Quote of the Week: I Googled “disaster” and “woman,” had to wade through hundreds of sites of Sarah Palin and Brittany Spears. (Eli Stone, Eli Stone)
Song of the Week: Brand New Day – Joshua Radin (Eli Stone)
Big News of the Week: The Emmy Nominations Announced: Yawn. Wait they nominated Sheldon Cooper. Still every other category is mostly laughable.
Coalition Links of the Week:
This week, Jace had an advance review of the five-episode event Torchwood: Children of Earth, airing every night on BBC America this coming week, and had an exclusive interview with Torchwood executive producer Julie Garner. (Televisionary)
The TV Addict offers up his take on the 2009 Emmy Nods: The Good, The Bad and the Who Does BSG Have to Frak to Get Some Emmy Recognition! (The TV Addict)
Matt is 29 years old and a male. But he's seen the first episode of The Vampire Diaries and is a major fans. (TV Fanatic)
Kate wondered which season of The Bachelor was the most boring. (TV Filter)
Buzz took a break from all the Emmy mania to check out the models who will appear on the Project Runway companion series, Models of the Runway. (BuzzSugar)
Kings: I really didn’t care for the whole trail aspect and arresting Mr. Boston for treason, but there were sure some jaw dropping moments. Like the princess got knocked up. Or the minister finally teamed up with the evil beotgher only for Mr. Boston to turn down their offer. Oh, and that ending. Although I was a bit disappointed with the wording. If the King was going to use a homosexual slur, why not use Al Swearengen’s favorite slur? You can stream current episodes over at NBC.com. You can also download Kings on iTunes.
Eli Stone: Holy Ephram Brown sighting! Although by the time I figured out it was him (it was hard to place the voice without his incessant whining) he was gone. And in the end, so was the show. It deserved a better ending then the one we got. You can stream current episodes over at ABC.com. You can also download Eli Stone on iTunes.
Rescue Me: I was a little disappointed that we didn’t get more fallout from the stolen fire truck, but I loved the trashing the break room and making the probie clean it up even though saw it coming early on during the trashing. You can stream current episodes over at Hulu.

Free Download of the Week: PM Yoga (iTunes): I decide a couple weeks ago that I would start doing yoga in hopes of receiving some aches and pains. Unfortunately I have come to the realization there are very few yoga positions in my flexibility range. I downloaded this for free recently and hopefully it is something up my alley.
Deal of the Week: Blu-ray Blowout: As Low as $15.49
Video of the Week: I know I just showed this a couple days ago (see Buster Bluth Wants Us to Watch CTRL), but I thought I would show it again just in case anyone missed it.
Next Week Pick of the Week: ESPY Awards, Sunday at 9:00 on ESPN: The most reliable award show this decade hosted once again by Samuel L. Jackson. I just heard an interview with the Jimmy V Award on Mike and Mike, and hearing his story (he got hit by a truck, during his surgery they discovered inoperable cancer, and he still coached the following season in a wheelchair for his basketball team) will be worth tuning in.
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