Winter has been dead for the music industry for a couple years and it managed to get worst this year with multiple albums have broke the dubious distinction of the worst sales for the number one album in the Soundscan era and we are just one month in. And looking ahead, that record is not very safe. But it may pick up soon with many high profile acts set to release albums later in the first quarter, but not many have not set a street date yet, just a vague “Spring” release date. Here are some albums that you may have to look forward to while watching the snow melt: Click on the album name to pre-order at Amazon, or the artist name to do so in iTunes.
February 1
Musica + Alma + Sexo
Go Down Under
February 8
Mondo Amore
Tell Me
The World Is Yours
The Sing Off: The Best of Season 2
Slaughterhouse EP
Febuary 15
Go-Go Boots
People’s Key
What If
February 22
March 1
The Valley
Wounded Rhymes
Going Out in Style
March 8
Collapse into Now
Goodbye Lullaby
March 15
March 22
Stone Rollin’
Live on I-5
March 29
Gimme Some
Doggumentary Music
TBD – Foo Fighters
So Beautiful or So What
Time of My Life – 3 Doors Down
Blood Pressures – The Kills
May 3
In Your Dreams
Unknown Date
Watch the Throne
Songs of Ascent – U2
Hot Sauce Committee parts 1 & 2
Codes and Keys – Death Cab for Cutie
BlakRoc II – BlakRoc
TBD – Fiona Apple
TBD – Red Hot Chili Peppers
Fleet Foxes LP2 – Fleet Foxes
Black and White America – Lenny Kravitz
Euphoric Heartbreak – Glasvegas
TBD – Mary J. Blige
Lifestyle – Nelly Furtado
TBD – The Ting Tings
And what would be a music preview without the prerequisite maybe this is the quarter we get to hear Detox
What is the music that plays at the ending theme of full metal alchemist brotherhood? the preview music name?