Quote of the Week: You know what Buddy, you need to polish that ring of yours, its looking a bit tarnished. (Coach Taylor, Friday Night Lights)
Song of the Week: September – Earth, Wind, Fire and Rain (Chuck)
Big News of the Week: No More Lost After Tomorrow: 119 hours down, two and a half more to go until I no longer have to watch Lost
Gratuitous Token Hot Chick Picture of the Week:

Free Download of the Week: Sittin’ on the Hitz
Deal of the Week: Final Days: Save up to 58% on Spotlight Deals
Video of the Week: Living in the Cleveland area such. Business has been fleeing for years and really all we have going for ourselves is that at least we are not Detroit. We haven’t even won a major sports championship in the state in my lifetime, or in the lifetime of anyone under the age of forty-six. Which could explain why local celebrities (including our governor, a senator, a Real Worlder, and Carl Monday who is sort of the Cleveland version of Chris Hansen) resorted to making this video below in hopes that it will sway LeBron James to stay in his hometown. And yes I am a little offended that I wasn’t asked to participate.
Next Week Pick of the Week: Chuck, Monday at 8:00 on NBC: I was actually under the impression that last week was the season finale due to the lack of “Next Week” promo at the end of the episode, but not only is there one episode left of Chuck this season, it is a two hour episode. Which means it will conflict with the season finale of The Big Bang Theory
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