I’m sick of all these people taking pot shots at Sesame Street because they are making the Cookie Monster more health conscience. First, if you care that much about a kid’s show and you have already gone threw puberty, than you, my sir, are a loser. And that includes you too, Jerry Falwell.
Secondly, have these morons gone out to the supermarket, among other places, and seen all the morbidly obese people waddling along. Call me shallow, but I'd rather look at more attractive, skinny people and if having the Cookie Monster eat some lettuce every once in a while, I’m fine with it. They could start calling him the Lettuce Monster if they want. Maybe it’s time for a major switch in our society so that it is no longer socially acceptable to have a majority of out population overweight. It's OK if we rip smokers for making an unhealthy choice but not the obese? But seriously, it's not that hard to do the 15-30 minutes of exercise each day that is recommended. If it takes doing your sit-ups during Oprah, than do it. Find the time chief. And if you need some more suggestions, they was a good article in Newsweek’s April 25th edition. I'll stop my rant there because there is nothing more I can say that Denis Leary hasn't already said.
And just in case you were wondering what Sesame Street character I am, here you go:

The Count's Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
It started with a simple affection for counting and
the terror it induced in others, didn't it?
But now it's turned into a full-blown
life-consuming chaotic nightmare of order,
repetition, zealousness, and perfectionism.
You used to be so grand, but now you find
yourself obsessively worrying over the littlest
things--like, maybe if you don't check the
light switch at least once every two minutes,
the electricity will go out (and darnit, you're
a vampire--that shouldn't be a problem!), or
maybe if you don't wash your hands until your
seams are coming out, you'll get some fatal
disease. Get yourself some treatment.
Which Sesame Street Muppet's Dark Secret Are You?
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i thought it was sHooter mcgavin?
ReplyDeleteI watched Sesame Street and didn't end up a fat-ass. If you can blame being overweight on watching a puppet eat a few cookies then you have bigger problems. Good writing nonetheless.
ReplyDeleteI wasn't solely blaming obesity on Sesame Street as I, myself watched as a child and I'm relatively fit. What I was trying to get at was the culture that makes it OK to eat a lot of food and the Cookie Monster is a small portion of that. Supersize Me did a better explaining job this but then again they had 90 minutes to explain.
ReplyDeleteThanks everyone for stopping by.
And just to clear things up, my nickname, Scooter McGavin, was inspired by the Happy Gilmore character, Shooter McGavin. Just switched it up to make it more personal to me.