Quote of the Week: I am 90% certain you just got served by the lead singer of The Spin Doctors. (Barney, How I Met Your Mother)
Song of the Week: Let it Be Me - Ray LaMontagne (Eli Stone)
Big News of the Week: Right Wing Nut Jobs Love Rock of Love; Liberal Communist Prefer Flavor of Love: As mentioned many times before on the 9th Green, I hate polls. There are too many ifs that you need to believe to find polls true, did the pollsters get the right sample size, are the questions misleading, did people answer truthfully, are the polls presented properly, is the margin of error too large to take seriously, etc. And polls are pretty offensive if you know how they are at the heart sexist, racist, ageist, and basically every kind of -ist you can think of as each poll if they pick you assumes that the closest1,000 people (depending on the sample size) of your gender, age group, race, income think the exact same way you do.
But there was one poll that caught my eye this week so absurd I had to pass it along even if like most polls I question the validity of the findings and considering the source, Nielsen, is the least reliable of all polling. The poll tracked the cable viewing habits of partisans like when it comes to FX, the Dems watch the morally bankrupt It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia while the GOP would rather watch the corporate corruption of Damages. Yeah, that sounds right. But the funniest finding was expressed in the title. When it comes to MTV, both parties can agree on The Hills, while those that don’t identify themselves to either party can agree that both political parties are filled with morons in legalized cults.
Gratuitous Token Hot Chick Picture of the Week:

Coalition Links of the Week:
This week, Sandie shared an interview with Daniel Gerroll from The Starter Wife. (Daemon's TV)
The return of Roy (ok really David Denman) on The Office made GMMR very happy. As did Kristin Chenoweth's gut busting prank on Ellen. (Give Me My Remote)
Disappointed by the lack of a good directory of online web series, Rae wants to know what you're web series you're watching. (RTVW)
Vance is totally sweet on the Top 16 dancers on So You Think You Can Dance Canada. Plus appearances by Benji Schwimmer and High School Musical director Kenny Ortega! (Tapeworthy)
This week, Jace once again fell under the spell of Pushing Daisies and its goose down goodness, but wishes that more people were actually tuning in to watch this winsome series before it gets prematurely culled by ABC. (Televisionary)
Not watching Friday Night Lights so far this season? Well, Sara has a bit of a recap for all you stragglers. (TiFaux)
The TV Addict took a closer look at Simon Baker and The Mentalist. (The TV Addict)
Coming to you all the way from foggy ol’ London town, Ben and Gareth dip their bread soldiers into the hard-boiled Curate’s egg that is Heroes, only, again, to find they are left with more questions than answers. (TV Spy)
Free Download of the Week: Make You Crazy - Brett Dennen (Spinner): Earlier this week I featured s week and now you can get the song for free. Even though it is not free to download, you can stream the season premiere of 30 Rock for free over at NBC.com. Actually you can download the episode for free if you are the first person to e-mail me (subject: 30 Rock) asking for a free iTunes code I have burning a hole in my hard drive. Only people with valid US iTunes accounts are eligible to win.
Promo of the Week: I feel honored because recieved an invitation to Andy and Angela's Wedding yesterday (you can get one too by clicking the link). In return, here is a deleted scene from The Office:
Next Week Pick of the Week: Greek, Tuesday at 9:00 on ABC Family: The mid-season finale of the show that hasn’t really been worth taking about much this season, but solid nonetheless. Hopefully they leave us with something to talk about for the next couple months we will have to go without the show.
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