A wise man once said music is the soundtrack to your life. Not only is it your soundtrack, but it is your yearbook; hearing certain songs will take you back to a high school dance, your first kiss or the time you drunkenly tried to steal a speed bump from a parking lot in college (No Diggity! No Doubt!). Listening to Room for Squares by John Mayer can take you back to the time to your early twenties when the world was at your fingertips when anything was possible. Back before you were stuck in a dead end job (and that is if you are lucky these days), had a mortgage that is not worth the paper it is printed on and long before John Mayer was writing crappy concept albums about having sex with Jennifer Aniston. But one thing Mayer got right on that crappy concept album is that it is a long time since twenty-three and listening to Room for Squares, this month’s induction into the Scooter Hall of Fame, will take you right back to that age.
John Mayer broke on the scene with No Such Thing, a one man acoustic version of the Dave Matthews Band delivering folksy pop with hope for the future. Even if the song starts off with the sarcasm of “Welcome to the real world she said condescendingly” he was still looking forward to running through the halls of his high school even if his ten year reunion was still a couple years away. The bright eyed optimist could be found all over Room for Squares like on the 3x5, a must for any road trip where Mayer himself takes to the road lamenting nothing but not having a camera to document his trip.
The name Room for Squares started up Mayer longstanding love of self deprecation and seeped into the songs on the album like on My Stupid Mouth (which he still has not cured a decade later) where his mouth resigns him to play a game of chess with the salt and pepper shaker by himself. And of course there is also the biggest song of his career: Your Body Is a Wonderland. Is it cheesy? Yes. Was it overplayed? Definitely. Did every guy who put it on when alone with a lady get some sweet lovin’ because it? Quite possibly. Wonderland was not the only chance on the album to make your move as there were a few other love songs on the album most notably St. Patrick’s Day. It is a shame the song did not become a winter standard, maybe because it spanned too many holidays, but it remains a great track on in the colder months when you want to be warmed up by that special someone.
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