Quote of the Week: “That explains your low sex drive, and why you rented Memoirs of a Geisha last night. Man, that was the worst kung-fu movie ever.” (Earl Hickey, My Name Is Earl)
Song of the Week: Free Bird - Lynyrd Skynyrd (as sung by Earl Hickey, My Name Is Earl)
Big News of the Week: Only nine days until the return of Veronica Mars. Now there are conflicting reports to just how safe the show is for returning next fall. Granted the people that say it is already canceled are hiding behind unnamed “sources” while the people who actually work with the show say they haven’t heard any such thing. Either way, the upcoming episode may be a make or break one. So if you do not currently watch, this is me begging, I’m on my knees, please tune into The CW May 1st at 9:00, or sometime afterwards, stream the episode at CWTV.com, and you can even download an episode over at iTunes for the low price of $1.99. You can’t even fill up your lawnmower for that low of price.
As for all of you already on the Veronica Mars bandwagon, this is the time to do some blanket marketing because, lets face it, The CW only likes to promote its reality shows. Remind people of the show on a blog, message boards, post a bulletin for all your friends at MySpace. If you have free time and are near a college, you can print out the flyer below (click to enlarge) and post them around high traffic areas on campus. And for more ideas check out SaveVeronicaMars.tv.

Scooter Update: Here are a couple of banners promoting the return of Veronica Mars. Feel free to put them on your own blogs as you wish as the fit nice and cozy on the sidebar. Many thanks to Jonathan P. for creating them.

RW/RR Challenge: The Inferno III: During my First Impressions on the show I said that the only way the Good Guys would win a challenge would be if the Bad Asses implode and it didn’t take them long to do so with infighting and Danny going insane. Can we put money on another person getting the boot for throwing a punch? Check out the latest episode over at MTV.com.
Lost: Yeah, this whole, will Charlie live or die thing is getting old quick. Hopefully this gets resolved by the end of the season because I was already hoping Charlie actually got hit with the arrow just so the whole thing isn’t drug out like typical Lost fashion. I guess how long this will go on will be determine by whether Desmond truly believed it would have been Penny on the other end of the parachute had he let him die. Back in camp I loved how Sawyer felt obligated to make Kate a mixtape because she was nice enough to give him another go around. Check out the latest episodes over at ABC.com.

Survivor: After a slow start, this season is turning out to be one of the more entertaining seasons in recent years with three great tribal councils in as many episodes. The look on Alex’s face when votes started to come in for Eduardo after strutting up to Probst with the idol was priceless. Check out the latest episode on Innertube.

Smallville: About half way through this episode I realized that I could care less about Chloe’s mom. I think she has only been mentioned twice and there was no lead up to this episode about her. And from the ending, it looks like we won’t be hearing from her again. But we did get the huge shocker that Lex faked Lana’s pregnancy. I totally didn’t see that coming. But I guess that explains why she never once was showing even though she had to be pregnant for awhile. Should be interesting how this plays out.
My Name Is Earl: After Our Cops Is On, I didn’t expect to see a funnier half hour of television this season, then enter Norm MacDonald and his, um, melons. And what better role for Norm to play than Burt Reynolds son as he was the best contestant ever on Celebrity Jeopardy. Then the scene where he steps in front of the pitching machine is the most cringworthy thing ever that made me laugh at the same time. It is probably too late to get him on later this season (unless he has already filmed then), but please have more Little Chubby next season. Norm aside, the opening scene hit very close to home for me because I too just kept my ties tied because I never learned how to do it myself until a college classmate forced me to learn after I asked him to tie my tie for me one too many times. Check out the latest episode over at NBC.com or download the episode on iTunes.
Check out my First Impressions of Flavor of Love Girls: Charm School.
Promo of the Week: Another great fan made promo, this time thanking Veronica Mars sponsor MasterCard for supporting the show. Although I can’t help but wonder where the Aerie Girl thank you is:
Next Week’s Pick: NFL Draft, Saturday and Sunday at 12:00 on ESPN: For those of us who’s team we root for haven’t sniffed the playoffs in years, this is our Super Bowl. And as an added bonus, tune in to see if Matt Millen takes yet another Wide Receiver with the Lions pick at number two which would be their fourth WR taken with their top pick (all in the overall top ten) in five years. As for the Browns at number three, please, please don’t take Brady Quinn. In fact, don’t take anyone, trade down and stockpile draft picks. But whatever you do, do not take Brady Quinn.
In completely unrelated television news, today is Earth Day and in honor of it Home Depot is giving away 1,000,000 Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs. I switched over to energy efficient light bulbs a year ago and there is really no reason not to switch if you haven’t done so yourself. It is a win-win situation, it is good for the environment (Hope Depot says that the million light bulbs will save enough energy it is the equivalent of removing 70,000 cars from the road), plus you will save a lot of money on your electric bill. And despite the extra cost, you will be able to make back the difference from regular light bulbs within a month and after that it is extra money in your pocket (plus they last longer). So if you are still unconvinced, stop by your local Home Depot and pick up a free one to see for yourself, but be sure to get there rarely because it is only why supplies last.
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