Chuck: Yeah that 3-D stuff sucked. When I watch something in 3-D, I want object to feel like they are an inch from my nose not look like they just come an inch out of the television. And except for the flying knife during the elevator screen, there really wasn’t much that was 3-D worth. And they really glossed over Chuck being disturbed that he saw the Token Hot Chick killed someone. That was supposed to be the big cliffhanger and she was able to explain her way out of it in less than a minute. You can stream current episodes over at You can also download Chuck on iTunes.
How I Met Your Mother: So was the theme of this episodes was that I should delete that I am an award winning actor and a Safety Town volunteer off my résumé? You can stream current episodes over at Innertube. You can also download How I Met Your Mother on iTunes.
Trust Me: Do Thumbthing seems like the tag line equivalent of a Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip sketch to the point I spent most of the episode thinking, they are doing everything they can to keep Do Thumbthing? And Ed made my point to the focus group because as someone who grew up with a speech impediment (or three) who had to be pulled out of elementary classes two times a week for a half hour, I found it a bit offensive. You can also download Leverage on iTunes.
Lost: Now that was a huge shocker: Rousseau was actually quite attractive in her youth. But anyways. It was odd that Sawyer would call the Polynesian Boat people Other Others because I thought Faraday and his ilk were the Other Others. I originally thought that it may be the Oceanic 6, but they don’t really need two boats, but it seems obvious that that time is somewhere in the future. So I’ll go with my old standby when I don’t know and predict that it is Whitmore people. Speaking of time travel, they should really limit themselves to one flash per episode like in the perennial time travel show of all time Quantum Leap. You can stream current episodes over at

Friday Night Lights: What a bunch of heart wrenching scenes between Tyra telling Landry she chooses the rodeo dude and Matt telling off his mother. But at least they followed those up with the scene at Texas A&M (which Jo apparently thinks is a great school or something, I mean, it is no Kent State or anything) between Coach, Smash and the A&M coach which will go down in the anneals as on of the best Friday Night Lights scene ever. You can stream current episodes over at

Also check out my First Impressions of I Love Money 2 as well as my rundown of the 2009 Suiper Bowl and the ads.
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