Falling Skies: An interesting choice, get the harness removed or not. On one hand, you can go back to being a normal human being without worrying that you may sprout four extra legs at some point. But on the other hand you no longer are super human without having to worry about coming down with normal human diseases and ailments. Personally I would much rather go back to being one hundred percent human, but for the good of the show, it was wise that Ben kept his harness on because the guy is already pretty boring with it on and would be a worthless character without it. And we finally got conformation that Anne’s demon seed is alien. Which begs the question, is any of it even Tom’s? Was she actually impregnated by one of the alien’s tiny insect things? Will the baby start sprouting extra legs? If you pull back the baby’s skin, will she turn out to be a lizard baby?
You can download Falling Skies on iTunes.
Mad Men: When a young Dick Whitman up earlier this season it was met with a resounded “huh?” I was under the impression we resolved Dick when the original Mrs.’ Draper died never to be seen again because the audience, and it seemed even Matthew Weiner, did not want to go there again. So that is why Little Dick kept popping up this season, Don just blurted out his back-story in front of Hersey of all people (leading everyone to assume that is the moment that has been depicted in the credits all these years) before taking his children to his childhood house. But my favorite part of the episode was the fight between Don and Ted which was basically a fight between who needs to start over more. Who would have guessed that Don would be the once who would concede?
You can download Mad Men on iTunes.
Under the Dome: I did not have much expectations of the show going into it, it was a summer show. A summer show on CBS, a network I cannot remember the last time I watched a drama on (Love Monkey, maybe). But the show looked up my alley because it did not look very CBS-like, which would not speak well for its longevity until it ended up the biggest summer premiere in a couple years. The show did quickly set up the claustrophobia of a small town literally trapped in a bubble. Although I was a bit surprise not one person grabbed a shovel to see if they could dig their way out, that would have been my first inclination when encased inside of a giant bubble.
You can stream Under The Dome
Pretty Little Liars: C’mon, the girls really saw the faces of Allison and Melissa in those masks? That is even less believable than a bird that memorized a phone number from over a year ago. And why is Toby still around, they should have just left him dead in the woods. He cannot act and his character serves no purpose, really all the boyfriends are fairly useless on this show and just seemed to be jammed in because every show has to have a love story attached to I no matter how lame and unnecessary it is.
You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Pretty Little Liars on iTunes.
The Hero: This show seems to be changing its rules on the fly more often than The Voice. So now the Hero’s Challenge is worth twice as much, but you can take half that and vote yourself out. But if you lose, you are gone. But if you do not take the cash, you can go back to the penthouse and vote someone out. Alrighty. And does that make anyone voted out ineligible to win the big prize at the end? By my math, if that I the case and they dump one contestant every episode until the end of the season, that will leave five contestants left at the end. I cannot believe after just crushing Shaun and Athena for taking money, everyone was just blasé this week at Darnell taking the money. As for the Hero’s Challenge I was surprised at just how hard it was. I laughed when The Rock said he had forty minutes to swim a mile. I could crawl a forty minute mile. I guess doing it against a current in the ocean is a bit harder.
You can download The Hero on iTunes.
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