Quote of the Week: This is Armani. Pimp! Armani! (The Hateable Dan LeBatard, Pardon the Interruption)
Song of the Week: Say, Say, Say – Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson (as sung by The Hateable Dan LeBatard and J.A. Adande, Pardon the Interuption)
Big News of the Week: ABC Trickles onto Hulu: Three weeks ago Hulu announced their Hulu Days of Summer releasing something new for two months straight. The first two week saw the addition of Dead Like Me and mostly movies but I wondered how they would actually be able to do so all summer. Well this past Monday saw the inclusion of Grey’s Anatomy thus launching ABC’s addition to the video streaming site. That was followed by Desperate Housewives, Better Off Ted, The Superstars and I Survived a Japanese Game Show. So far only shows from ABC proper had been added but I expect other subsidiaries (ABC Family, Disney Channel, Soap Net, etc.) will soon follow in upcoming weeks.
Kings: See, I told you the Queen should kill that chick. Seriously, what took her so long? And it looks like Silas is back to flip flopping on David. Ugg. You can stream current episodes over at NBC.com. You can also download Kings on iTunes.
Eli Stone: What was with the random Grace-centric episode? She was only in one episode and was never heard about for most of the season with Eli moving on to Maggie and then out of nowhere Eli is thinking about her only for him to see her in a flashback. Just odd. You can stream current episodes over at ABC.com. You can also download Eli Stone on iTunes.
Charm School with Ricki Lake: This is what I hate about this show, they boot the person who has changed the most for the one that “needs more work.” When you are done to the final five you can’t pull they, they should know by now not to call other people “retards.” Not that it will keep me from watching. You can also download Charm School with Ricki Lake on iTunes.
Rescue Me: No drug induced musical number this week? Well of course the male stripper doesn’t count. That scene just went on too long
You can stream current episodes over at Hulu.

The Philanthropist: I an era where every show seems to use narration ad nausea, the show is sure clever with it’s narration, be it trying to impress a barmaid, avoiding a hostile takeover in the board room or chatting up a prime minister. Creativity always gets points in my book. Although Paris is certainly not as exotic as Nigeria or Burma. You can stream current episodes over at NBC.com. You can also download The Philanthropist on iTunes.
Free Download of the Week: X5 Free Sampler - Golden Voices
(Amazon MP3): Here is one for the fans of the classics with songs by Dean Martin, Ella Fitzgerald and three others to ask your grandparents about. Not as old, but while at Amazon you will want to also pick up this free live Sam Cooke
Deal of the Week: Save up to 45% on First Seasons
Video of the Week: One show that was ready for Upfronts was Day One and the first glimpse of the show leaked to the interwebs this week. It actually had me sucked in until the curly headed dude started screaming, “it doesn’t matter, they’re already dead!” which caused me to laugh and it was all downhill from there. But it still stars the highly likeable Julie Gonzalo so I may still give it a try. And hey, it can’t possibly be worse than Heroes. Right? Hopefully NBC releases a better quality trailer soon. When they do I will repost it.
Next Week Pick of the Week: Leverage, Wednesday at 9:00 on TNT: Leverage was the surprise show of last season having just the right mix of action, drama, and comedy. With a new season comes a new game to coincide with the new season. Head over to LeverageHQ.com to play Get Ready to Get Even.
Leverage will be followed by new show Dark Blue which comes with its own game you can find at DarkBlueUndercover.com. Look out for more on both shows before their premieres.
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