Leverage could very well be the best show on television that is not in the discussion for best show on television. It is not in the discussion because it does not take itself too seriously which also means there are no eye rolling pretentious “best shows”. After four seasons, the format has not changed yet has managed not to feel tired with its criminals taking down bigger criminals Robin Hood style theme. Sure the last season got a bit dark with Nate taking up drinking again and he kind of, sort of killed somebody even if indirectly.
Now with Jack Latimer and Victor Dubenich out of the way, Leverage Incorporated has relocated to Portland, Oregon (the FBI, InterPOL and other groups have been staking out their Boston hideout) and is quick to find a new job in the City of Roses. And how very Portland of them to use a microbrewery as their cover? This week’s case involves a shipping executive (who shows up in the form of Carey Elwes who will also show up in a future episode of another TNT show Perception later this season) who cheap techniques leads to the death of a couple of employees. To get him back, the team may have its biggest con yet (or at the very least they “steal” one of their biggest prop for con).
Even though it is only a brief cameo, Christian Kane’s Angel
Leverage airs Sundays at 8:00 (until August 26 when it moves to 9:00) on TNT. You can also download Leverage on iTunes.
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