But the bigger, and more recent case of Guillen loving to hear himself talk is when he turned sights onto Chicago writer, and one of the many reasons not to watch Around the Horn, Jay Mariotti whom Guillen said of, “What a piece of (expletive deleted) he is, (expletive deleted) (derogatory term for homosexual).” Now I could care less what people say, I’ve heard a lot worse come out of kids that haven’t hit puberty yet. But here’s why I’m offended, that he’s throwing around insults that dudes in Middle School use as frequently as “The.” I’d like to think a grown adult, especially one who is in a position that requires a lot of public speaking, could come up with a more original insult that a sixth grader.
Well I was offended until I heard his apologies, which could rank as one of the greatest apologies of all time: “I don't have anything against those people. In my country, you call someone something like that and it is not the same as it is in this country.” Nothing says I’m sorry like referring to those you offended as “those people.” Oh, and Guillen has lived in the United States for twenty years and is a naturalized citizen, so that throws away that excuse. And when he said he apologized to “the people I offended” he actually used air quotes. Classy.

Then after his initial comments, Guillen then got thrown out of that night’s game after one of pitcher, David Riske actually succeeded in plunking a batter in retaliation. Then today, surprisingly Bud Selig handed down some punishment for his actions. And for those keeping track at home, here’s the tally: Ordering a pitcher to plunk someone and missing - none; Ordering a pitcher to pluck someone and succeeding - one game suspension and undisclosed fine; Making offensive statements - undisclosed fines.
The entire thing (including the "apology") is completely insensitive. One of our local TV sports guys said something this morning that I think is going to get him a lot of emails! While he was talking about this Guillen story, he said: "He was probably saying things that a lot of us have thought before." So I guess Local TV Sports Guy is endorsing Guillen's homosexual slur. Way to go champ!
ReplyDeleteTVFan, that just makes me wonder what exactly the sports guy was saying. That everyone thinks it's okay to hit another team's batter when they hit their's? That everyone thinks Mariotti is a (homosexual slur)? That all gay people like the WNBA and Madonna? That everyone thinks using air quotes is cool? All of the above? There were a lot of offensive things Guillen said. I'm surpised anyone one in the press would come to Guillen's defense after getting torn up by the national media the past couple days.
ReplyDeleteEven though I didn't see it I have a feeling what the dude meant is that word is used quite frequently behind closed doors, which it is.
They're all queer.
sorry had to.
Well, he had to explain himself this morning because there were some complaints. He was actually saying that he thought that Guillen's comments were justified because Mariotti is such a jerk, and most people feel that way. BUT, it came across like he thought it was OK to call someone a homosexual slur. He stood fast on the telling Mariotti off bit, but said that he didn't mean to imply that using that word was OK.