Quote of the Week: If you mean time traveling bunnies, yes. (Not-Henry, Lost)
Song of the Week: Gouge Away - Pixies (Lost)
Big News of the Week: The History Channel Changes Name to History: Um, yeah, alright. Did the rapper born as Sean Combs have something to do with this inexplicable name change?
Coalition Links of the Week:
According to one poll, Hugh Laurie and Pushing Daisies' Anna Friel are the Brits with the best American accents on TV. BuzzSugar wants to know who else does a good American accent. (BuzzSugar)
Marcia and Fergus liveblogged Eurovision, the only music contest to feature Olympic ice skaters, knitting brides and pirates. Take that, American Idol. (Pop Vultures)
Who's the most overrated couple on television today? Meredith/Derek or Henry/Betty? You tell us. (RTVW Online)
LOST. SO. AMAZING! (Vance is still gasping for air.) (Tapeworthy)
The highlight of Jace's week? The jaw-dropping and brilliant season ender of Lost. The low point? Watching the pilot for the brutally awful US adaptation of Spaced. (Televisionary)
The same-sex escapades continued on Work Out and our resident lesbians answered viewer questions about Jackie Warner's taskmaster tendencies as well as the shameless hot tub scenes with Renessa and Greg. (TiFaux)
Ashley picked her jaw off the floor long enough to reflect on the Lost finale and the season-ending shocker. (Tube Talk)
Kate picked the top five summer shows she's looking forward to this summer - and Wipeout wasn't one of them, thank you very much. (TV Filter)
Lost: I listed a bunch of questions during my season review (see We Got to Go Back Kate) but one I didn’t think of until after I posted is what is going to be real time in season five? It looks like getting back on the island will be the theme of next season so will they be flashbacking to the island, or Sawyer at el will be present day on the show and the Oceanic 6 will only be seen in flashforwards? Or, of course, both? Well we only have eight months to debate that I guess. Check out the latest episode over at ABC.com.

Promo of the Week: Some say I Love Money, premiering July 13 on VH1, is going to be the greatest reality show ever while some argue that we will look back in ten year and pinpoint the show as the downfall of western civilization. I say way not both. But after watching the promo I got to wonder where my boy Midget Mac is? He better not have gotten voted off early and the camerman just are not panning down to get him in the shots.
Next Week’s Pick: Fear Itself, Thursday at 10:00 on NBC: The show may not seem too interesting except for horror fans, but the first episode stars Landry Clarke and the moderately attractive Mircea Monroe.
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