Rubicon: C’mon, all the bombs go off at 4:20 EST and no one makes the easiest connection all? Of course this is the day Tanya in on her rehab assignment; she surely would have gotten it. You can download Rubicon on iTunes.
Chuck: Was that really Balki Bartokomous who showed up for half a second? The show is really going overboard with their guest stars. This week The Hulk, a Victoria’s Secret model (okay, I do not have much problem with that), and the Old Spice guy. There are even recycling them next week with the return of Stone Cold Steve Austin, Nicole Richie and whoever Greta will be that week. I am all for bringing familiar faces, but it is beginning to be too much. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Chuck on iTunes.
How I Met Your Mother: So how exacklt did Barney talk everyone in to helping him move out his mother? But anyway. I am totally on the underselling things. Just set the bar so low that you can walk over it. You can stream recent episodes over at You can also download How I Met Your Mother on iTunes.
The Event: I may already be off the bandwagon. When the skevvy hairy dude was killed off I wondered to myself was he a pawn used by the ht brunette, how was he chosen. Then realized that his death will be the end of it and I doubt we will ever hear from him again and will just go down as a red herring. And of course my biggest complaint about Lost is that 90% turned out to be red herring.. I don’t expect every loose end to be tied up, but I am disappointed that I am already resigned to not getting an answer to the show.
In none disappointing news, I was totally right about the alien angle and that Sophia’s buddies were the ones that diverted the plane. What I didn’t see coming was the one CIA agent was an alien all along as seen in the graphic vein removal scene. Which begs the question, who is the hot brunette and who is she working for? You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download The Event on iTunes.
Castle: If there is one thing I learned from Lost (besides never end a series in a church) is that I really hate the argument between fate an free will. And as fun as having a psychic possibly predicting her own death, I treally6 disliked Castle and Beckett debating for and against back and forth. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Castle on iTunes
Parenthood: Wow, Sarah’s really getting around, first she flirts with the boss and now a warehouse worker. You know this cannot end well for her, but the question is will she bring her brother down with her. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Parenthood on iTunes.
Survivor: Nicaragua: I couldn’t watch this episode live and managed to go most of Thursday without being spoiled, avoiding websites that cover the show, starting conversations by saying I missed it and the such. But of course this was the week Jimmy Johnson gets voted off and I get spoiled by PTI when they wish a Happy Tails to the former football coach. Hurnph. And on a side note, can please go back to separate Reward and Immunity challenges please? You can stream recent episodes over at

Modern Family: The correlation between how much the families interact and how funny an episode hold up again as this was much funnier than last week mostly thanks to Al Bundy slapping the evil out of the chickens. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Terriers: So the person living in Hank’s attic is his crazy sister (played by Donal Louge’s real twin sister). Didn’t see that one coming. And Hank and his partner just seem to continue to fail upward uncovering big and bigger fish in some weird conspiracy. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Terriers on iTunes
The Big Bang Theory: I really hate it when the show dips into my own personal life for storylines. Not only am I as limber as Sheldon, I have been preparing for the Singularity also. And yes this is a real thing but by estimates, as long as we make it to seventy, we might be able to make it as long as we stay away from any rogue badgers.
Community: Annie and chloroform may be the greatest gag this show has ever down. Yes even funnier than anything in the paintball episode even if I knew it was coming once Abed pulled it out of his caper bag. You can stream current episodes on Hulu. You can also download Community on iTunes.
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