I’m not really sure why networks debut shows in April, about a month before the official television season ends. It’s almost like they are saying, “well we have nothing else to show and at least this is better than dead air.” I was really hoping that was the case for presumable the last WB show to debut, Pepper Dennis, because if it were actually any good and/or people watched it, that would mean one less spot fall the inaugural CW network. Now if that’s the show that bumps off One Tree Hill
, no harm no foul, but it takes a spot that would have gone to Veronica Mars
or Everwood, that’s a problem.
For some reason, after heavily promoting the show as a chick reporter, they decide to start off Pepper Dennis to make it seem like some sort of Alias
rip-off with Pepper as some sort of covert agent, but alas he camera comes out of nowhere to so us what we all ready knew, she’s really a journalist. Not that the derivatives stop there are Pepper later that night picks up a random dude at the bar, takes him home, makes a man out of him, kicks him out the door only to see him later that day to find out she will be working with him. Where have I seen this before? Oh, and random dude just so happened to take the job that she thought she was in line for. Naturally craziness and sexual tension ensue.
The show stars Rebecca Romijn
Stamos O’Connell as the perky reporter in question with Josh Hopkins
as the one night stand/job stealer whose claim to fame up to this point was appearing in an Alanis Morissette video. Then there is Brooke Burns
has Pepper’s sister Kathy, who’s overacting is so bad, it actually becomes entertaining. I guess there’s a reason why her claim to fame is being a game show host. The problem with the sister is they are both injury prone in a Wile E. Coyote kind of way. They really should have one play the stable one and the voice of reason. Instead that job goes to best friend/make up artist Kimmy Kim (and you though the name Pepper Dennis was cheesy) played by Lindsay Price
of Beverly Hills 90210 fame.
But as a kid of the early 90’s, the most notable cast mates are Ryder Strong
, who most who are my age will remember as Shawn Hunter from Boy Meets World as Pepper’s geeky cameraman who obviously has a crush on her. Then there Larisa Oleynik
best known as Alex Mack who supposable plays Brianna, which I believe was the receptionist who job Kathy took over for when she went on maternity leave. So she may not have been on the show yet or was unrecognizable.
Verdict: The show actually didn’t suck. That’s not to say it is appointment television for me or even worth taping while watching Veronica Mars. Luckily the overnight ratings were so dismal, it’s doubtful that Pepper Dennis makes it on to the CW schedule next season and that’s even if it finishes this season.
Speaking of Veronica Mars, the show is, for the second time in three weeks, preempted by a Cavs game. Not only is it being preempted by a Cavs game, their opponent is the Knick. Seriously, who wants to see the worst team in the league, a team that has already admitted to quitting, play? Last time it was another lottery bound team the Bobcats. If you are going to have a basketball game, at least make sure it’s against a playoff team. So my weekly Toss Up will be postponed until Sunday at the latest. Also make sure you mark your calendars because next Tuesday Veronica Mars moves back to its original night with the episode they were filming while I was at the Bloggers Press Day. Also look out for a special post that day commemorating the episode.
Also being preempted tonight is America’s Next Top Model, and judging by the previews it looks like Tyra may die tonight, so that would have been must see TV for me. My guess is that it was all an act as someone competes for a guest role on Veronica Mars. And if Tyra fake dying wasn’t enough, I got a glimpse of some of some other scenes from tonight’s episode and it looks real good. Make sure to watch out for Scarlet Johansson’s doppelganger making a huge, but humorous, mistake and Jade rapping about as good as Kevin Federline.
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