Quote of the Week: A song even Michael Bolton can’t ruin. Don’t tell anyone I said that. (Tyler, The Middleman)
Big New of the Week: It’s the End of the World as We Know It: And I am starting to get a little queasy. It was bad enough that John McCain included Paris Hilton in one of his political ads, but then the Paris respond ad just inched us even closer to the impending apocalypse. And when you thought, or at least hoped, that was it, John McCain responded to the Paris Hilton ad saying her energy plan was better than the one of Barack Obama. Let me repeat, the presumptive republican nominee responded to an attack ad from Paris Hilton.
Coalition Links of the Week:
Buzz tested your knowledge of how much money TV stars make. (BuzzSugar)
This week, Sandie took a first look at Katie Holmes' guest appearance on Eli Stone. (Daemon's TV)
As part of a week-long series on TV vs. film with TiFaux, Marcia takes a look at some of the ways TV creates more varied characters than film. (Pop Vultures)
Rae steps into the RTVW Confessional and spills about liking good stunt casting, citing such examples as LiLo on Ugly Betty and Katie Holmes on Eli Stone. (RTVW Online)
Vance giddily recaps the finale of So You Think You Can Dance Season 4. (Tapeworthy)
This week, Jace waxed poetic about the latest Peggy-and-Pete-centric installment of Mad Men, easily the one of the most complex, vibrant, and vivid series on television right now. (Televisionary)
In an exciting first for TiFaux, Dan teamed up with Marcia from Pop Vultures to discuss the merits of TV versus film. In his first entry, Dan talked about how couch potatoes are given a bad reputation as anti-social shut-ins. Which, for the record, he only is when Project Runway is on. (TiFaux)
Jack Bauer would me proud as this week, the TV Addict did the impossible and infiltrated the set of 24. (The TV Addict)
Kate was saddened to realize that pretty much any great woman's life can be turned into a Lifetime Original Movie. (TV Filter)
The Middleman: For anyone that didn’t catch all those Ghostbusters references, I do not think we can be friends. You can download episodes of The Middleman on iTunes.
My Boys: Predictable ending, but I have no clue if the wedding will end up going off next season or not. Catch up on recent episodes over at TBS.com. You can also download My Boys on iTunes.
Last week I introduced the cast of Raising the Bar and no one was able to catch the one decree of separation of two of the cast mates, here is a hint:

Free Download of the Week: Man vs. Wild: I was late to hyping the new season, but it just so happens that you can download some bonus material for free on iTunes.
Pick for Next Week: Beijing Olympics, all the time on NBC, CNBC, MSNBC, USA, and Oxygen: Pretty much all I watched this weekend, and all I did, and that looks to continue all week.
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