Quote of the Week: You know, in the future when we are disembodied brains in a jars, we are going to look back at this as eight hours well wasted. (Sheldon, The Big Bang Theory)
Song of the Week: I Feel the Earth Move - Carole King (as sung by Maggie and Taylor, Eli Stone)
Big News of the Week: SciFi Channel Upfront: The Battlestar Galactica Preview I posted over the weekend wasn’t the only thing to come out of last Monday’s presentation, but too much to cover here as it will overrun this segment, so expect a full rundown as soon as tomorrow.
Coalition Links of the Week:
Buzz tried her hand at casting the spinoff of Beverly Hills, 90210. (BuzzSugar)
This week, we interviewed Eddie Izzard and Minnie Driver about Season 2 of The Riches on FX. (Daemon's TV)
Mikey's dreams for a weekly dose of Judy Greer finally came true, and if Miss Guided's momentum doesn't slow down, it may even be worthy of her talents. (Mikey Likes TV)
Marcia lists her five favorite TV characters of the moment. Naturally, Barney takes the top spot. (Pop Vultures)
Vance loves Judy Greer! Likes Miss Guided. (Tapeworthy)
This week, Jace was all about the Paley Festival (his fifth!) where he attended events for Pushing Daisies, Chuck, Judd Apatow, and the Buffy the Vampire Slayer reunion. (Televisionary)
Dan pondered Battlestar Galactica's Jamie Bamber and House's Hugh Laurie in an effort to figure out which English actor does the best American accent. (TiFaux)
We list the 5 Shows you should be watching! (the TV Addict)
Kate would have cut the entire bottom three (plus Erik) on Top Chef. (TV Filter)
The Big Bang Theory: I had a fear going into the episode that maybe it lost some stream after the momentum it built after an extremely weak pilot, but the first episode back had me laughing out load the whole time thanks to Sheldon’s multiple one liners. Even the guys not named Sheldon were actually funny this week. Although I have to admit that the closet scene hit a little too close to home for me. Check out the latest episodes over at Innertube. You can also download or The Big Bang Theory on iTunes.
How I Met Your Mother: Here is what really bugs me about this show, thery just completely forget or possibly ignore major plot points. The whole B-story line was built around keeping Lily from ruining her ideal apartment, but wasn’t it ruined a long time ago when they learned that it downwind from some air polluter? And if they continue to tease the Mother again like they did tonight for the rest of the season, I may have to jump ship. And had I made my Top 10 Character List after Barney made an That’s So Raven reference, he would have been left off the list. Check out the latest episodes over at Innertube. You can also download How I Met Your Mother on iTunes.
Survivor: Again I was so spoiled early this season that no blind side leaves a bad taste in my mouth. At this point I am just really ready for a merge. And I can’t believe Kathy jumped ship this late. Check out the latest episode over at Innertube.

Lost: Seriously, all this time Michael has been in New York City where he can’t talk to Walt. No scenes of how he exactly got from the island to NYC. And then after all that he wants to kill himself. And on top of that, he can’t because the island won’t let him. Seriously. But hey, at least we finally learned the Zeke was a gay homosexual once and for all. Who says Lost doesn’t give us answers?
As for the other big news, the someone that will die as advertised in last week’s promo was, um, that one dude whose name I don’t care enough to remember. And don’t tell me Rousseau but it too because if there was a place where I could buy stock in Rousseau wasn’t mortally wounded and will pop up before the season after she is uber-fast healed by the island is over I would invest my savings in it. If she is indeed dead, I will be extremely mad because one of the very few reasons I have stuck by the show was because I was hoping for a Rousseau flashback. And why not show us who shot random dude? It has to be The Others right? Whitmore’s guys would be farfetched. The only other group I could think of, if it isn’t a new faction, would be the Dharma people. Check out the latest episode over at ABC.com.

Eli Stone: Maybe the strongest episode yet even if Dr. Abbott and Ed Stevens have been MIA lately. And even though I was a little weary that the Big Head Barry storyline was dragging out a bit too long, I liked how he got over on his lawyers. Hopefully Maggie doesn’t spend too much in Ohio (but if they want to do some on location shots, shout me a holla) and I am wondering how her whole having a boyfriend plays out and please let it turn out to be Tom Lenk who had a blink and you will miss it cameo two episodes ago. Check out the latest episode over at ABC.com. You can also download Eli Stone on iTunes.
Next Week’s Pick: Greek, Monday at 8:00 on ABC Family: A thoroughly enjoyable summer season returns tonight. One advantage it had during the summer was the lack of competition but luckily Mondays are not as log jammed as it was in the fall with NBC opting for crappy game shows instead of scripted drama so you just have to decide what to watch between Greek and The Big Bang Theory/How I Met Your Mother at 8:00 and which to watch on tape (or Tivo for you pretentious types) at 9:00. I just hope that Frannie, who landed in at number ten on my favorite characters list, and all her Republican spouting wisdom gets more screen time this season. You can check up on last season streaming the episodes on ABCFamily.com or you can download Greek on iTunes while the DVD is currentl under $20 on Amazon (see below).
You might enjoy this entertaining audio interview with Bill Prady, co-creator of "The Big Bang Theory": http://www.mrmedia.com/2008/04/bill-prady-big-bang-theory-cbs-tv.html . Prady's other writing and producing credits include "Gilmore Girls," "Muppets in Space," "Dream On," and even an episode of "Star Trek Voyager."