I have gotten a plethora of cool press releases have been flooding my inbox recently that you may find interesting. This post will include blurbs on True Blood, Psych, Fix This Kitchen, The Hour, From the Sky Down, The Car Show, Gigolos, Dean Martin, Comedy Central Roast of Charlie Sheen, Screen Actors Guild, TV Guide, and Jillian Michaels.
- True Blood closes out its fourth season this Sunday at 9:00 on HBO. Here is a sneak peak:
- Fans of USA’s Psych will want to head over to psych.usanetwork.com by September 21 to sign up for a chance to win a free pair of tickets to Fan Appreciation Day on October 6 in New York City. Stars and creator of the show will screen the sixth season premiere and participate in a Q&A for 500 fans. Not feeling lucky, the site will also stream live coverage.
- If you are like me and stare at your kitchen every night wishing it would magically create itself more counter space, here is a show for you: Fix This Kitchen whose new season premieres tomorrow at 9:30 AM on A&E. Check out a promo below (and if anyone at A&E is reading this, I my kitchen, which is stuck in the seventies, available to feature on the show).
- In this month’s New Yorker, Nancy Franklin reviews the BBC series The Hour.
- Last night From the Sky Down premiered at the Toronto Film Festival and for those that were not in Canada can see the documentary stateside when it hits Showtime Saturday October 29 at 8:00. The documentary sees members of U2 discuss the making of Achtung Baby which turns twenty this year (wow, really, that makes me feel old) and is directed by Academy Award winner Davis Guggenheim. Check out a trailer below:
- Next week on The Car Show (Wednesday at 10:00 on Speed), Adam Carolla will welcome special guest Bruce Jenner.
- Fans of Showtime’s Gigolos note that the new season has a premiere date: October 20 at 11:00. For those that need to catch up, the season one replay began last night and will continue to air Thursdays at 11:00.
- Autumn officially starts in two weeks so it is time to get ready for new Christmas albums to hit store shelves and starting things off is Dean Martin’s My Kind of Christmas
which you can pick up starting September 20. The album will feature a duet with Scarlett Johansson on I’ll Be Home for Christmas along with thirteen other holiday songs.
- You have a week and a half to prepare yourself for the Comedy Central Roast of Charlie Sheen featuring roaster Mike Tyson. Yes Charlie Sheen and Mike Tyson will be in the same room at the same time. You have been warned.
The Roast of Charlie Sheen | Mon, Sept 19 10/9c | |||
Driving the Roast Express | ||||
- TNT has just announced that Mary Tyler Moore will be this year’s recipient of the Screen Actors Guild Lifetime Achievement Award which will be handed out at the 18th annual award show January 29 to air on the channel.
- TVGuide.com has released something called the Social Power Ranking where users can easily find where they can discuss a particular show or episode, right from the TVGuide.com homepage.
- Jillian Michaels will be October’s covergirl for Redbook which is hitting stores next week. Inside she talks about adopting a baby from the Democratic Republic of the Congo and leaving The Biggest Loser.

- In this week’s political press release of the week, why let the five nut jobs in Iowa determine election results with their silly straw poll? Now anyone in America can participate in the Comic Book’ First Straw Poll. Pre-Order your favorite candidate’s comic before September 29 to have your voice heard.
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