The Big Bang Theory: Episodes that have Sheldon and Penny together for a lengthy portions never disappoint and this was no exceptions. Leonard walking in on them singing was the best. You can stream current episodes over at Innertube. You can also download The Big Bang Theory on iTunes.
I Love Money 2: God bless Bones, trying to convince morality ton a French stripper. Of course he had no chance. Which begs the question, why does such a religious guy go on a reality show to try to date New York? You can also download I Love Money on iTunes.
Gary Unmarried: Wasn’t that the same teacher that beat the crap ou of Gary the last time we saw her? I guess she likes dudes who can take a punch even if he were two timing them. You can stream current episodes over at Innertube.
Lost: When everybody initially thought of Sun when it was mentioned that someone saw the pilot row off with a woman I scoffed thinking she had to have warped with the other and was stuck somewhere with Sayid because there was no way they could explain coherently why Sun didn’t flash but the other did. And of course I underestimated the absurdity of Lost.
But after racking my brain I actually came up with a theory as to why some people warp and some do not. Here it goes: Those born on the island do not warp. Now if you remember back to the season premiere everyone assumed that Miles was the baby of the Dr. Candle, but what if it was actually Sun?
Now there are some holes in my theory namely why doesn’t Ben not flash if he were born off the island and if the baby wasn’t Miles then why did he get a nosebleed before, say, Juliet. But it does sorta solve the why isn’t Locke warping in that he was “reborn” on the island. You can stream current episodes over at

My Name Is Earl: Holy Betty White sighting! And who knew she was such an evil witch? Granted it took me most of the episode to finally realize that yes, that was her. You can stream current episodes over at You can also download My Name Is Earl on iTunes.
Friday Night Lights: Poor Lyla, to learn that her father lost her college fund and to add even more insult, he lost it during a meeting in the Landing Strip while destroying the joint. But if she somehow finds her way to college next year, I may be okay if Madison joins the cast next year. You can stream current episodes over at

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