Big News of the Week: Friday Night Lights 1.x out on DVD Tuesday: Surprising NBC, in all their infinite wisdom didn’t decide to release the DVD on a Friday to avoid confusion. But anyways. If you were one of the way too many who skipped hands down the best new show of last year, here is your chance to check it out before the second season begins October 5 at 9:00. Of course for those that saw the first season in its entirety you may want to pick it up to relive the greatness that is Landry Clarke and the Dillon Panthers as the DVD is currently only $19.99 on Amazon, see right. Also if you are FNL fan or football fan in general, come join my fantasy football league, appropriately title Dillon Panther Football League, and take on my Landry’s Revenge. Drop me an e-mail for the League ID and password Draft is Tuesday September 4 at 9:00 PM EST.
One thing I try to avoid is to say things that have already been said. But on the other hand I am a big fan of beating a dead horse (note to self: start trying to convince people that I am bringing sexyback) so here is my obligatory “Kristen Bell signs up for a couple episodes of Heroes” comment. Certainly all the uber-nerd got way too excited about the news, but I am going to take the opposing view. As much as I would like to see Kristen again, one of the last places I want to see her is on Heroes. If I wanted to see her recite horrible dialogue surrounded by people who can’t act, I would have bought Pulse on DVD.
But one of the reasons I hadn’t dropped the show from my viewing list last year is because it always had the potential to be great but have been dogged by poor writing and even worse acting and the addition of Bell can help half of that. (Helping that even more would be if absorbing dude stays dead and kill off hearing guy and split personally chick.) Granted the other half may actually get worse as I assume Brian Fuller, who wrote by far the best episode of last season Company Man, will not be spending as much time around the show as he will be launching Pushing Daisies in the fall.
Oh and guess for my obligatory story I need a title: Kristen, Now There’s a Hero that Can Ring My Bell
Greek: The candy bar trick could quite possibly be the greatest thing ever, well assuming you have a teacher that will let you eat in class. But that brought me back to the good old days in high school when the English teacher didn’t realize why we would want to use our graphing calculator on the tests. And I have said it since the first episode, and I still don’t care at all for the Cappie/Casey/Even love triangle. Download the current season of Greek on iTunes.
Rescue Me: It is nice to see Tommy made it down off the fire escape okay. The show like to put him peril at the end of episodes only to have him safe and sound at the start of the next with little explanation a little too much. And what is Lou thing contemplating revenge sex with that ugly chick. Revenge sex is only applicable if the chick if at the very least half way decent or it is basically you losing twice.

Pick of the Week: LiveStrong Candidate Forum, Monday and Tuesday, MSNBC: I would like to pass along a time but I looked at MSNBC’s schedule and this wasn’t listed at all. I do know that the democrats meet Monday while the republican have theirs Tuesday with Lance Armstrong and Chris Matthews as your moderators. Consipciously absent although will be cancer survivors Rudy Guiliani and John McCain as well as Barak Obama who lost his mother to the disease. If anyone knows when these are airing, please drop me a comment or e-mail.
We are less than a month away from the start of the new fall schedule and every new show not named Pushing Daisies has yet piqued my interested. But I am interested on what new shows are making you excited and below is an Unspun widget you can play with. You can either give up or down votes to different show or click “Add an item to this list” to do just that or you can click here to go to the page and rank the shows yourself.
Wow. Harsh comments on Heroes. Harsh but hilarious and thank you for telling it like it is. The dialogue is BAD. I'll forgo the bad acting for now. I still like the show as a popcorn feature but those fanboys sure are making it way more than it is.
ReplyDeleteKBell is the only reason I'm excited about Heroes now. Maybe when they see the difference in acting, they'll kill off a few more. Personally, I hope she's a villain.
ReplyDeleteIs your FF league live draft or auto draft? I dunno if I have the brain space for a second live draft, but if it's auto, I'd play.
I'm not entirely sure which fanboys are more annoying, the ones that annoint Heroes the Citizen Cane of TV or the ones who refuse to believe that Lost is still as good as it was the first season.
ReplyDeleteThe problem with them killing of a Hero or two though is that they will replace them with four to ten more.
But KB's hiring just points out one of the biggest flaws in the show in that the secondary heroes (ie Radioactive Man, Invisible Dude, Shape-Shifting Chick) are more interesting than the main ones and KB will just add to that.
The football draft is a live one. I hate auto-drafts because I like to avoid drafting people who I think have a good chance of spending a good chunk of the season in jail.
i meant the hereos-is-god fanboys though usually they are the same as the we-think-Lost-isn't-good-anymore ones.
ReplyDeleteI'm still sad that KB didn't do Lost. That would have been so much cooler. but I'll watch whatever she's in. for now.