Quote of the Week: Like in Blackjack. She’s a 15 so you’re not sure whether you’d hit that. (Barney - How I Met Your Mother)
Song of the Week: Devil Town - Tony Lucca (Friday Night Lights)
Big News of the Week: NBC orders Six More Friday Night Lights Scripts: Hopefully this is a precursor for a full order for next season. Or maybe it is just a formality and the higher ups at NBC just want to see what is coming next: will next season start on right after the state championship and follow the players in the off season or will we fast forward straight to the start of the next football season (which would be right around the time for the Taylor’s will be adding a family member)?
How I Met Your Mother: This season, they are really trying their best to ruin Barney. And by ruin I mean humanize. The episode was rolling along to be another great episode until they had to go and tell us that it was Barney that got Lily to come back home. And for those keeping track at home, future Ted has no problem telling his kids about stripper and self pleasuring devises. Um, yeah. I guess that is better than the multiple times he has told them about having sex with women that are not their mother. Check out the latest episode on Innertube.
Friday Night Lights: A decent ending to a stellar first season. Yeah the come from behind victory was improbable and it is doubtful that the cheerleaders would have to provide their own transportation to state, but it did lead to the great Landry Express scenes. And with their I hate guys bonding scenes, could we expect a Tyra and Lyla hookup next season? Yet another reason to renew this show.
And just a little bit on the Song of the Week, usually I add a link to iTunes where you can download the song, but not only is Tony Lucca’s Devil Town not on iTunes, I couldn’t find it anywhere on any of the internets. Anyone who can help a brother out, shout me a holla. Until then, like me, you can check out Bright Eyes version of the song as well as the original Daniel Johnston version to tide you over. Check out the latest episode over at NBC.com.

Lost: The big shock this week wasn’t that Juliet is still in cahoots with The Others as it was quite suspicious last week when she was so confident that the security system wasn’t running. No, the big shock was that Lost actually let us in on this as they wait to make a big reveal long after people stopped caring about it. I was fully expecting for the show to wait until the finale where there was a showdown with The Others with Jack having Not-Henry cornered, about to put in the final blow only for Juliet to come out of nowhere and nail Jack in the back with a steel chair, rip off her shirt to show she had an “I (Heart) Not-Henry” shirt underneath.
And now for my way out there theory of the week: The Others’ end game is to create a utopian society with only “good people” but the thing that keeps them from getting sick is what is rejecting fetuses in pregnant women. Check out the latest episodes over at ABC.com.

Survivor: It was a great twist by making the losing team go straight to tribal council without a chance to strategize. Not so great was when Probst didn’t make Alex man up and pick a reason to vote off his tribemates leading to the token hot chick getting voted off. Check out the latest episode on Innertube.

Check out my First Impressions of the RW/RR Challenge: The Inferno III.
Check out my season review of Friday Night Lights 1.x.
Promo of the Week: Only two and a half weeks until the return of Veronica Mars and the first episode back looks like it will have a semi-big name star making an appearance. If you avoid casting spoilers you may want to not watch it but he doesn’t reveal anything about his character or plot:
Pick of the Week: My Name Is Earl, Thursday 8:00, NBC: Many of you out there may think My Name Is Earl is hilarious but how could they possibly make it any funnier. Well it can with two words, Norm Frakking MacDonald.
Norm??? Is this the upcoming Thursday episode of Earl or last week's?
ReplyDeleteNorm will be on the upcoming episode (4/19). I've been meaning to change the Pick of the Week's name to make it more clear that it is for the following week. Sorry for the confusion.