Quote of the Week: So you’re a religious man and a torturer. What are you? Catholic? (Saul, Homeland)
Song of the Week: Living In America – James Brown (How I Met Your Mother)
Gratuitous Token Hot Chick Picture of the Week:

Scene of the Week:
Big News of the Week: Nope, Not Gonna Do It: I refuse to give publicity to anyone who sole purpose to what they do is to gain more publicity. Nope, not gonna do it. And anyone who complains about these sorts of thing, just ignore them, even complaining about them is what they want because all they want is to be talked about. So stop taking about them.
Free Download of the Week: Public Enemy No. 1 – Megadeath (iTunes)
Deal of the Week: 100 Albums for $5
New Album Release of the Week: Wish You Were Here - Immersion Box Set
New DVD Release of the Week: Alpocalypse-HD (Blu-ray)
Video of the Week: Kristen Bell in her underwear; Emmy Rossum wearing less. If this does not get you to order Showtime, I do not know what will. You have until January 8 when House of Lies premieres and Shameless returns to do so.
Next Week Pick of the Week: Hell on Wheels, Sunday at 10:00 on AMC: This may be the least buzzed about show of the fall because I heard very little about it so far. What I gather it is a period piece that has something to do with the railway and Common is in it. I am always up for a history lesson on television so I will at least give it a chance. Worse case scenerio it is a low rent Deadwood
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