Tonight starts NBC highly touted three hour comedy block with critical darlings Community
Much like the unfunny ABC freshman sitcom Better with You, Perfect Couples follows three couple and even features a similar type of cold open. Unlike Better with You, all the couples are not related aside from a brother and sister with the other relationship coming from common area of work. Olivia Munn (Date Night
Much like Better with You, Perfect Couples started out pretty laughless. But by the second commercial break, the show got better, but still well below Outsourced in terms of quality laughs. But Perfect Couples does have one ace in the hole: Olivia Munn. Anyone who watched her on Attack of the Show she is a hardworking star in the making that will make it worth tuning in every weak because if there were to get on track, she will be the reason why.
Perfect Couples airs Thursdays at 8:30 on NBC. You can also stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Perfect Couples on iTunes.
nice tv series