Every year after the hubbub of all the new shows has died down, I like to look back and see which shows liked up to expectations and which ones did not. The networks already did a good job thinning the heard already with The Playboy Club, Free Agents, Charlie’s Angels, How to Be a Gentlemen, and H8R already canceled and being left off the midseason schedules do not bode well for Pan Am, Man Up, and Prime Suspects. With the holiday break fast approaching here are the shows you should be catching up on while everything is in repeats and where you can catch up at.
1. Homeland (Showtime)
Not just the best new show of the season, but the best show currently on television (at least until Justified returns). The crazier Claire Danes gets, the better the show is.
2. Suburgatory (ABC) iTunes – Amazon Instant Video
Jane Levy is easily the breakout star of the season even if Emma Stone broke out with the same persona two years ago. And Dalia is easily the scariest thing on television, yes scarier than the zombies on The Walking Dead.
3. Revenge (ABC) iTunes – Amazon Instant Video
I basically only started watching this show for Amy Abbott and she remained the only character I actually care about, yet this show is still extremely addictive.
4. Once Upon a Time (ABC) iTunes – Amazon Instant Video
When I heard about this show (as well as Grimm
5. Two Broke Girls (CBS) CBS.com
Kat Dennings is comedy gold, but the rest of the cast certainly is not.
But who cares what I think, so I asked sometime contributor Doug, who apparently watched as many new shows this fall as I watched total, his thoughts and here is his favorite new shows of the fall.
1. 2 Broke Girls (CBS)
They need to get a new song for in-between songs. I'm already sick of it.
2. Revenge (ABC)
Classic trashy fun.
3. Suburgatory (ABC)
4. Ringer (The CW) iTunes – Amazon Instant Video
Have no idea how they can keep this show going longer than 1 season.
5. Hart of Dixie (The CW) iTunes – Amazon Instant Video
Cute throwback to the WB days. Hope The CW gives this time to develop.
Homeland is awesome and the finale was greatness