Hannibal: So this is how the show is going to extend the Red Dragon book into half a television season where two movies were able to tell the story in about two hours: with copious amounts of flashback. Not that I am against more Abigail Hobbs. Maybe we will learn more about the Verger baby Alana conceived.
You can download Hannibal on iTunes.
Ray Donovan: After two season, I still do not care much about the main characters, but surprisingly the show does a great job recruiting weird and entertaining tertiary characters. Case in point, my favorite part of this episode was Al Swearingen's kid's obsession with a movie with children's cereal recast as action heroes. Awesome. I would watch that. But I fear it would do as well as Pixels did at the box office.
Masters of Sex: So after decades of being married to a homosexual, Margaret Scully has decided to shack up with a polygamist? I guess that makes some sense, if he is too busy having sex with multiple women, there probably is not much time left on the side for men. But my favorite part of the episode was Bill starting to read, and implement, How to Win Friends and Influence People, and shockingly it seemed to work for him. Well until Tessa confronts about leaving a bottle of his aftershave in his mother's bathroom.
The Strain: Like I said, I like when shows get weird and it does not get much weirder than starting an episode with a five minute lucadore movie with no known connection to any of the current cast members. The star would end up running into Gus who is now without his ninja vampires (um, is that all the ancient vampires had working for them?) after getting burned by the old dude. I kind of hope they team up to kill vampires now.
You can download The Strain on iTunes.
Falling Skies: How exactly can you keep an alien invasion from your kids for three years? So random skitters, no looting humans? None of the kids asking why they have not seen any other human beings in that time?
You can download Falling Skies on iTunes.
Pretty Little Liars: Get them together and put some wine in them and the Liars' mothers act just like them except Mrs. Hastings is definitely the Hannah of the bunch. They are even stupidly going down into a dark basement together without their phones. They also commented on how the scholarship guy looks like a Dilarentas which is making me think that he is just one huge big red herring before we learn who Charles is next week. Though the age does not really work, I hoping it turns out to be Hermie the Hermaphrodite. Where has that guy been? Speaking of M.I.A. where is Mona, she does not get an invite to alternaProm and was not at the real one either. It is not like her to miss a party.
You can download Pretty Little Liars on iTunes.
Tyrant: I figured last week that Sammy would eventually run into his father but I am a bit surprised it happened this early. Now how long until Jamal realized that the freedom fighter he is helping is his brother. And how long until anyone bothers to tell the daughter her father is still alive or has she been pretty much written off the show?
You can download Tyrant on iTunes.
Mr. Robinson: A couple seasons ago when Casey Cartwright popped up on a cop show I declared her the least believable law enforcement agent ever in the history of television. Her playing a teacher / stripper / house flipper may actually still be a more believable role than her playing a cop. Speaking of not very believable law enforcement agents, how does Meagan Goode still find work? I know she is nice to look out but no one who works as much as she does has less range than her. And her only mode is acting too cool to be there which is really kind of insulting to the audience.
You can download Mr. Robinson on iTunes.
Mr. Robot: When creepy lovechild of American Psycho and Pete Campbell was up on the roof I thought, oh goodness, he is going to toss the chick over the edge. I was almost right, instead he just strangled her to death. And is handy wiping her lips really going to eliminate all the DNA off of her? How about also wiping down her throat too. And while I am no lawyer, I am assuming when you admit to committing a crime against your therapist does not fall into the patient-client privilege Elliot. But like pretty much everything that happens on the show, I am not entirely sure if that scene actually happened or if it just happened inside Elliot's head.
You can download Mr. Robot on iTunes.
Twinning: Of course the week after realizing that one of the twins pairs were (probably) on The Real Cancun they go home. Hurumph.
You can download Twinning on iTunes.
Under the Dome: This show really hates lesbian, both of them - dead. Wasn't the woman cop into ladies too? Come to think about it, the show really likes to kill of women - the lesbians, the hot lady cop, the hot sister, the creepy other sister, the fat chick (three seasons in and I have come to the realization Big Jim is the only name I know). Oh my. Have they even ever killed off one of the main male characters. The only one coming to mind is the token black dude. Jeez, this show really hates minorities. Should we start an over / under until the new black chick gets killed?
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