Redneck hit their boon in the nineties, Jeff Foxworthy turned his popular phrase (You might be a redneck if…) into bestselling books and a television series on two different networks, Garth Brooks outsold everyone in the decade, redneck fashion mainstays mullets, flannel and overalls broke into the mainstream and we even elected our first hillbillies president in Bill Clinton. But the pop culture stranglehold the Caucasian subculture seemed to be released when we elected our second redneck president and the sub culture just did not seem as entertaining anymore.
Mow that brush clearing George Bush is long gone, maybe it is time for a redneck resurgence and first up is Rocket City Rednecks. But the men of the show are not your regular Jethro or Cletus, they are redneck rocket scientists. No seriously, the main redneck on the show works at NASA’s Marshall Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, and the group of five members boast eight advanced degrees among them. But do not let the degrees fool you, they are also certifiable rednecks who scoffs when one asks, “Where are you gonna find 500 beer cans.”
And you might be a redneck if you star in episodes named Bomb-Proof My Pick-Up and Moonshine Rocket Fuel. But this is not Jackass for Hicks, the rednecks will be putting those PhD’s to good use for instance they are trying bomb-proofing their truck in hopes to use their idea for armored trucks in war. Plus this is where the 500 beer cans come in. And since they cannot find anyone to be a crash test dummy, they make their own out of fruit and eggs. As for the moonshine rocket fuel, NASA is also looking for ways to lower fuel cost and the boys have an idea that moonshine just may work but first they have to put it to the test. Both episodes air tonight.
The Rocket City Rednecks have plenty of great one liners throughout the episodes including their motto “Safty Third” (tune in to find out what is one and two) and “it is easier to get forgiveness than permission sometimes.” Also this season the redneck try to creat a lightweight, bullet-proof exoskeleton, build a homemade submarine out of kegs, proctect the Earth from an asteroid, convert an RV into an interplanetary spaceship, use hydroelectricity to power their custom built pontoon boat, and build a spy satellite. The show also has a theme song even the Clampett’s would enjoy.
Rocket City Rednecks airs Wedenesdays at 9:00 with back to back episodes on the National Geographic Channel. Check out a preview of tonight’s premiere below:
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