Back for its fourteenth go around, Survivor remains a water cooler event even if people around the water cooler spend more time talking about how the show isn’t as good as past seasons. Even last season’s much hyped Race Wars theme lost some of allure after breaking up the racial groups two episodes in. For this season, set in Fiji, even though the cast isn’t divided up by race again this season it remains just as diverse as the last. The biggest surprise this season is the show is taking a page out of the Flavor of Love playbook with ridiculous nicknames including Dreamz (yes with a “Z”), Boo, Rocky, Mookie, and Yau Man (actually the last two may actually be their real names.
Okay, maybe the whole one team lives in the lap of luxury while the other has to get by with nothing may be the bigger surprise had the exact same thing was the exact same twist on executive producers other realty show, The Apprentice this season. I wonder if tribe will switch camps depending on who wins the reward challenge or if each tribe is stuck like this until a merge. Another twist in the game this season is that there are not one, but two hidden immunity idols. Maybe with more of them this season, one will actually get played unlike the last two.
As mentioned in the intro, despite people still tuning in, the show has lost its luster and I think I may have pinpointed the reason. As with most reality shows, Survivor lives and dies with its casting, but two things have happened with the show in recent years that combined hurt the show. Even though Survivor does a great job of casting as there is usually a villain and someone to cheer for in every season, but in recent years they have added way too many people with the last couple seasons having twenty constants instead of sixteen like the early years (only nineteen this season as one dropped out just hours before shooting). Couple that with the show no longer having extended premieres like they used to going ninety to two hours before voting anyone off making it harder for us to meet the new cast thus it takes longer for personalities to emerge. And while on the subject of casting, the show did a horrible recruiting any token hot chicks this season. Add to that one of the few serviceable girls were voted off first.
But anyways, here are some predictions
Most Interesting Day Job: Expert Witness Locator Will be Most Loved: Yau-Man Chan Will be Most Hated: Andria "Dreamz" Herd Most Likely to Quit: Well the chick that already did Most Likely to Hook Up: Mookie Lee and Stacy Kimball Most Likely to be Stuck on Exile Island the Most: James "Rocky" Reid Girl whom I still have dirty, dirty sex with even if she hadn’t showered for a month: Michelle Yi Next to be voted off: Gary Stritesky Winner: Earl Hickey Cole
Verdict: Much like a crack addict, I just can’t stop. Stream the latest episodes of Survivor: Fiji over at Innertube or download them on iTunes.
I quit watching about two seasons ago because the characters are not as good and personally, I feel there is NO divserity since they now recruit their contestants. You can have diversity if all but one lives in the same state.
Yeah, you know it's sad when they have tp promote where a contestant "is from" just so not everyone is listed from California and the show was much better when they casted more on personaity than how they look wearing next to nothing, but the show is still like crack to me.
I quit watching about two seasons ago because the characters are not as good and personally, I feel there is NO divserity since they now recruit their contestants. You can have diversity if all but one lives in the same state.
ReplyDeleteYeah, you know it's sad when they have tp promote where a contestant "is from" just so not everyone is listed from California and the show was much better when they casted more on personaity than how they look wearing next to nothing, but the show is still like crack to me.