I scoffed at The Voice when it was first announced and here I am live blogging the finale just month’s later. Sure for me the last performance show is just a formality because Dia Frampton locked this with her rendition of Heartless which is now the gold standard for singing competitions. So unless she runs offstage crying during one of her performances, she should take home the trophy (or whatever the winner gets).
8:45 - Currently watching The Voice pre-show, aka Pretty Little Liars. It is weird that everyone killed The Killing for not revealing who killed Rosie Larson yet no one made a peep when Pretty Little Liars ended its first season without giving a definitive answer as to who killed even if the heavily hinted that it was Ian. Not only do we not know who the killer is, the show adds more questions without answering them at a Lostian pace.
9:00 – We start off with the coaches doing Vanilla Ice!!!! Wait, never mind. I thought the Queen medley was a couple weeks ago.
9:07 – One second of it and I already hate Vicci’s song. She is really at her worst
9:10 - Holy TRL reference!!! Carson totally has PTDS.
9:12: I miss the V room. The Social media room just does not have the awesomely cheeky vibe to it.
9:16: It is not a good sign that Up all Night does not premiere for three months and I am already tired of it.
9:21: R&B has been slowly dying for the past decade and though Stitch by Stitch does not hit the highs of the 90’s R&B, it is still decent by today’s standard. Bonus points for wrangling in the vocal gymnastics at the right time, something Javier Colon has struggled with his previous performances. Grade: B- Download Stitch By Stitch on iTunes.
9:30 – It’s the Blues Brothers
9:32 – Dia has hit the right emotional buttons during her solo performances, but goes more for the fun root when singing with Blake, and we have Blues Brothers costumes (though Dia ditched the sunglasses early) and ZZ Top style synchronizing moves. Grade: B Download I Won't Back Down on iTunes.
9:42 – Every Vicci Martinez performance has been the same, take a great song and pale in comparison to the orginal singing in a karaoke style, then start screaming for no apparently reason, and even though there was no orginal artist to underperform, she still follow the same pattern. Grade: D+ Download Afraid to Sleep on iTunes.
9:50 – Pitbull on The Voice. Huh? Everyone that got booted in the battle rounds have better voices than him. And did he just name drop Seacrest? Wrong show buddy.
9:59 - Crap, I meant to put in a bet in Vegas that Christina Aguilera would make Beverly McClellan duet Beautiful with her. That would have been easy money. I actually like Beverly better in this performance. Grade: B- Download Beautiful on iTunes.
10:04 - Katherine McPhee acting again? Did no one see The House Bunny
10:13 – I am a little disappointed that Dia was not allowed to write a song herself. If you are going to label her a singer-songwriter, how about let her write her own song? The song she did probably went too far into Vanessa Carlton territory than it shoud. Oddly her orginal song was the one song that she did that did not sound like she put her own personal touch on. Grade: B- Download Inventing Shadows on iTunes.
10:21 - Fun fact: Man In the Mirror was the very first song I ever performed in public.
10:25 – I was getting a little worried, how do you perform Man in the Mirror without a choir, but they finally showed up, but it was still too small of a choir. Fill the stage up with a choir during that song. I wonder if they scaled it down this time around because the Team Adam performance was drowned out a couple weeks ago. Grade: B Download Man In the Mirror on iTunes.
10:31 – I am not sure if I am disappointed or relieved that Brad Paisley’s Don’t Drink the Water is not a Dave Matthews Band cover.
10:44 - Beverly may not have deserved to be in the final four when the spot could have gone to Xenia or Nakia, but she may be the most entertaining performer from the top eight. Her original song was a little bland. But then again all the original songs were a little bland (grant none were as horrible as all of the American Kareoke winning songs not named Inside Your Heaven). Grade: C Download Lovesick on iTunes.
10:55 - Cee-Lo singing Pat Benatar in a Legion of Doom costume. No seriously. Can I buy a song with just him performing the song? Vicci may have the coolest looking performances, but the weakest voice in the finals. Grade: B+ Download Love Is a Battlefield on iTunes.
11:00 It’s all over but the voting. So vote early, vote often, vote Dia Frampton. 1-855-VOICE-03. I’ll leave you with the best Dia quote I have read about her: “She's adorable, and looks either like Lyla Garrity or Jessica Alba, depending on the kind of adorable face she's making.” – Rolling Stone.
Check out my Live Blog of The Voice Results Show.
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