Showing posts with label Cruel Summer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cruel Summer. Show all posts

Sunday, May 02, 2021

57 Channels and Only This Is On: May 2, 2021


The Nevers:  I have been pretty “meh” on this show, but that fight on the river was one of the most innovative fights I have seen in a while.  Unfortunately later in the episode there was the dumb sequence where the guy with the hand gun was able to gun down the singer but could only manage to nick the cop running at him.  I was assuming there would end up being a Touched that could reanimate the dead, but the previews suggest there is a burial.


Fear the Walking Dead:  Umm, so what really happened.  We clearly heard Daniel tell Grace to go to the fishing shed.  The main show just did an unreliable narrator episode making this extra annoying.  And it also split up the group into four different settlements just like this show now has.  Meh.  So did Daniel actually take the guns.  And just how does one man take all those guns while everyone is with him in a meeting? And why did not one bother to ask how Strand got his gun?  Was that gun part of Daniel’s delusion too?  Way too many unanswered questions about this episode.


Mare of Easttown:  Well that was a pretty surprising ending.  Now, I am really bad at names and I thought the friend was referring to the dead son being the father.  While researching the math trying to figure out how old the son was, I realize the Sheehan she was talking to was Mare’s ex-husband, which is even creepier.  It also puts a bigger spotlight on that conversation they had about the girl in the middle of the episode.  Yet, didn’t he have that engagement party all night?  Granted old people parties do not last as long as teenaged ones so I guess that party ended by midnight(ish) when the last people say the dead girl.  But the best scene was when Mare just went full spite in arresting the girlfriend in her parent’s restaurant while a befuddled Ralph Bohner looked on.


City on a Hill:  Well this season turned on a dime.  After going after each other for four episodes, Jackie is now willing to hunt down who shot Siobhan.  Decoursey is smart not to trust him, but I have a feeling he is going to ask for Jackie’s help eventually.  Then we will get to see what exactly Jackie’s game is because no wat he is altruistic, he is going to need a favor in return.  I would not be surprised if it involves taking down Jackie’s boss so he can stay in Boston.  I really cannot see him going somewhere else.


Debris:  Well that is an interesting take on Groundhog’s Day, one where the person chooses to reset the time when they do not have to.  And I think this may be the first time they attempted to be funny with the montage of the different partners.  But I do not understand why they shoved the scene with the divorce in it,


Cruel Summer:  I found it interesting that Jeanette and Kate mothers had a reverse relationship with each other back in high school.  At least according to Jeanette’s mom, I believe her as much as I believe her daughter.  As much as I have like these first couple episodes, I do not see how this set up could go very long.  I wonder if they are setting up a future season with the mothers back in high school in the seventies.


The mystery of the show seems to be who is telling the truth and Jeanette turned out to be a huge liar this week.  She said she flushed the weed when she did not and she had been going into the house a lot without telling anyone.  But did she see Kate?  That is still the big question. 


Supergirl:  There is plenty of competition, but this may have been the single worst episode in the history of the show.  And it is a two part-er.  Meh.  Maybe not center a whole episode or two on the two worst characters on the show.  I hope the blue aliens just put them into their zoo never to be seen again.


Big Sky:  So the daughter staged a suicide and is still blackmailing her other brother?  She moved the body.  And how did Ronnie get out of the house with a dead body without anyone noticing?  And why did the sister even open the door if she knew who he really was?  And if the PI’s are not answering the phone, how about calling the police?  So stupid.


The Handmaid’s Tale:  What really drug down the second and third season of the show was that they just rehashed the first season, the only changes being they amped up how tortured the handmaids were.  What gave me hope going into the fourth season was it seemed like they blew up the show.  The Waterford’s were in custody in Canada, and June became a fugitive that no doubt were be hung if she were caught for rescuing all those children.  And then June was captured by the end of the second episode.  Meh.


But then she escapes again at the end of the very next episode.  And it was pretty gratuitous to murder all those handmaids that way.  First off, why was the guard shooting at them?  If you did not hang them in the first place because you need more babymakers to replace all the kids you lost, maybe do not murder them.  Maybe at least fire a couple warning shots.  And how was June the last one out of the van by a while, yet was the only one to outrun the trail besides Janine?  Are the other girls really that slow?  And speaking of June running, what was with the weird, rom-com scene of her running back to Nick to kiss him. 


And one more question, just who is Serena’s baby daddy?  It has been two years, so my recollection is fuzzy.  But I do remember Fred was shooting blanks; that is why June had to hook up with Nick.  So did she hook up with the American dude?  Could Fred really be the father?  If he actually was not shooting blanks, doesn’t that throw into question of who the father of Nicole is?


The Challenge: All-Stars:  Oh that TJ twist was cruel.  And I loved it.  I was pretty suspicious why Kendal did not go to vote if she did not have the Life Saver.  Instead of the Life Saver she was instead safe from elimination.  Although hopefully the duos get sent in together in future weeks because getting to pick your partner seems like an unfair advantage.  But double eliminations from here on out will speed things up.  Thankfully, the main show drags on when you eliminate twenty-two players mostly one week at a time.  With only sixteen players left there will probably only are four or five episodes until the final.  But TJ did say he definitely will see Beth and Cyrus again, hopefully that is a good sign we will be getting more seasons of The Senior Tour.


Manifest:  One of my running jokes is question just how the blind chick on In the Dark always has straight from a shampoo commercial hairstyle and I thought of that when Mick was doing that raid.  Seriously, why the long glorious hair that can easily blow into your face why going into a raid.  How about a ponytail or a bun?  But anyway.  At least we are done with the three shadowy figures; none of them were particularly strong actors. But kind of silly that Olive was able to decipher that they would all perish if they did not all pass their trials.  At least I got a good laugh at how stupid that scene was.  But was this all a set up that all the 828’ers have to pass trails for all of them to survive their death dates?


The Blacklist:  I feel like I missed something.  I remember the last episode ended with Red’s hook up breaking her skull on the end table as Red tended to her while Lizzie still has the gun.  Lizzie just let Red leave.  And at what point between when the hook up found out Red was a wanted man and dying did she have time to tell her daughter to go into hiding.  But I finally figured out what is going to end this death feud between Red and Lizzie.  She is finally going to realize how bad her new partner is, maybe even find out he was really the secret Russian asset, and go back to the FBI and Red to stop him.

Sunday, April 25, 2021

57 Channels and Only This Is On: April 25, 2021


Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist:  The show was on a string of great episodes since I came back from hiatus but this felt like one of those pre-hiatus episodes.  My problem with those episodes is there seemed too much screen time without Zoey.  I did not care about Maggie’s business and I do not care about what seems to be a new gambling problem.  Just fast forward to where Zoey helps her.  Though Zoey seems to be having a problem with helping lately, this week I just kept getting annoyed with her trying to get Emily to talk when clearly Emily just wanted to blow off some steam.  Let get get her dance on, then talk it out later.


The Nevers:  Why exactly are most of the Touched ladies?  So all we met is the doctor and the three eyed raven?  Maybe the singer will expose more.  But if the three eyed raven followed the electricity lady, did he just let her get captured? Then his mother is evil?  And just what did she do to the Italian chick?


Fear the Walking Dead:  So last week John is ready to die but decides he wants to live only to be shot.  Then this week, Ginny is ready to die, get a reprieve, only to be shot.  Way to recycle plot.  But why didn’t Ginny get in the car with her hostages?  Did she want to stay in the middle of v shootout where people wanted to kill her?  And where did those mask people come from and how were they able to find Morgan?  And how did Morgan escape on foot.  And how did everyone find his hidden compound so easily?  They had the entire pandemic to write these episodes and yet they seem sloppier than usual.


Good Girls:  Getting caught robbing a jewelry store so the Secret Service will pay you seems like a really bad plan.  But is grandma the real boss or was that just a term of endearment?  Or both?


Mare of Eastown:  This was one of the first times I remember they actually gave an episode to a victim on one of these dead girl shows.  That actually got me to care that she is now dead.  But it seems almost obvious that Guy Peirce did it.  Not that anyone I assume did it after one episode ever turns out to be correct.


City on a Hill:   I wonder Siobhan knows her client is very guilty.  I guess it helps us as the viewer tthat we know for sure.  But sometimes lawyers do not care either way.  If only Decourcy could get a confession.  But he could not even get the chick that killed Jimmy to turn informant when she was the one that actually pulled the trigger.


Cruel Summer:  From the trailer I thought this show was going to be a mystery show about who adducted Kate but then they answered that question by the end of this first episode.  So then I thought the mystery was going to be who was lying, Kate or Jeanette.  But then Kate admits she was lying about something in the chatroom.  Now I guess the mystery is just what exactly is Kate lying about, and if she is lying about Jeanette, just how did she get the necklace?  I do have a sinking suspicious the old friend is involved somehow.


But man, did this show move at a breakneck speed.  Those two closing shots to each of the episodes were just epic.  I just hope they do not move too fast and just run out of plot like the first season of Homeland.  Or turn into The Affair and constantly give us multiple points of view of the same scenes.  But after two episodes I am definitely hooked.  This show is also doing a very good job scratching that nineties nostalgia itch.


Debris:  Um, what happened to the chick from the beginning?  They just found her and then were back to look for daddy.  But I do not sure happened to the dude that was helping them, he was clearly shot point blank in the check, but when they got to the car, he was bleeding from the neck.


Supergirl:  What a shameless rip-off of Ghostbusters.  I am deeply offended by that.


Big Sky:  What is wrong with family, first the mother bites her daughter over drugs.  Then one brother goes all Cain over the other one.  But at the show did not make us wait to figure up what the now dead son and his father were cryptically talking about.


The Challenge: Double Agents:  I cannot remember a time when a musical supervisor buried someone like they buried Fessy this episode.  First they play Boys Don’t Cry while he pouting on a rock.  TJ guilts him to help his partner then disqualifies them after he eats more bull testicles. Then the music supervisor twists the knife by playing Karma Chameleon for the guy who kept dragging his female partners all season only to lose because he was pouting like a little boy, refusing to complete a checkpoint.  I do not know how Fessy comes back from that (though, unfortunately he is rumored to be on the next season).  CT wearing Johnny like a backpack is still the greatest Challenge moment of all time, but this montage may make it into the top five.  Oh yeah, and speaking of CT, he won again.  Meh.  And what was with that end credits scene?  What challenge was TJ activating twenty-four hours later?  Was that supposed to be a teaser for the Senior Tour?  Does that mean they are continuing the spy theme into the next challenge?  It was just confusing.


The Challenge: All-Stars:  When the trailer came up with TJ telling someone, “Hope to see you never” I thought for sure that he was talking to Beth.  Well, I was close; Beth was in the Crater when Arissa decided to go off on everyone.   But another pretty entertaining daily challenge, even the elimination looked interesting, why do all the ones on the original show look so boring or overdone?


Manifest:  I always wondered how the doctor was able to cover up a murder.  I think this was the first time they mentioned he knew.  I guess he was the one that got the garbage truck to pick the body up.


The Falcon and the Winter Soldier:  People have been saying Sharon was the power Broker since she showed up but I never bought into that theory because it never really made much sense.  She was so strong in her convictions she was willing to become a traitor in her country’s eyes just to do the right thing but now she is funding actual terrorist?  Well that turned out to be the case and everything she did makes no sense.  Unless another popular theory is true: who we are seeing is not the real Sharon but a Skrull and this is setting up the upcoming Secret Invasion show.  Maybe her pulling off the face was a huge Easter Egg.


The Blacklist:  So Lizzie rams Red’s girlfriend’s car and all of the sudden they are share a cabin close?  And why not set her up in the cabin and lure Red there?  And why is Red’s girlfriend fighting an armed assailant? Considering Lizzie has been gone for so long, I was expecting more in her return.  But there she is with Red an easy target, and I am sure they will figure some stupid reason why she does not kill him.