If you have not already, be sure to check out my Win a Copy of Neptune Noir Contest.
Quote of the Week: Running from the law wasn’t as easy as they made it look on The Dukes of Hazard. (Joy - My Name Is Earl)
Song of the Week: My Before and After - Cotton Mather (as sung by Desmond Fellows, Veronica Mars)
Big News of the Week: Up Fronts: All the internet gossipers with their “sources” have been speculating for weeks what is in and what is out for the 2007-08 television season but all the rumor will be put to rest this week as all the networks unveils their schedules for next season. So everyone will know for sure if their favorite shows will be coming back and which nights. I’ll have my final wrap up Friday of what I’ll be watching as well as my preseason picks for best new shows.
Saturday Night Live: the 90’s: A thoroughly good retrospective of some of the best years in the history of the show. Some interesting stories including that the original cowbell skit failed in dress rehearsal earlier that season because it was Christopher Walken who made that skit, but I wonder who the original guest host was when the skit got cut. The early years were top heavy with the like of Sandler (who was conspicuously absent), Myers, Carvey, and Rock while the last half was carried by Norm MacDonald. Surprisingly they spent a decent amount of time on his firing. It is a shame the Burt Reynolds cross over didn’t happen because of it. Now it would be too easy to say the Celebrity Jeopardy was my favorite Norm scetch so here is my favorite on:
Flavor of Love Girls: Charm School: Mo’Nique is a moron. Seriously, she had a professional Speech and Debate dude their and she didn’t even respect his decision on who won. Not to mention it was obvious to me that the right team one. Download the latest episode on iTunes.
How I Met Your Mother: From my first impression, I called the show a televised version of a chick flick that is saved by the hilarity that is Barney, but not even Barney could save this week’s episode. Although the random dude, should I have known who that was, chasing Scooter (no relation) almost did. Check out the latest episode on Innertube.
Heroes: The whole snow-globe scene was cool, the rest of the episode, not so much. So we have Peter who knows that he is going to blow up th city, who instead of high tailing it out of the city to avoid that happening, instead goes in search of radioactive man, who is the very person that would cause him to blow up the season. And the show once again teases my greatest hope for the show, that Claire puts a bullet in the back of his head, killing him for good. Please let this be real this time. Check out the latest episode over at NBC.com.

Veronica Mars: Another reason to subscribe to the Veronica Mars Podcast; you learn little tidbits like Desmond Fellows dead band mate in the My Pretty Pony video was played by Rob Thomas. Also if you are a fan of the show, be sure to check out my Win a Copy of Neptune Noir Contest. Check out the latest episode over at CWTV.com or download over at iTunes.
Lost: I totally called Juliet pulling a swerve on the Other with Jack in on it. Now with that said let move to the bulk of the episode; what the frack was that? Not-Henry and Locke talking to a fracking invisible man? Are you fracking kidding me? The reason why eyepatch dude didn’t die was because the wattage apparently wasn’t high enough? That’s fracking lame. Future obscenities aside, I guess we learned a few thing this episode like Not-Henry was, in fact, not born on the island. Apparently The Hostiles don’t age, or at the very least the Hispanic one doesn’t. The Workman in the van was Not-Henry’s dad. But there were plenty of new questions like how did Not-Henry, an outsider to the group, become the leader of The Others? Why didn’t the Hostiles purge the people in the Pearl Station? Is the little girl dead? Is Locke really dead? The show must have one frack of a finale if it expects me, along with other viewers to wait eight months before the show starts up again. Check out the latest episodes over at ABC.com.

Survivor: Yau-Man may have made the best move in the history of Survivor. With six contestant left, he set into motion a plan that very well will put him into the top three. He used the immunity idol to get himself into the top five and if he or Earl gets immunity he’ll get into the top four where if he or Dreamz gets immunity he is automatically in the final (assuming there is a three person finale again). But it will all depend on if the jury rewards him for the plan or give the vote to someone else to spite him. Check out the latest episode on Innertube.

My Name Is Earl: Much better finale than last year with Earl hitting on Joy’s lawyer and the reveal that she was actually on his list and the shocking twist the Earl threw himself on the bomb went to jail for Joy. As great as the show is with Earl crossing things off his list, an Earl in jail so could be just as funny as long as Ralph signs onto the show full time. But I suspect Earl will be out, and most likely back in the motel, by the second episode next season. Check out the latest episode over at NBC.com or download on iTunes.
Next Week’s Pick: Smallville, Thursday, 8:00, The CW: There is something big going down of the season finale of the show. Unfortunately someone’s lack of spoiler warning has, well, spoiled me, but I’ll be turning in just the same. Not to mention, no one does humongous cliffhanger like Smallville.
Download these shows on Amazon UnBox and watch them on your computer or transfer them to your Tivo:
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