Naturally in this fractured musical era there are plenty of great songs that slip through the cracks many of which I hope I brought to your attention on my 100 Best Songs of 2008. One group that landed two songs in the top thirty (as well as a top ten album) was the Black Keys. They didn’t get there placement solely because they are an Akron based group and I may have taught the orientation class of one of the members, but because they are that good. They get a lot of comparisons to The White Stripes because of the guitar and drum only competition, but musically they are better because of a much better drummer. And they were added by having Danger Mouse release their latest album, the first outsider they ever let in, to add some chattiness to the already high musical IQ. Strange Times may have ranked higher on my list, but since I have already highlighted the laser-tag inspired video a couple times, here is I Got Mine, both of which are worthy of space on your iPod.

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