Quote of the Week: We don’t have any money. I’m in the 10th grade. It was my first time. I threw it away, and I don’t want to throw my life away. It’s just really obvious that my mom wants me to have this abortion because I was her mistake and she has just struggled and hurt and everyday she wanted better. And I knew better. I was just thinking forget about what she wants, what do I want? Maybe I could take care of this baby. And maybe I would be good at it and I could love it and be there for it. Then I think about how awful it would be if I had a baby and I spent the rest of my life resenting him or her. (Becky – Friday Night Lights)
Song of the Week: Percussion Gun – White Rabbits (Friday Night Lights)
Big News of the Week: LeBron Is Gone: As someone who has lived in Northeast Ohio all his life, the only sports championship I have witness in my lifetime was by the Cleveland Crunch (bonus points for anyone who can name the sport). So really came as not much as a surprise that LeBron would be “taking his talents to South Beach” (really, is the a more douchebagery way of saying you are leaving) but it still stung a lot coming from a guy who should know very well events like The Drive, The Fumble, The Shot, The Blown Save, and Art Modell. Things are so bad here in Cleveland, the past decade, we were not even good enough in anything to have a gut wrenching loss to name. Instead we get events like watching game one of the World Series where the starters of both teams were a year before, both Indians.
So I am totally with Dan Gilbert’s douchebagry letter and I hope he is right that the Cavs with a title before the Heat and that the Cleveland Curse will follow LeBron down to South Beach. And that highlights what may be the worst byproduct of this trade: if the Heat end up playing the Lakers in the finals next year like many predict, I will have to root for Kobe Bryant for the first time ever, and I even secretly hoped he didn’t win Olympic Gold a couple years back. On the funnier side of the trade, you can now buy a LeBron James Fathead for the deeply discounted price of $17.41 (cut from $99.99), which just happens to be the same year that Benedict Arnold was born. Also keep in mind Fathead is also owned by Dan Gilbert.
Persons Unknown: Another Lost parallel, they killed off the Token Hot Chick way too early (as in ever). Hurmph. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Persons Unknown on iTunes.
Rescue Me: Of course Tommy’s great idea to get his daughter off the sauce was to pour more down her throat until she didn’t want to drink anymore. I may have to try the overindulge approach whenever I need to hold my next intervention. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Rescue Me on iTunes.
Happy Town: The final two episodes popped up online this week (check out the Hulu link below) and all I have to say about it is that I really did not care for the reveal of The Magic Man (though I correctly guessed the gender). You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Happy Town on iTunes.
Friday Night Lights: It must have been heavy discussion with you parents week with Becky, Luke, Vince and Jess (you can also throw in Tim as Billy raised him) all had heart to hearts with their parents. And watching this episode reminds me of how Tami really needs more screen time with the students because those are what got her the much deserved Emmy nomination (congrats to Coach Taylor for finally landing one also). Big laugh of the week, though, goes to the Riggins brothers for their ill conceived plan to bury the car skeletons. And even though Tim asked him to quit, I have a feeling it will not be easy to get out from under Vince’s buddy (and how heartbreaking was him getting into the car was). You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Free Download of the Week: Rubicon Sneak Preview - Rubicon, Season 1 (iTunes): I am not as enamored with AMC’s critically adored series as most, so I have not checked out Rubicon yet. But if you want to check it out before it’s August 1 premiere (and didn’t catch the sneak peak after the Breaking Bad
Deal of the Week: TV Spotlight Deal: Save Up to 58%
Video of the Week: LeBron may be leaving Cleveland but John Mayer will be playing here soon as he proclaims in this almots funny video.
Next Week Pick of the Week: The Closer, Monday at 9:00 on TNT: Click here for my Preview of the new season of The Closer, which will be followed tomorrow by new show Rizzoli and Isles which you can look out for a review tomorrow.
I am still diggin the whole Persons Unknown for now. The introduction to the convict was pretty interesting, I must say. I am still lost to what is going on. I hope they give us some clues that us laymen can understand. LOL But it still has a spot on my DVR. I wonder why they are changing it to Saturday airings?
ReplyDeleteI think we are still supposed to be lost as to the end game of Persons Unknown is. They say everything will be revealed by the end of the series, so I hope they stick to their word. And as to why they are moving the show to Saturday, much like everytime a show is moved there, the reason is no one is watch during the week, except apparently for us. But better Saturday then not at all.