Quote of the Week: Town’s about a block long Veronica Mars. (Eli Stone, Eli Stone)
Song of the Week: One More Try - George Michael (as sung by Ms. Hendricks, Eli Stone)
Big News of the Week: Comings and Goings on TBS: This Tuesday is the season finale of 10 Items or Less at 11:00 which features an employee picnic conveniently inside the store. Then on Wednesday at 10:00 there are two new episodes of House of Payne featuring guests Michael Jai White and Robin Givens. Right after the new episodes, you can participate in a live chat with the cast over at tbs.com starting at 11:00 (keep in mind this is EST so for those on the west coast you can chat before the episodes air). For those that that prefer dramas, TNT for three straight days starting tomorrow (Monday), they will be airing the best of Saving Grace starring Holly Hunter at 10:00 and 11:00.
Coalition Links of the Week:
Buzz picked out some favorite TV catchphrases. If you disagree, we'll have to hug it out. (BuzzSugar)
Eric wondered who your Constant is after watching this week's episode of Lost. (Daemon's TV)
Mikey suggests some great, middle-aged TV alums for Psych to consider casting now that Shawn needs a mom for the upcoming third season. (Mikey Likes TV)
Plattie praised the BBC's Being Human, which features a vampire, a werewolf and a ghost and yet somehow lacks a full series order. (Pop Vultures)
Rae wants you to help her create the perfect “Memorable TV Moments” mix-tape. (RTVW)
Because Vance is so shallow, he analyzes the boys chances for winning/surviving American Idol(/beating David Archuleta) based on their hairdo's in a week where he shamelessly celebrates the hotties to watch for. (Tapeworthy)
While his attention were pulled towards new episodes of Last Restaurant Standing, Top Model, and Project Runway, this week Jace's constant was his love for Lost. (Televisionary)
Welcome to the Captain is the best little show you're probably not watching -- so says Dan. (TiFaux)
This week, the TV Addict proposed to NBC President Ben Silverman that he actually re-make a show people care about. Meaning, it's time for The West Wing: The Next Generation. (the TV Addict)
Raoul interviewed Yau-Man from Survivor. (TV Filter)
The Oscars: I didn’t watch because 1) The only movie I saw that was nominated for anything was Norbit
Welcome to the Captain: Yawn. When is The Big Bang Theory coming back? Check out the latest episodes over at Innertube. You can also download or Welcome to the Captain on iTunes.
Survivor: Yet another brilliant episode. How the old people convinced the Incredible Hulk to keep Chet instead of Mikey B is beyond me but it madr for yet another great tribal council. And one more thing on Mikey B, I just realized this past episode that he is the only Mike on the cast, so why the “B”? Is this a Grandmaster B situation where that is what he wanted everyone to call him? But anyways. It looks like the show will only get better next week when they switch up the tribes and you know someone is going to turn on their former tribemates because there is a lot of hate going around this season. Please let Cirie and Jonathan end up on the same tribe. Check out the latest episode over at Innertube.

Lost: What a worthless hour of television. Just what I thought Desmond’s visions were as lame as it could get, now we have this is he or isn’t he time traveling mind fart of an episode. And it made no sense. The whole business of The Constant should have been resolved early because Daniel could have been it. He talked to him both in the present and the past. And how was Desmond able to travel across England so quickly without going back to 2004? Just when I was beginning to like this season they go all metaphysical. Check out the latest episode over at ABC.com.

Eli Stone: There is nothing I dislike more than episodes that start in the third act then flash back to the beginning. And there seemed to be no reason for this to do so except when you found out that someone was missing, you already new it would be in Hawaii and it made his beach visions less ambiguous. Of course they totally made up for it with the Veronica Mars
Saturday Night Live: Thanks to a glitch I didn’t tape last night’s episode so I check out Hulu only to find out they don’t bother to stream full episodes just a couple clips. Really why bother. I guess I’ll have to wait for a repeat to check the whole thing out.
Also check out my preview of the second season of Dirt.
Promo of the Week: Wednesday also sees the season premiere of Ghost Hunters and here is a promo for the new season:
Next Week’s Pick: My Name Is Earl, Monday at 10:00 on TBS: It is a slow week next week (although you can always check out Eli Stone in hopes for more Veronica Mars references) so if you haven’t caught the funniest show currently on television when it first ran, here is your chance to catch up with back to back episodes every Monday starting with the funniest half hour of television ever in the history of the world.
"What" no mention of prison break
ReplyDeleteThere is no Prison Break reference because I stopped watching Fox about three years ago.