovery of Witches
Best Hour of TV: A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms (Game of Thrones)
Best Half Hour of TV: The Good Twin (G.L.O.W.)
Biggest Shocker: Bran won the game of thrones?
Best Line: The Donkey Doug who was banned from Disney World for biting Buzz Lightyear? (Tahani, The Good Place)
Worst Idea: Jon Snow’s Battle of Winterfield battle plan. Seriously, dude almost wiped out the Dothraki with that stupid opening attack, there was not enough fire, how about an extra moat of fire, more protection for Bran than arrow, and if Tormand could go around the army of the dead, how about a sneak attack from the back
Worst Moment: Danenerys going full Mad Queen for no apparent reason after spending eight season insisting she did not want to be the Queen of the Ashes
Biggest Disappointment: Cersie was killed by falling rocks instead of Arya killing her with Jamie’s face fulfilling The Valonqar Prophecy (really, Arya only crossing two names off her list during the whole run was extremely disappointing too)
Best Musical Moment: Right Here Waiting (The Good Place)
Best Karaoke: Jenny of Oldstones – Ser Podrick Payne
Best New Title Sequence: Doom Patrol
Best Character: Jason Mendoza (The Good Place)
Best Recurring Character: Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man (Doom Patrol)
Best Guest Appearance: Donkey Doug (The Good Place)
Best Cast Addition: Kristin Chenoweth (Trial and Error)
Best Duo: Arya Stark and the Hound
Most Entertaining Reality “Star”: Lauren O’Connell (Survivor)
Best Lauren Eyeroll:

Most Annoying Reality “Star”: Rick Devins (Survivor)
Most Anticipated New Show of Next Season: The Great
Most Anticipated Reboot: Veronica Mars
Show That Should Be Brought Back: Game of Thrones (or at least an Arya going West of Westeros spinoff)
Biggest Question for 2019-2020: Is anyone actually getting into The Good Place by the end of the show?
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