Before I get into this week’s Toss Up, I'd like to mention a very special offer, as I type this, Amazon is offering copies of the first season of Veronica Mars for half price. So if you are a fan and have been dragging your feet in buying the set or like me, who tends not to buy TV DVD’s while the show is still on the air, or if you haven’t seen the show and have been wondering what the fuss is about and want to see the show from the beginning, now is the time to pick up the set because you are most likely not going to see this set this low. And maybe if the powers that be at the CW see its rank shoot up (it’s currently at #16), it may help season three chances. Now Amazon is known for switching prices without warning from week to week so I suggest you get the set now if it is still at the price of $30, which is just pennies more than what you can but the set used. And as an added bonus, if you use the link below, I get a commission from the purchase.
Now on to the important things, if there is one thing I have learned from Lost (download the latest episode Two for the Road) it that if you drink and drive, you will be shot. So let that be a lesson to you kiddies out there reading. And now on to this week’s Toss Up:
Creepier Dude
Lost: Not-Henry Gale
Veronica Mars: Not so Lucky
Winner: Lost
Parental Forgiveness
Lost: Ana Lucia’s mom seems to forgive her for killing the dude that made her miscarriage.
Veronica Mars: Keith seems to forgive all of Veronica’s transgressions that were brought up at the trial.
Winner: Veronica Mars
Post-Gun Wielding Job
Lost: Ana Lucia is a wand waver after resigning from the force.
Veronica Mars: Not so Lucky gets a job as a janitor.
Winner: Veronica Mars
Gets Off
Lost: Ana Lucia gets away with killing the previously mention baby killer.
Veronica Mars: Aaron Echolls is acquitted on all charges.
Winner: Veronica Mars
Lost: “They didn’t have Say Anything
Veronica Mars: “How is Amber going to know she’s a (expletive deleted)?”
Winner: Lost
Lost: Sawyer in his afterglow.
Veronica Mars: Sheriff Lamb finding out Veronica has VD.
Winner: Veronica Mars
Lost: I thought that was Claire that Jack’s dad went to see, but alas, it was just some random Australian chick.
Veronica Mars: Really, how am I supposed to go without Dick for a whole week? (Ducky, you are not allowed to comment on this)
Winner: Lost
If You Have Sex…
Lost: You will die.
Veronica Mars: You will contract Le Clap and/or die.
Winner: Well everyone loses
They Met Before
Lost: Ana Lucia and Jack’s dad
Veronica Mars: Veronica and… You. (also know as the dude with Beaver)
Winner: Lost
Lost: Michael kills Ana Lucia and Libby(?).
Veronica Mars: Random security guard takes down Lucky.
Winner: Lost
Harebrain Theory
Lost: Jack and Claire are siblings.
Veronica Mars: Lamb is behind the bus crash.
Winner: We’ll just have to wait and see
Lost actually pulls off the rare win this week with its shocking ending. And I might as well start at the end. So on the surface, it looks like Michael has already made contact with The Others, contrary what he told the rest of the tribe, and that there may be a trade in place if he killed Ana Lucia and rescued not-Henry then he could be reunited with his son. And it looks like the tailies will be down to two as Libby got caught in the crosshairs.
The other big new of the episode is that Ana Lucia was in Australia after being picked up by Jack’s dad in, presumably, LAX. And as I stated in the Toss Up, I fully expect that the woman he harassed to turn out to be Claire’s mother, making Jack an uncle. And with parental issues continually turning up, I’m beginning to wonder if this is going to turn out to be an X-Files situation where the parents were the ones that submitted their kids for this experiment. Well that’s assuming we will ever learn what is truly behind the island.
Then on Veronica Mars we were sent on a roller coaster ride all episode going from happy go lucky scenes that quickly come down in shock in awn conclusions. Again starting at the end, it’s not that surprising that Aaron Echolls got off. Something tells me that he may end up dead in the near future. But the only thing with that, would anyone care to hunt down the real killers if that did happen? Then there was the trial itself, and I’m beginning to think that Veronica doesn’t really have Le Clap and that her doctor was on the Echolls/Not-Kendall payroll. But that was a great look from Lamb, when this tidbit came out.
Then back to this season’s major theme, Officer Mahoney is looking guiltier and guiltier which leads me to believe that it is not him behind the bus crash because that’s too obvious. Plus an understandable answer to why he skipped town is because they just found a bomb under his car. I may do the same with my family if such thing happened and I had a private jet. I also assumed the Michael Jackson tendencies of the mayor were just coincidental to throw us off the trail, but the pervert comment really hurt my case.

Then on Lost next week we will finally find out, wait this is Lost, they only ask more questions, not answer them. And it looks as if we will never find out who called Ana that took her away from Jack at the bar. Oh well. But it should be interesting to see the fallout from the bloodbath in the hatch. Oh, and from the previews, it looks like the tailies may be down to one when Mr. Eko looks like he takes a fall of a cliff.

I appreciate a man strong enough in his masculinity to admit he can't go a week without some dick!
ReplyDeleteSure Lamb would be cool in that --holy frak, never saw that one coming way....
ReplyDeleteBut only if they could make it all make sense....
Well except I saw it coming, but I can think of plenty reasons why Lamb did it. The social upheaval would make him more needed, and he could play white night in catching who did it, he was quick to condemn the driver and Cook, would give him bonus points in the upcoming election last year. But then again, it's just my current theory.