Clips show on Lost tonight (Veronica Mars
This episode lend more credence to my first suspect, that the crash was intended to send a message to Woody via Gia with her stacker. And the interplay between her and Veronica in their first scene together was priceless, Gia's best performance of the season this episode. This led to the surprise return of Deputy Leo who was following Gia per request of Leo. I want to say it was nice to see him as I much rather had V end up with him over Duncan or Logan, but he seemed a little slimy tonight almost as if he was more acting like his character on Modern Men rather than the ol’ Deputy we knew and loved. And speaking of people who I want to see end up with Ronnie, I was sad to see her turn down Dick at the not-prom. Who doesn’t want to see her in an “I (Heart) Dick” shirt? Oh, just me, nevermind then.
And she wasn’t the only chick to turn down Dick as word has gotten out on Dick and could find a date to alterna-prom. You know you have a bad reputation at your school when you’re a senior and you can’t even score a freshman date. And no matter how much he and his hog tried, he couldn’t get to rekindle the Madison relationship. But at least that led to V finally mentioned her relationship with the sheriff. “You mean took it on the Lamb. Because I can't imagine what that's like, can you, being on the Lamb?” Classic. I wonder if the Shelly Dick went after looking down Ronnie’s dress was the infamous Shelly Pomroy or if Rob Thomas threw her name in there just because of this conversation just to spite me. And the scene in the elevator totally trumped any awkward comedy on The Office and it was great how the capped it off with switched at birth Madison and Mac in unison saying “thank God.”
But the big new this episode is that Veronica seemed to come down with the case of Le Clap. Way to start off the episode. Which begs the question, where did Duncan get it? Did the Manning family favorite Lucky get to Meg before Duncan, and if so could baby Lilly not be a Kane after all? Or did Duncan actually hook up with Kendall even though Rob Thomas specially said it didn’t happen during the Veronica Mars Press Day. Or is it possible that someone other that Duncan got themselves a piece at the infamous Shelly Pomroy two years ago?
Now unto the season arc with Officer Mahoney. At the beginning of the episode, it looked like the theory that Woody was have some extra innings activities with the young boys in Neptune when a half naked hooker passed out in his hotel room. But by the end of the episode it seemed like that was what not so Lucky was going to tell Keith before Lamb interrupted. I’m really hoping it is something else because, if it is true, that would have the two major reveals for the two seasons to be statutory rapist and that’s creepier than not-Henry Gale. And what happened to not so Lucky, the only other time we have seen him, it looked like you typical 09’er tool, but this week he seemed a little autistic. And what was with him saying hi to Veronica and she saying hi back to him? They’ve only met once, last summer, but are on a first name basis.
Something also seems fishy with the outing of Terrence Cook. Why now? Something tells me that it wasn’t the Dumas family that leaked this story. That leaves the only people to know about it, Woody, Keith, and the Fitzpatrick’s. The Fitzpatrick’s would rather have the money than rat him out because they wouldn’t get it if he loses his endorsements. It’s not in Keith’s character to sell Terrence up the river to get back out Woody for throwing him under the bus. So that leaves Woody who wants to keep his name off the front page after all the bad news he’s gotten lately.
And also some who seems to be up to something, I’m beginning to think not-Kendall hooking up with Logan isn’t he’s good in the sack. Why would anyone hook up with a dude who was on trial for murder along with his famous dad who had his own murder trial? This has to be another of her and the Fitzpatrick’s long con, but why? I’m also beginning to think that Big Dick didn’t marry her to be just a trophy wife and was may just be a business arrangement. Remember he didn’t care that much that she was cheating on him, instead cared more that the SEC might be stopping by, which they promptly did. And I wonder if Big Dick, in fact knew about the insurance policy that was taken out on his spawn.
Next week we get the second to last episode of the season and the trial of the century. Something tells me in the end, a deal will be copped and we will see a free Aaron Echolls sometime next season. It looks that the charges related to the Lilly Kane murder will be dropped completely tanks to the plated Oscar and there must be something that helps Aaron in Cliff’s briefcase that we now know was stolen by Aaron’s former cellmate. And don’t mistake not so Lucky’s gun totting bit as your average “very special episode of One Tree Hill” type school shooting. No it a much worse problem with our servicemen coming back a tour of duty and are not able to function in society anymore. Then add whatever Woody did to him and it inevitable was going to turn explosive. And just a heads up, according to the TV Guide, no Veronica Mars repeat again next Wednesday so make sure you see it on Tuesday.
Then on Lost we finally get Michael back in the tribe as he tries to get everyone to mount up to take on the Others setting up the second to last Toss Up of the season, although there will most likely be a season long Toss Up at the end of the season though. So look out for the Toss Up on next Thursday. And in other Lost news, Ana Lucia has chosen to go to jail for five day due to a drunk driving conviction rather than serve 240 hours community service. Seriously, who does this? All you have to do is film a PSA for anti drunk driving and have it shown 240 times and that covers it. And there is something wrong that getting convicted for drunk driving only comes with a five day sentence. That really isn’t much of a deterrent.
Now here is the official press release for next week's Veronica Mars:
Harry Hamlin ("L.A. Law") Returns As Aaron Echolls;
And Steve Guttenberg ("The Poseidon Adventure") Returns
As Mayor Woody Goodman
"Happy Go Lucky" -- As Aaron Echolls' (guest star Harry Hamlin) trial is about to conclude, tensions rise as Veronica, Keith and Logan take the witness stand to testify against him, on VERONICA MARS, Tuesday, May 2 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on UPN. Steve Gomer directed the episode from a script written by Diane Ruggiero.
Meanwhile, after Veronica finds a suspicious e-mail in Woody's (guest star Steve Guttenberg) computer, Keith turns to Sheriff Lamb with evidence to arrest Woody, but Lamb refuses, believing that Keith is trying to turn him into a laughing stock. Also, to everyone's surprise, Neptune High's janitor Lucky brings a gun into school with the intent to find Gia.
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