Quote of the Week: Listen to me: I said you need to strive to be better than everyone else. I didn’t say you need to be better than everyone else. But you gotta try. And that’s what character is: it’s in the trying. (Coach Taylor, Friday Night Lights)
Song of the Week: I Kissed a Girl – Katy Perry (as sung by Amy Farrah Fowler, The Big Bang Theory)
Big News of the Week: NFL Back to Work: Just days after a judge ordered the NFL to end their lockout, the offseason officially started with the start of the draft last night. I thought it was going to be an early night for me with the Browns picking at number six but they quickly traded the pick to the tail end of the draft at twenty-seven (with four other draft picks). Thankfully they traded up to twenty-one just in time for my bedtime, so I wouldn’t have to stayup too late. Oddly the Browns traded their pick to the Falcons who picked a wide receiver, which was the Browns biggest need. But when they finally made a pick they addressed their second biggest concern, defensive line. Except they picked a nose tackle the season they switch to the 4-3 defense. Oh well, that is the life of a Browns fan.
Free Download of the Week: Live at Eddie’s Attic – The Civil Wars (thecivilwars.com): Last week I pointed you to a place where you could download a new song from The Civil Wars, if one song by the band is not enough, if you head over to their website you can download a full live album for free. The set includes my favorite of theirs, Poison and Wine as well as a cover of No Ordinary Love originally done by Sade. (Though not on the free album, I also recommend heading over to YouTube to hunt down live performances of Billie Jean, the Smashing Pumpkin’s Disarm, The Romantic’s Talking in Your Sleep, and the Jackson 5’s I Want You Back.)
Deal of the Week: $20 Pre-order Credit with Madden NFL 12
New Album Release of the Week: Hot Sauce Committee Part 2
Hot Sauce Committee Part Two by Beastie Boys
New DVD Release of the Week: The Dilemma
Video of the Week: I passed on The Voice because I figured much like American Karaoke, it would be mediocre singers singing crappy songs. And judging but one of the contestants who made a “professional” music video, my assumptions look to be right as Kelsey Rey sounds like it came from the people who created Rebecca Black but instead of a random rapper, they randomly cut in Tag Team’s nineties jam Whoop! There it Is for no apparent reason and called it a “remix”. Of course if they bring out Tag Team to perform with Kelsey on the show, I may just have to tune in for that.
Next Week Pick of the Week: Justified, Wednesday at 10:00 on FX: Last season ended with a bang and it looks like the second will do the same after the writers pulled a quick one on us making us think that Mags was really going to give Raylan a pass on killing her son. At the beginning of the season I predicted that Loretta would exact some sort of revenge for Mags killing her father which I thought wouldn’t come true after they shipped her off to foster care, but considering she continues to randomly pop up since then, that she may still be in play for some revenge.
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