Showing posts with label 57 Channels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 57 Channels. Show all posts

Sunday, November 17, 2019

57 Channels and Only This Is On: November 17, 2019

Supergirl: No Dreamer, no Alex’s girlfriend, very little Brainiac 5… and we may have had the best episode since Saturn Girl went back to the future. Sure, Andréa’s mask was a little too generic, I thought that was Dreamer for a split second.
You can download Supergirl on iTunes.

Watchmen: So crazy rick Asian build her clock in Oklahoma away from the coasts where there is more likely nuclear attacks occur and earthquakes… but isn’t Tulsa right smack dab in the middle of Tornado Alley? Of course we already know what she says is not necessary the whole reason behind what she does as seen by her introduction. But she shoots to the top of the list of who imprison Ozymandias in what they certainly implied was on the moon this week.

The Walking Dead: So what is Negan’s game? He is telling the Whispers he wants to be with them but I feel he is just saying that. I do not really seeing him put Rick’s kid in danger no matter how much barbed wire he wraps around his bat.

Shameless: Oh my, are they really going to kill off Lip’s baby mama? Granted he will not be the only single parent in the household.

Mr. Robot: I feel like I missed something. So we first see the FBI agent pointing her gun at Darla. Last week I thought they ended with her seeing the two in the car, when did she get to the apartment? Or was I not paying attention last week because I was bored that there was no dialogue?
You can download Mr. Robot: on iTunes.

His Dark Materials: Wait, this whole story is taking in an alternative universe from our own and there is a portal to get here? Okay, after being bored the first week, that was kind of interesting.

Castle Rock: So the cult of the centuries old invasion of the body snatchers people do not bother to secure their snatchee’s? And they do not have to kill the people first? The first dude was definitely dead. Although now I am wondering how he was resurrected. Was just falling into the crypt enough to resurrect whatever snatched his body but everyone else has to go through that casket process? And just why are they waiting to kidnap Annie to be the vessel for their leader? And is because she killed that dude with an ice cream scooper the reason she is the best candidate?

But the bigger new in Castle Rock was the arrival of Annie’s step-mom, who promptly gets shot. But hey, we do know she can survive trauma to the gut because that was about where Annie stabbed her. Or maybe she will body snatched and survive that way. But who was Jot saying mom too? She does not want to call Annie her sister which makes me think she would not be ready to call the new lady mom. And what was the plan after she sedated her real mother? Just go back on the run with Annie? With the cops involved (and four episodes left) they clearly are not going anywhere soon now.
You can watch Castle Rock on Hulu.

Survivor: Island of Idols: I had a lot to say on Twitter while this was happening and I really do not want to relive these two hour so just head there to get my thoughts if you do not already follow me.
You can download Survivor: Island of the Idols on iTunes.

The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2: I really wanted T.J., famously hates quitters to lay into the Brits for just blatantly throwing a challenge. Really, they should institute a rule that if you are caught throwing a challenge you are automatically thrown into elimination, even switch the gender week if you have to. The show has just let these people ruin this season by pulling this crap. Sure it looks like they are finally doing something about it next week (though if they eliminate the two black players due to a swimming challenge that will be a bad look), hopefully it is not too late to save this season. Although this season is starting to look much better now airing after Survivor.
You can download The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2 on iTunes.

Almost Family: Brittney Snow being ashamed by doing just completely moronic this really is the best part of this show.
You can download Almost Family on iTunes.

The Good Place: Wait, the Blogger got 44% better over the year? How? I know we only saw about two and a half hours of the experiment but he ended by spreading gossip and fleeing when someone fell into a hole. Maybe since he started at so a low floor it was hard to get worse. But how does that explain Brett who got progressively worse until the final second when he started to apologize to get him to negative one percent. Although if the goal of this experiment was to get better, The Bad Place should have gotten great people who had very little room for improvement. Although now that the judge is going for a full reboot, should be interesting what comes next. I am going to go out on a limb and predict Team Cockroach finds a way to save humanity.
You can download The Good Place on iTunes.

Titans: Um, just how did Batman managed to get the female Titans to the same place at the same time? And why not try to get New Robin, Hawk, or Beast Boy there? Was it just so they could make the mansplaining joke? And why not just break out him out yourself or just have Bruce Wayne buy Old Robin’s release? Or was Bruce really there, he was still acting weird like in Old Robin’s fever dreams. Scarecrow toxin?

Then New Robin just randomly quoting maybe the fifth best West Side Story song was weird. Maybe more weird than him forking Deathstroke’s daughter. And with Rose telling her father she is out, did they just confirm we are in the middle of Judas Contact?

The Blacklist: Playing babies in anti-abortion crusaders… that is just a bit extreme. Of course the evangelical kept it and the politician did not. Although if the rapist was the biological father, where did the eggs come from? The crazy doctor? And just how can the baby survive in a man?
You can download The Blacklist on iTunes.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

57 Channels and Only This Is On: November 10, 2019

Supergirl: This whole season makes little sense with the Lena storyline, but the sentient tattoos made the season even more nonsensical. And I do not even want to talk about the Doc Oct rip-off in the Robocop helmet.
You can download Supergirl on iTunes.

Watchmen: Silk Specter made this episode a little less boring than the previous ones.

The Walking Dead: So Negan has his leather jacket back and a new bat. And then got captured by the Whispers. Maybe for the first time since being captured, the writers are going to finally give him something to do.

The Affair: Starting off the series finale with a flash dance. A flash dance with Helen’s neighbor that her boyfriend knocked up and then flew her across the country for her daughter’s wedding. Then there was just a random dude that I did not realize who it was until Noah mentioned his name and I finally realized, oh, that is the oldest son we have not seen since maybe the first season.

Then we finally got what I have been waiting for all season, Joanie meets a Soloway. I thought she may have bumped into one of the Soloway children, but no, she met an old Noah (in old man make-up that was very obvious him) who now owning the Lobster Roll. But what I never say coming was that the creepy reporter Joanie forked was Vic’s kid who gave a Spaceball’s explanation of how he was vaguely related to Joanie. Kind of made the whole series worth it for that scene alone.

But what a weird ending. This season seemed to be about Noah’s chickens coming home to roost set upon the backdrop of #MeToo. We the viewers knew some of those stories were made up and over-exaggerated, but Noah was still a pretty huge pervert who deserved some shame. But then they ended on a redemptive note, Noah outlive both his wives (I thought he was talking to Alison at the end; oh, and Helen’s mom lived to 100?), none of his children get even a mention in the future, and then he get the final shot doing the flash dance he choreographed as the final scene. But I kind of wish the whole season was this weird. The show set itself up as a super-serious piece of “art” but we never really got an explanation of two way some of the acts were wildly different telling of the same event. I guess Occam’s Razer is that was just how that person remembers things.

Mr. Robot: It only took me twelve minutes to realize, oh wait, no one is talking. Then two minutes later the guard whistled at Darla and I just rolled my eyes at the lengths they were going to pull off the now dialogue. Kind of a lame gimmick to pull off with so little time left. At least the one shot episode last season served a purpose and was by far the best non-season one episode. There were just too many times where there really should have been some dialogue. And I was a bit confused at where they broke into. Did this company just have a Soul Cycle open on Christmas Day?
You can download Mr. Robot: on iTunes.

His Dark Materials: This is the second attempt at adapting the books, the first bombed so bad it took down an entire movie studio. But after watching the first episode, maybe the book just is not something that should be adapted; the whole daemon thing just does not look good on screen and just comes across as weird when you see it in living color. And so far it is kind of confusing. I kind of need a Game of Thrones type map title sequence to give me an idea of where this is. Plus, and I really supposed to be scared of the chick from The Africa?

Castle Rock: Well, how Annie turned out the way she did makes much more sense now. Oh geez. Although her obsession with the song Let the River Run has a much darker context now. But from the moment that Rita started to show, I thought, oh no, is Annie going to kill her and steal her baby? Though I never thought that Joy could be her half-sister. Granted when we saw Annie’s wanted poster, it was only for murder, it did not say anything about kidnapping. But what I do not understand is where did Joy get the book. Did Annie just keep a copy this whole time; transfer it from computer to computer all this time?
You can watch Castle Rock on Hulu.

Survivor: Island of Idols: There have been plenty of dumb advantages but whatever they offered Janice may have been the worst. You get the triple wammie of not being trusted for playing it, not being able to vote, and then not even being able to view tribal Council. The Kellee was one of the most interesting plays in the history of the show. Then she managed to pull it off flawlessly and even had one unintended consequence of Jamal burning his Idol which then should put a target on his back which she clearly wants. As long as Dean does not blab about it, this may go down as one of the best moves in the history of the show. But she was one of four people targeted in the promo so maybe it will end up backfiring.
You can download Survivor: Island of the Idols on iTunes.

The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2: So now the British team has four actual British players and four non-Brits? It is a shame more people did not defect earlier. Really, Georgia, Bear, and Theo should have defected a long time ago when they realized they were never going to gain the numbers. But it will be funny if Cara/Paulie keep on sending in Americans who beat a Brit and then the “British” team then beats the Americans.
You can download The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2 on iTunes.

The Good Place: Oh wow, they finished the new experiment half way through the season. So what next (the title of the next episode seems like it could be a spoiler… or just something Jason says… or maybe both)? You got Simone and the blogger MIA, did they freeze or did they go so far that they are not affected? Could they have found their way to The Bad Place (or been kidnapped by Sean) and have to be rescued? That would be too close to last episode though. Ugg, they usually they give us a teaser of what to come instead of a huge cliffhanger like this.
You can download The Good Place on iTunes.

Titans: So did Raven know the gargoyle was going to go off and kill that dude or was it an unintended consequence? And just when is Old Robin going to get out of prison and how? Kind of seems like he know how but moneybags Bruce could always donate a win to get his release. Him just abandoning everyone just seems weird and these last too episodes just seems like a waste of time while they stall for the finale.

The Blacklist: So the baddie of the week was… a computer? Alrighty. But no fall out from Aram stealing the nametag from Red’s buddy. I thought for sure his new lady friend was nefarious, maybe she just is a thrill seeker and that was a complete coiuncidence.
You can download The Blacklist on iTunes.

Sunday, November 03, 2019

57 Channels and Only This Is On: November 3, 2019

Watchmen: So we actually got a quick answer to kind of a silly question from the premiere, how do two black people have three white children. Everything else was mostly confusing and still kind of boring.

The Affair: Ooo, our very first duel perspective… whatever that means. I am still not entirely what different things happening during different acts means. When it went back to Noah, I was convinced Helen was dead. But are we officially done with Joanie now? She has been absent for a couple episodes now and there is just one left.

Mr. Robot: Wait, Tyrell does not want to be killed by The Dark Army so he just walked away to bleed out to death in the wood? But I guess whatever that glowing thing will save him. But that storyline was still better than the FBI storyline where she pleasured herself to sleep on Christmas Eve where she dreamed about being killed by the Dark Army.
You can download Mr. Robot: on iTunes.

Castle Rock: I do not think Pops is done as done as the doctor thinks. I think that he can be reborn like his nephew. It was all but confirmed this week that is not the same nephew since his dog, who has better sense than Ace, wanted to attack him. But what exactly is he and what exactly does he know of Ace’s life? And what are these invasion of the body snatchers type people’s obsession with eggs? He did mention this started four hundred years ago and we learned that some thought it was witches while others think Satanist. But neither are known for body snatching.
You can watch Castle Rock on Hulu.

Survivor: Island of Idols: They did a good job making me wonder which way Aaron was going… right up until the point where he did not reciprocate dude’s fist bump. I do not even care if that was kind of a huge spoiler because it was just so forking hilarious. Not quite, “Natalie, can I have your jacket?” but it was up there.
You can download Survivor: Island of the Idols on iTunes.

The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2: I understand having an alliance with the other team to keep yourself from going in, but you have to draw the line somewhere, and that was a colossal dumb move by Joss. I get Kayleigh, she is the weakest and she needs to stick around by any means necessary, but for Joss to put in Georgia instead of Smashley just handed the Americans the win right there. Had he picked Smashley, best case scenario, the Americans loose two strong players and you gain one, worst case scenario, the U.S. loses one and you stand pat. Instead you risk the truly worst case scenario which would have been Georgia going home and Tori staying with the U.S. Picking Smashley may have been the only way the Brits could have win, yet Joss stupidly stayed loyal to people who will not be sharing their winning with him.
You can download The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2 on iTunes.

The Good Place:Mmmm, Michael let Bad Janet go. Kind of makes me think if the whole show has been a test for Michael to see if demons can be reformed.
You can download The Good Place on iTunes.

Titans: So if Starfire is now mad that her sister is queen, why did she leave and refused to return when summoned? Makes about as much sense as Batman not having voice mail. But why even wait until Superboy woke up? Why didn’t Old Robin call him when he arrived to let Superman know?

The Blacklist: So Aram just happened to crash the same wedding and just so happened to get the nametag as Red’s buddy? There has to be something else to his lady friend. She was a part of that death club so she is not above shady things.
You can download The Blacklist on iTunes.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

57 Channels and Only This Is On: October 27, 2019

Watchmen: So I take it, the old black dude at the end next to Don Johnson at the end was the young black kid escaping Tulsa at the beginning of the episode. But I found most of the premiere (aside from the awesome Oklahoma performance) pretty boring and confusing… so basically just like every other show ad film Damon Lindelof has been a part of.

The Walking Dead: So the gay dude has an Evil Dead arm now? Cool. But I forgot how many surrogate kids Carol had and they all died. Although I think she killed two of them because they were kind of psychopaths. Ugg, this show has been on way too long. I barely remember most of it at this point.

The Affair: I found it interesting that last week we got Whitney’s wedding prep through Noah’s eye but it was even more surprising that when Noah’s scandal broke, it was though Helen and Whitney’s eyes. Whitney’s act was partiularlly heartbreaking once I realized the douche she used to date was kind of her father and with her new guy she kind of turned into her mother. She has looked so beaten down this season I am beginning worry she will not make it to the end.

Mr. Robot: The annoying dude who was the only bad part of the first season is back? Oh joy. And White Rose listening to Culture Club was a bit gratuitous.
You can download Mr. Robot: on iTunes.

Wu-Tang: An American Saga: So the show just ends with Ghostface and RZA after they shot and robbed a crazy dude? For this whole time I was thinking this was a limited series, but I went back to the press release and it does call it just a series so I guess there can be more. So was RZA really robbed of his tapes and shot the dude to get them back? I do not remember that being in the Showtime doc. Nor do I remember Ghostface knocking up his sister. I kind of want to check his Wikipedia to see if Shuri is listed as one of his baby mama though we do not really know yet if she keeps the baby. If the show does get a second season, I hope they start calling themselves by the Wu names, I am still not entirely sure which ones are GZA, Inspechtah Deck, Cappadonna are or is they even included U-God yet.
You can watch Wu-Tang: An American Saga on Hulu.

Castle Rock: So is Annie crazy and she never killed the dude or is she crazy because she is seeing the dead guy? Or is there possibly a third option, she did kill him and he is back somehow? That is where I am leaning. But the one thing that bothers me with that theory, what happened to the big hole at the construction site? Did no one notice it? Did whatever revived the nephew fill it up?
You can watch Castle Rock on Hulu.

Survivor: Island of Idols: I got excited when they said there would be no Island of Idols this week, but unfortunately they seem to increase the amount of useless commentary from Sandra and Rob at Tribal Council this week.
You can download Survivor: Island of the Idols on iTunes.

The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2: Is Jordon really that stupid? Dude survived being murdered by Turbo earlier this season but them continued to goad him this week. At some point, Turbo is going to get through those security guards and murder Jordan and I will feel as sorry for him as I would someone who poked a bear one too many times.
You can download The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2 on iTunes.

The Good Place: Poor Jason, gets his heart ripped out by learning Blake Bortles gets traded. Later learns he was replaced by a Super Bowl winning quarterback only to find out he broke his clavicle. I do wonder if they will be able to work in Gardner Minchew II at all this season (the broken clavicle thing seemed to be added late). Although maybe because of Jeremy Blermiey, Jason may gets to get a Jaguar’s Super Bowl win in his afterlifetime.
You can download The Good Place on iTunes.

Titans: So where was Rose when all of this was going? Was she off at college? Did she learn about her father and bolted without bothering to tell her father? Is she even the daughter of Deathstroke’s wife? Does Deathstroke have side pieces? Did Jericho and the wife just not know about her which is why she was not even brought up?

Sunday, October 20, 2019

57 Channels and Only This Is On: October 20, 2019

Supergirl: So it was Lena who kidnapped Eve last week. Okay, that makes no sense. So what was the whole Leviathan thing that Eve was running from last season? And what the fork is going on with Lena? She just does not make any sense this season at all.
You can download Supergirl on iTunes.

The Affair: Noah is the protagonist of this show, but the way that reporter laid it out; Noah is a pretty horrible person. But the thing is, we do know he did not have sex with the publicist. Or did he as we have seen, how Noah’s scenes have shown up, they do not always line up what other people say it was. Could we get a flashback act from the publicist to get her side of the story? Or maybe the teacher’s assistant? I do vaguely remember thinking she definitely wanted to have sex with Noah. Or maybe that is what Noah though and her version could be completely different.

Mr. Robot: Wait, there is a third personality? People have long theorized that the American Psycho dude was also Elliot, and there were times I bought into it, but it just seems very unlikely at this point. But I did theorize that Darlene would start seeing Angela like Elliot saw Mr. Robot but she admits that she really does not see Angela. So maybe Angela is Elliot’s third personality. Seems plausible since she just died tragically. I kind of hope it is not someone we het that is still alive and the writers have to explain how Elliot was that person all along.
You can download Mr. Robot: on iTunes.

Wu-Tang: An American Saga: So dude is released from prison, commits aggravated assault on the guy who drove him home, shots his gun off when he arrives home, and starts killing people. I really hope that was some poetic license and not based on actual events because I really do not want to know people like that exists. But I am pretty certain this part was probably poetic license, but I liked how Ghostface’s little brother coins the iconic title, “Wu-Tang Clan ain’t nuthin’ ta fork wit.”
You can watch Wu-Tang: An American Saga on Hulu.

Survivor: Island of Idols: I have been harsh on the stupid Island of Idols twist this season, and it continues to be stupid, but at least Noura spending all that time practicing being the call only for her tribe to make here sit out meaning she loses her vote at the next Tribal Council. Or did she lose her vote at HER next Tribal Council? That was pretty unclear. Because if it was the former, it is kind of no harm no foul because her team won. Maybe this is why only someone from the losing tribe should be sent to the Island of Idols.
You can download Survivor: Island of the Idols on iTunes.

The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2: If the rest of the season boils down to Team Cara Maria vs. Team Georgia, consider me Team Georgia all the way.
You can download The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2 on iTunes.

Almost Family: Finally the guy Julia forked that might be her brother in the first episode is back. Thought I still find it weird that instead of finding out if they were related by looking at the DNA results, they just admitted it in that video. Also weird is that Brittany Snow is not the first Pitch Perfect actress to fork her half-brother on screen as Anna Kendrick already did that in A Simple Favor.
You can download Almost Family on iTunes.

Stumptown:So Donal Logue was evil… but not really. Alrighty. I still wish he was around for Dex’s 1500 hours. But I am sure he will pop up again eventually.
You can download Stumptown on iTunes.

The Good Place: Many people predicted that Vicky switched out Michael during the handover (I never bought it) but it turned out it was Janet that got kidnapped all along. So do they not really need Janet to keep the neighborhood together this whole time? That was just Bad Janet’s excuse to explain any hints that she was not Good Janet? I guess we should have all guess this when Janet rudely told Jason that the Jaguars traded Blake Bortles right after breaking up with him.
You can download The Good Place on iTunes.

Titans: Man, imaginary Batman was kind of annoying. If that is what Nightwing really thinks of him, no wonder he went to the other coast.

The Blacklist: When did Aram turn into James Bond? After he shot all the bad guys with their own gun and kissed the damsel in distress, I thought that was going to turn out to be a dream sequence and then Ressler and Lizzie would wake him up as they rush in to save the day.
You can download The Blacklist on iTunes.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

57 Channels and Only This Is On: October 13, 2019

Supergirl: Somehow it seems like Brainiac 5 got more annoying in between seasons. But anyway. I seems like the show is going to just rip off the most recent season of Young Justice with people being brainwashed with VR. And did Lena already get brainwashed? It seems weird how upset she was that Kara did not tell her about Supergirl, Kara finally tells her, pulls the story about at the last minute, but then still seems mad? Huh? And did Lena send the new owner another story or just nothing at all? If Lena always keeps her promises, and then reneges to the new owner, she is just doing what Kara did to her.
You can download Supergirl on iTunes.

The Walking Dead: So were are just under a decade into the apocalypse and a Russian satellite is just now falling to earth? Not bad craftsmanship. Other than that, kind of a boring premiere.

The Affair: Gee, Whitney is getting married and yet, we get to see the set-up from Noah’s point of view even though the only thing he did without her was get poison ivy and visit an empty house. Though as we see future Joanie, I have been wondering what her relationship to the Soloway’s is and here we at least see Noah try to see her. And as we have seen very different versions of the same events, we actually her two people talk about one of them, Whitney says her mother save her sister while Noah thought it was Alison. But that was the very first episode and I vaguely remember it happened let alone what Noah and Alison’s versions played it out. Then we got a definitive answer of what happened to Alison, her boyfriend did kill her. Admits it to but then claims she is crazy… should have taken him up on the whole killing him offer.

Mr. Robot: Last season during the one shot episode, I felt this building dread that Angela was not going to make it out of the building. Once she did, I thought it would be smooth sailing for her especially after turning out to be the powerful dude’s daughter… and then she gets her brains blown out first thing in the last season. But what a weird scene, for a while I thought that was still part of the “Previously On” because I vaguely remember old dude telling Angela she was his daughter in a place like that but then the scene just kept going making me realize a minute later, oh, this is new.

But is Angela really dead? Eliot is not the best narrator. We have seen him shot in the head before during the season where he had been in prison without telling us for almost half the season. Darlene did see her, sure in a coked up haze. Or maybe she is dead-dead but she pops up in Darlene’s head much like Eliot sees Mr. Robot. Then there is a way she comes back in the way White Rose promised Angela that she could see her mother ago with the machine she was building. Either way (or even the fourth way where she is dead-dead and we never see her again), I am kind of dreading the finial season the way I dreaded the final season of Game of Thrones)
You can download Mr. Robot: on iTunes.

Wu-Tang: An American Saga: Thankfully they put the real music video in the end credits to save me a trip to YouTube afterward. Goodness that was bad, I cannot imagine a Denise Williams sample would have made it much better. Having that song flop may have been the best thing that could have happened to RZA. Also, kudos, to the description maker of the episode that simply read, “Industry Rule #4080…” To the kiddies unaware, that is a line from A Tribe Called Quest which finishes, “record people are shady.”
You can watch Wu-Tang: An American Saga on Hulu.

Survivor: Island of Idols: I am not sure what was dumber, the girl alliance who got rid of Vince who was a solid number for them or Vince not using his Idol even though it was only good for two weeks. Probably Vince because he just followed countless others who think playing their Idol is a sign of weakness. But everyone thinks you have an Idol because you went to the mysterious Island of Idols, you can only play it twice (and who knows if you are going back the next week), you play it just in case people are trying to flush it.

But the women were pretty dumb to. In modern Survivor, voting to keep your Tribe physically strong is dumb. One, puzzles are the great equalizer now. Two, you are three weeks in, there is a swap coming soon, maybe next week. You have to think to yourself, who would I rather be swapped with, Vince, or one of the other three dudes you are wary of?
You can download Survivor: Island of the Idols on iTunes.

The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2: Good riddance Bear, please never come back.
You can download The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2 on iTunes.

Almost Family: Thankfully that found a much better shade of red for Brittany Snow this week. And I laughed pretty hard when Roxy said she would look after her father. That should end badly.
You can download Almost Family on iTunes.

Stumptown: I did not care too much for the first couple episodes because I was unsure what the show wanted to be. But if the show ends up being Dax following around Donal Logue, I would enjoy that show. Unfortunately it does not look like it will be that.
You can download Stumptown on iTunes.

The Good Place: So who was the hooded figure at the end? My first thought was death. But selfishly I hope it is The Real Eleanor.
You can download The Good Place on iTunes.

Titans: So all that to have Superboy save Jason Todd even though everyone even vaguely familiar with the comics knows he is going to die eventually? Meh, but I did like Krpto (even though he basically killed a dude) and the drunken lady doctor. If only Cadmus Labs on Supergirl had anyone as entertaining as her.

The Blacklist: So Lizzy’s mother is moving next door. But doesn’t Red visit regularly? Seems like she should be caught soon.
You can download The Blacklist on iTunes.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

57 Channels and Only This Is On: September 29, 2019

The Affair: Oh hey, even Sierra gets her own segment. Kind of weird to devote half an episode in the final season to someone who just popped up last season but was barely there even then. Considering the Helen-Noah exchange, I am a bit surprised that we did not get both sides of that scene. But I guess maybe we will see Noah’s side of it next week. Also a little weird that we got our first Joanie free episode, she is only getting about five minutes per episode to begin with and now she is getting nothing. I wonder when they will give her a full thirty minute segment or this is basically how they will be using her all season.

Fear the Walking Dead: I never understand why everyone on zombie shows find a place overrun by zombies so daunting. Create a bottleneck and kill them as they come out.
You can download Fear the Walking Dead on iTunes.

Survivor: Island of Idols: I was not expecting much because there are very few things I ever want on my television less than Rob but I have to say, somehow this premiere did not even meet my already low expectations. I may even go as far as calling it the worst season premiere in the history of the show. The season stated off on a bad foot because there was no Probst, no big mad dash for supplies, not even a challenge, just dudes walking onto a beach. So nothing really excited happened for about a half an hour.

Then after the challenge we got the Island of Idols, and boy was that excruciatingly bad, in an eighties train video on how to camp bad. Seriously, those two are just going to give everyone who visits a survival lesson each week. That is just boring. And why are they pulling names out of a bag? Have the winning team pick in the old day. Games of chance are boring.

As bad as the episode was, at least we got a happy ending with the most annoying dude going home first. Although, I cannot say there is anyone worth rooting for of those that are left. I guess I kind of am rooting for Elisabeth because I remember her watching her at the Olympics. But as a prediction, I will say… um, Vince I guess.
You can download Survivor: Island of the Idols on iTunes.

The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2: Usually competition shows go to an ad break leaving you thinking that the challenge is still in doubt so very weird to have TJ tell Johnny he missed something and then cut to break. So as a person who watches way too much television, it made me think that then Theo would screw up leading to a Johnny comeback. But no, after the break, Theo rolled to an easy victory after the Johnny mistake. But at least TJ told Johnny of the mistake compared to telling Laurel she won last week only to be, “oops” on review. But hey, good riddance Johnny, I really hope we never see you again.
You can download The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2 on iTunes.

The Good Place: I almost got the twist right. After spending the summer thinking of whom the two remaining people the demons picked, I settled on there being a real Real Eleanor whose Vicky skin-suit was based on. And then Vicky would kidnap her and torture the humans. Instead the demon who is always taking off his shirt was masquerading as a random old lady. Then the other new human was just a generic WASP who misses the good ol’ days. Actually kind of disappointing that the four new humans are the generic WASP, some random blogger, Chidi’s ex-girlfriend, and then Chidi himself. No Donkey Doug. No Dress Bench. No Blake Bortles. No Stone Cold Steve Austin. Oh well.
You can download The Good Place on iTunes.

Titans: Ew gross, Wonder Girl forked a fish. But it was nice to have an episode without the actual teen Titans around. But the question now is just who hired Deathstroke to kill off the Titans? Is Lex Luther too obvious of an answer? Though a Superman sidekick is not in the Titans so why exactly would he care?

Sunday, September 22, 2019

57 Channels and Only This Is On: September 22, 2019

The Affair: We finally got that Whitney centered act that I thought we should have gotten way back when Noah climbed into the hot to watch two chicks make out and one of the chicks turned out to be his daughter. She even manages to possibly start an affair her first time out. Although she may not go back to the guy who lets another guy watch. At least it worked out; she is getting her own gallery. That was better than Noah this week who just did stupid things after another.

Fear the Walking Dead: So why are the better tomorrow people bad? Sure they ruthlessly killed Logan, but they let Morgan and Al go when they broke in on behalf of the dude they were looking for. Hopefully they get fleshed out in these last couple episodes.
You can download Fear the Walking Dead on iTunes.

The Challenge: Well that was wild. I did think it was weird that Laurel just seemed shove that last flag in at the top. Also kind of weird that none of the production staff noticed that both Laurel and Ninja missed a hole. Usually when someone misses something, the cameraperson zooms in on it so everyone knows that something was missed. Everyone just seemed to drop the ball on that. It will be interesting to see how things move forward. I cannot see a way where any of the Americans not put one of their own in if they lose now. Or possibly they try to throw it again so an American is guaranteed to go home like this week or will the backfire this week will make them all try. But really, I am surprised that Ninja did not just ship, the americans are in free fall now so every Probing Ground winner would be wise to join up with the Brits. At least until they start to implode too.

Titans: So Wonder Girl just left Chicago without even noticing Starfire just disappeared? Alrighty. But I never thought they could find a character as annoying as New Robin, but Dr. Light is up there. I was kind of hoping they would just kill each other. But how bad are the original Titans that they needed the whole team to take him down but New Robin almost took him down singlehandedly?

Sunday, September 15, 2019

57 Channels and Only This Was On: September 15, 2019

The Affair: Considering how I was surprised that Helen was looking like she was going to hook up with “modern James Bond” I did find it interesting that the “modern James Bond” wants movie Noah to get bac with movie Helen by the end of their movie. Kind of says something if the show ends up going with the “modern James Bond” ending or go with the ending that Noah was adamant about. And then we got short scene of Joanie being extremely messed up and for the second time in three episodes where her scene ends with her ambiguously possibly dead. This is going to be a long season. I do wonder if we get another perspective in the future other than her’s.

Fear the Walking Dead: So just when the main antagonist of the season find a conscience, he gets shot in the head. And apparently by the person who hired him to get the oil. Alrighty. So that nerdy cowgirl chick is now the chief antagonist?
You can download Fear the Walking Dead on iTunes.

The Challenge: There are not many cases where I would actually root for Wes to win on the Killing Floor, but against Bear would be one. Meh. It would have been interesting had Wes won because it would have been the first time this season where there would be a serious question of if he would join the British team. Although maybe he could have been welcomed back into Team US and the two voted him in could be on the outs. The next episode is titled “Benedict Laurel.”

Titans: I wonder if the show will turn a corner after a pretty lackluster first season. The original four characters were a bore last year but Lyla Garrity and Wonder Girl are now cast members and provided the two best scenes this week. Rose Wilson seems intriguing, but it will be a bigger test when they give her father more screen time. Although Dr. Light was kind of silly but I do not see him being around very long with Hawk, Dove, and Wonder Girl heading to San Fran. But does no one care that Starfire just disappeared?

Sunday, August 25, 2019

57 Channels and Only This Is On: August 25, 2019

Veronica Mars: Episode 7: An episode later than me, but Mars Investigations finally zeroed in on the Pizza Delivery Guy as the mass bomber. Being that there is one episode left, I guess he did not actually do it. Plus he does not really come off as criminal mastermind. I still think someone in his cold case group could be involved. Just how far away is Clark Duke? He does give off skivvy vibes. Certainly whoever did it is certainly playing to them.

But how disappointing that Ronnie hooking up with Deputy Special Agent Leo was just a dream sequence. It was almost as disappoint as it was weird as Ronnie using that as an excuse to accept Logan’s proposal. Um, yeah, I do not see them ending the season in marital bliss. So I predict either Logan dies in the finale or gets caught in bed with Madison Sinclair. Which could explain all the whining I have heard about how the season ends. But really, that is the ending I am rooting for.

Episode 8: Holy Parker sighting! Sure, not as random as Mac’s boyfriend earlier this season. At least Jake Kane buying a school he could put his name on makes sense. And I was right that someone in the murder club was the bomber and was on the right track that there was something fishy with Clark Duke but I was fooled by pizza boy like everyone else. Granted Patton Oswalt is no Keyser Söze and his heel turn did not really work in my book.

Still I am glad the show returned and hope we get a season five, and hopefully the wait is not very long like in between seasons or the movie. I am actually glad they killed Logan because I always found his relationship with Ronnie weird. I mean the guy provides the roofies that got her raped, slept with Madison Sinclair days after they broke up, beat the living shirt out her boyfriend to the point he had to go to the hospital, and was someone she even described as the obligatory psychotic jackash. And really, he was kind o a complete wet blanket in season four so good riddance, please stay dead. #TeamDeputyLeo.
You can watch Veronica Mars on Hulu.

City on a Hill: The written “previously on” was an interesting way of doing that, but here is where it fails. When I read that Jackie interfered in the bust last week, I do not remember what exactly he did. Had they shown us, obviously I would have remembered. Visuals are just always better. Remember when Ray Rice told the commissioner he hit his girlfriend? He just got suspended two games. But when we all saw it on video, he never played again.

And did Jimmy really get blanket immunity? That is kind of dumb. I am no legal scholar but just last week on The Handmaid’s Tale, they gave Serena immunity for some things but when Fred accused her of others, that is how she got arrested. Give Jimmy immunity for the bark robbery, I do not see how that also allows him to get away with murder. But I wonder if we will see him or his brother next season or if it will just be the DA vs. Kevin Bacon all season. I would much rather watch the latter. Shows always fail when the antagonist sticks around too long.

Fear the Walking Dead: So why is everyone splitting up? I feel like I missed that. And why did we not get the black dude from last week first? I kind of forgot about him until he showed up on the “Next time on…” That kind of seemed more interesting than what we ended up getting this week. And was Red Jacket Guy living there among the zombies? Did the zombies break in and that it when things went bad for him? Was he juts alone this whole time? I did not need a big flashback but they could have explained that better.
You can download Fear the Walking Dead on iTunes.

Harlots: After Charlotte died in episode three and Theon died in episode five, I was wondering who would die in the seventh episode. No one, but creepy dude did task Quigley in finding a new girl to kill. So maybe there will be a body count in the finale. I also think that the Pincher dude will let his brother’s murder go unchecked (even though him killing Charlotte led to his brother’s death). Could he find out that Nancy actually pulled the trigger or maybe go after Lucy as the lone Wells left in Britain in retribution? And are we even sure Margaret actually left for the U.S.?
You can watch Harlots on Hulu.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

57 Channels and Only This Is On: August 18, 2019

Veronica Mars: Episode 5: So after episode three, I predicted that J.K. Simmons was the bomber and became a suspect for Mars Investigations in episode four. Then in episode four I started to suspect the bar owner who the Mars Clan started to suspect in episode five. Let’s see if that trend continues for the next episode when I start pointing the finger at the Pizza Guy. Or at the very least I think he wrote the letter because obviously the bomber dis not because there was still another bomb later. I think Pizza Guy was more excited that someone realized that he planted a lot of Dickisms that the chick found out.

Episode 6: Holy Clarence Weedman sighting! I joked a couple episodes ago they are bringing back all the actors they could not reasonably explain showing up in the movie, but maybe I was on to something after CW, the Fighting Fitzpatricks, the guys in Chino, and Mac’s college boyfriend. Who is going to show up in the final two episodes: Chip Diller? Hannah Griffith? Troy Vandergraf? Shelley Pomroy? But anyway. It was kind of shocking that we learned who the bomber was in the antepenultimate episode. Well, at the very least Big Dick admitted to setting off the first bomb, he conspicuously did not mention any guilt over the other bombs killing people. So who was inspired from that first bombing and why?
You can watch Veronica Mars on Hulu.

Claws: Well that was a clusterfork of a finale. And what are they going to do next season? Really, everyone should go on the run since they could all be implicated in the killing a vicious, high ranking gang member. I mean, assuming (dude’s not escaping from a burning casino, locked in a room with no windows. Oh wait, the show started with Roller being shot, point blank, drowned, stuffed in a body bag, dumped in a swamp, and still managed to survive.
You can download Claws on iTunes.

City on a Hill: Ow wow, Jimmy actually likes a great song. I really have trashed his music so far, but Know the Ledge is a great one. The world needs an Eric B. and Rakim resurgence. Now that the show has been officially renewed, and they got the brothers dead to rights, it looks like season two will be Decourcey vs. Kevin Bacon. At least hopefully the charges stick. But I do wonder if Jimmy will get a sweet deal for being an informant for Kevin Bacon.

Fear the Walking Dead: So they are not even going to mention that Alicia got sprayed with radioactive zombie blood last episode? Maybe she should be checking her lymph nodes like the scientist.
You can download Fear the Walking Dead on iTunes.

The Loudest Voice: It is weird the amount of times Megyn Kelly’s name came up during the episode but we never see her. I guess we will have to wait until the movie to get her side.

The Handmaid’s Tale: I actually thought for a second that opening scene was sometime in the future, it was not until the crazy eye chick showed up less crazy and with both eyes before realizing it was the past. But I do not see how Ofjoseph gets out of stealing a bunch of children. She was basically playing with house money this season in Commander Lawrence’s house and the Waterford’s needed her for visual reasons to get their kid back, but with the Waterford’s detained, there is nothing stopping her being severely punished. Speaking of being punished, are they really going to lock up Serena over the word of Fred? Can they even hold Fred if Serena stops talking because they locked her up? And then does Serena get set free because he does not testify? Locking Serena up just seems like a foolish move.
You can watch The The Handmaid’s Tale on Hulu.

Harlots: Oh wow, they really did kill off Theon Greyjoy already just two episodes after killing off Charlotte. There was a lot of blood and he was shot at short range but I still thought he might survive because why bring on Theon for just five episodes especially after just killing off the lead actor. So both Charlotte and Theon are dead shortly after they started forking and basically died because they kept that a secret.
You can watch Harlots on Hulu.

Krpton: With a title like “The Alpha and the Omega” I should have suspected there would be Darkseid reference, but it did not hit me until the clone lady saw the Omega sign. Yippie, more villains next season when they have not bothered to totally dispatch the ones they already have. Well that is if there is a next season.
You can download Krypton on iTunes.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

57 Channels and Only This Is On: August 11, 2019

Veronica Mars: Episode 4: Finally a Vinnie Van Lowe appearance. I really hope the show is successful enough that both he and Dick get a spin-off. We also finally got a Deputy Special Agent Leo sighting. And let us not forget the triumphant return of Lucky. Um, alright. Really it is like the show was just trying to get in everyone who could not reasonable write into the movie. Lucky, the Hearst Rapist, Max, then there was Liam Fitzpatrick from earlier this season. Come to think of it, why have they not gone back to investigate him? Then you had Hayley Dunfey as the token random celebrity cameo of the episode which seems to be a theme after the chick from Future Man, the dude from the Chicken Fries commercials, and the dude from Hot Tub Time Machine. Although back to the mystery I am starting to think the bar owner with the attitude may be involved somehow. Two people she kicked out of her club for being pervy ended up dead via bombing.
You can watch Veronica Mars on Hulu.

Claws: Finally the group has come together and called Desna on her on her overreaching that has led to a lot of pain and death. Still I never expected them to actually kill Melba. All that trouble just to have her gets hit by a bus. Alrighty. I also did not initially think that the boytoy was going to confess at actual Confession, I just assumed he was going to confess to Roller. Turns out we were both wrong, he told the cops. How exactly does Roller get out of that? I am assuming him being handcuffed will be the big season cliffhanger.
You can download Claws on iTunes.

City on a Hill: I have talked about the show’s soundtrack is too heavily influenced by Kevin Bacon’s classic rock leaning finally we got to hear what Decoursey listens to and it did not disappoint, when you are in the early nineties, you cannot go wrong with a little A Tribe Called Quest. But then they end the episode with another oldie. As for the actual plot, it was the tale of two informants. Bacon has one that is outed to his law enforcement buddies and then kills the other. Which begs the question, which will come back to haunt him more?

The Loudest Voice: There are very few things I need less in my life than to see Roger Ailes get a prostate exam.

The Handmaid’s Tale: After wondering what Serena was up to all season, we finally got out answer. But I wonder when she decided to turn against Fred. Did it date back to having her finger cut off? Was it really all about the child which she left June take from her house? Does she really think some warped way that it is kind of hers? Did she come up with this plan with Luke and the other dude when she visited before? I would kind wish she had given some lengthy Bond-villain type speech while explaining herself to Fred. Unless it was really, just simply about the kid.

Back in Giliad, Offjoseph’s plan really hit a bump in the road with the Commander’s wife kind of spoiling everything and then killing herself. But then again, the death could be an opportunity. Offjoseph’s new baby mama’s husband just died. It seems reasonable that the newly single Commander Lawrence could wed her and have June’s kid move in with them. I will be kind of shocked if that is not season four unless something earth shattering happens in the finale.
You can watch The The Handmaid’s Tale on Hulu.

Harlots: Wait, is Theon Greyjoy dead now too? One of the reasons why I thought they could kill off the lead of the show was because they had Liv Tyler and Theon but now he ends an episode in the pool of his own blood just like Charlotte just two episode ago. Now I am not sure how effective bullets made centuries ago were so I guess he could survive, but the juxtaposition of him lying in his blood and then Charlotte’s blood makes me think he may be dead too. But hey, at least Quigley will not be blamed for Charlotte’s death after Emily Lacey came clean. Granted she has her own murder she actually committed she needs to clear her name of.
You can watch Harlots on Hulu.

Krpton: A melancholy happy trails to Kem. Okay, I do not really care. Really there is no one on the show they could kill off and I would be too upset about. But the problem with Kem was that he was the closest thing to comic relief they had on the show. I guess Lobo could also be this but he is a bit more annoying than funny.
You can download Krypton on iTunes.

Sunday, August 04, 2019

57 Channels and Only This Is On: August 4, 2019

Veronica Mars: Episode 2: Oh my, they really were trolling with that opening scene. Now we do not really know how well the show is doing, but I really hope that’s it is successful enough to warrant a Dick Casablancas: struggling actor spin off.

Episode 3: Well there goes my prediction that the hotel owner set the bomb for the insurance money to give to his kid. But my second suspect was Clyde, but then Ronnie named him as a suspect which makes me wonder if she would correctly finger the perp this early in the season. I am beginning to think it may be Ronnie’s half-brother that she discovers in the first Veronica Mars book that was released after the movie who is just trying to get the attention of his half-sister who has seemed to completely forget about. Maybe he teamed up with Lily Kane (Duncan and Meg’s daughter, another completely forgotten characher).
You can watch Veronica Mars on Hulu.

Claws: So no one except everyone closely involved noticed that the lesbian lover of the sister a senate candidate just went missing right after getting outed by the candidate? Real life press would have a field day with that. And the Triads have the cops on the payroll? Just high up does that go because someone has to get suspicious when lady cop does not show up for work. You can hold off Quiet Ann for a while but the Commissioner has to get suspicious unless he is on the Triad payroll too.
You can download Claws on iTunes.

City on a Hill: When I first reviewed the show I complained that despite being set in the nineties, there was a classic rock soundtrack. But all is right in the world now that we got Vanilla Ice this week. Oh goodness. And then we end the episode with a little Metallica. Now if only we can get some Wu-Tang.

The Loudest Voice: The frustrating part of watching shows based on real people is trying to figure out what actually happened and what was poetic license. Now I can completely believe that Roger Ailes had a bomb shelter under his house but did he really have a tunnel to the base too? That had to cost a pretty penny.

The Handmaid’s Tale: Last week I wondered where Serena’s loyalties lie and I am even more confused an episode later. She did seem shocked when the Canadians rolled up but on the other hand, it does seem like she really needed to be in the know for a plan like that to work. Really that discussion about where they would be had Giliad had never happened seemed like she was thinking about leaving. But then she invited Fred into her bed. Oh, and then I watched the trailer for next week and not it seems pretty clear her role in the capture.

And somehow that was not the biggest shocker of the week. No, that goes to Offjoseph smashing in the head of her kid’s new father. Can she get away with it? Just how good are those Martha’s at cleaning? Was New Daddy covert enough when he when to Jezebel’s that no one will suspect his whereabouts? And didn’t he move to Washington? Is there now only one house of ill repute left in Gilliad?
You can watch The The Handmaid’s Tale on Hulu.

Harlots: Oh wow, they really did kill off Charlotte. It was even more shocking because she was kind of the face of the show up to this point. Sure they did add Liv Tyler last season and Reek this season who are arguable bigger names, but always pretty shocking when the topliner leaves the show and there was not even an announcement before the season (which as a viewer is much preferable, nothing worse than the long goodbye of waiting around for Rick Grimes to die… only for him not to). Then poor Quigley, she just gets out of the nuthouse and now it looks like she is going to have a murder pinned on her.
You can watch Harlots on Hulu.

Krpton: When Lyta got her throat cut it was painfully obvious she would be back at some time because he had to birth General Zod. The only question was how she would be back. Seeming how her son already time traveled, that seemed like the most obvious answer. Nope, the dead Lyta was just a clone.But I do wonder if Lyta ever kills herself so General Zod never exists.
You can download Krypton on iTunes.

Swamp Thing: You know what, if I am in a sinking cop car, I am not using my cell phone as a light, I might use my cell phone as, you know, an actual phone. But I am guessing that had there been a second season, Swamp Thing would have save her or maybe the swamp would have turn her into something else. But not surprisingly when you save off three episode and cancel the show, the ending felt a bit rushed, which is a shame because it was a really strong show up until the last episode. But with the show was canceled, it is weird they still went with an end credits scene teasing a season two villain. But hey, maybe some of the characters will so up on the CW Crisis crossover since the actors are not really busy.

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Um, I think I missed something. So Sarge was evil? Sure he stabbed May and kicked her through the portal but he kicked her into a place where you cannot die which made me think he was anti-Izel. But when the rest of SHIELD showed up he seemed to be fighting with her. So did Sarge not know that May would not die in the other world? And just how did the portal shut? Did it just automatically shut when Izel died? That was just all confusing.

Also confusing was the ending. So the Cromicons want to invade Earth to set up their own civilization here and want to wipe out SHIELD because they are their only obstacle for conquering the planet. Um, I know I have not seen the last two Avengers movies but did every Avenger died in those movies or at last all the Earth bound ones? And if the Cromicons are trying to conquer Earth now, why did SHEILD go back to when the Empire State Building was the tallest in the world. Also if this is just an excuse to get Peggy Carter back on our screens, I am all for it (there was a picture featuring the name of one of Agent Carter’s actors on the set). Really, here is hoping we get an Agent Carter reboot on Disney+, or at least Hulu.
You can download Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. on iTunes.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

57 Channels and Only This Is On: July 28, 2019

Veronica Mars: Episode 1: I really do not like when television shows drop all at once. As soon as Veronica Mars was erased there were though pieces on the shocking finale when I had not even gotten though one episode. And I am not entirely sure what Hulu is doing with their release schedule, sometimes it is weekly, and sometimes it is all at once. The Handmaid’s Tale and Harlots are currently being released weekly, and then Veronica Mars, Light as a Feather, and Four Weddings and a Funeral coming Friday are all at once. Then the Wu-Tang show is weekly. Then they just announced all their fall shows, Looking for Alaska, Dollface, Reprisal, and Runaways will be all at once. I guess I can understand the teen skewing shows going all at once, but shouldn’t the adult shows be weekly? I really hate asking people what episode they are on in hope of discussing what I just watch.

I also like talking about shows, dissecting every episode. When these seasons are release all at once, I usually post about them once and that it is. But I really like talking about Veronica Mars so I do plan about talking about what I watch that week (probably one or two episodes, I want to savor instead of binging and then probably forgetting I even watch the next week. As I did above, I will clearly state what episodes I am talking about.

The start of the season was a bit slow for me. Ronnie in love is usually boring and in-between season Logan somehow went from the obligatory psychotic jackass to kind of a wet blanket. Of course I have always been team DeputyDetective Leo. At least it picked up with the bombing. Here is my prediction: the hotel owner did it so his daughter could get the insurance money.
You can watch Veronica Mars on Hulu.

Big Little Lies: Well that was a weird season. I spend the whole time we were heading to a big showdown between Reece’s husbands but they do not even run into each other for the past two episodes. And after Adam Scott gets propositioned, he wants to renew his vows. And then we end the season (series?) with the Monterey Five walking arm and arm into the police station presumably all willing to admit to perjury. At least we got an epic courtroom scene to start off the episode. But yes, I would definitely watch a potential third season.

Claws: Oh wow, they killed the lady cop. But does that not just prove everything the candidate said? He talks about his gay sister and then exposes the governor’s Asian mob ties and a day later the girlfriend gets murdered. Even if she just “disappears” that looks bad. The national media would descend on that more than if a senate candidate got caught hanging out with teenage girls.
You can download Claws on iTunes.

City on a Hill: The worst part of these season long mystery shows, there always seems to be an episode where one of the cops takes an entire episode looking for their kid. Thankfully we just got an abridged version her. But what was that all about? Was the snitch intentionally trying to let Kevin Bacon he can get to him too, or just doing it to hurt him?

Fear the Walking Dead: So the zombies exposed to radiation may not be as deadly as the scientist lead everyone to believe? Alrighty. Maybe the actress is in a contract dispute and they are getting to sign a low ball deal, if not her character dis a slow and painful death..
You can download Fear the Walking Dead on iTunes.

The Handmaid’s Tale: Well, it has been a while since June has been ritualistically raped. At least they did not show it this time. But I am still wondering what Serena is up to. Is she really trying to get “her” baby back or does she have an alternative motive. She ended last season getting her finger cut off and letting June leave with the baby. Does she regret letting her go or is she still bitter for the finger and is going to screw Fred and Gilliad as a whole by the end of the season?
You can watch The The Handmaid’s Tale on Hulu.

Harlots: Wait, did they really just kill off Charlotte Wells? She is kind of the biggest name on the show. I know television characters have survived much worse but there is not much people in England a couple of centuries could do when you crack open your skull and have that much blood start to pool.
You can watch Harlots on Hulu.

Krpton: Did we really need a Doomsday origin story? Probably not. But I am a bit surprised they have not resurrected Lyta yet.
You can download Krypton on iTunes.

Swamp Thing: Okay, I am not entirely sure what is going on with the Blue Devil. It does not help that all his killing happen off screen. But I am not entirely sure what his power is. Does he just burn people with his touch?

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: So they really are going to turn Not-Coulsen into Kind Of Now Coulsen by the end of the season? Yeah that whole thing is kind of confusing.
You can download Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. on iTunes.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

57 Channels and Only This Is On: July 14, 2019

Big Little Lies: The random, bizarre interactions between Reece’s husbands have been the best part of this season. One of them has to die, right? There seems to be an increasing amount of shots of that bridge, I am beginning to think something has to happen there. A car accident? Someone jumps off (Zoey Kravitz has to be the leading candidate there). But back to weird scenes, we finally got someone of a payoff from the weirdest part of the season premiere where the chick stops Adam Scott to talk about her boob job. Clearly she wanted to get back at her husband, but then we get to see the husband watching his wife hit on Adam Scott. If that his penitence to his wife, he has to watch his wife have sex with the husband of the girl he cheated on with? This show is its most entertaining when it gets pretty weird.

Claws: Oh yeah, Desna and Dean have a father. I do not even remember him being referenced before, just their time in foster care. But the power struggle between the casino and Desna just is becoming cumbersome. Didn’t she inherit a bunch of other properties from the Jamaican? I do not know, if someone almost kills me and my loved ones and have other properties to fall back on, I would go ahead be a silent partner like they want.
You can download Claws on iTunes.

City on a Hill: I did not even realize that there was not a “previously On…” montage before, instead the show opts for a couple title cards to remind people what is going on. I do think actual moving images and voices helps reminding what happened better.

Fear the Walking Dead: I fell as I missed something. There was just a disconnect of having two episodes end with the Lord of the Flies. Then we got what Al has been up to for the last couple weeks ending with her finding Morgan. Then without explanation, Lord of the Flies kids start off the episode just chilling. It just seems like I missed an episode or three. But I did love the absurdity of the episode ending with the giant beer hot air balloon.
You can download Fear the Walking Dead on iTunes.

Legion: Um, so this kind of just like Intersteller but without the Wormhole?
You can download Legion on iTunes.

The Handmaid’s Tale: So Aunt Lydia became the horrible person she is today because she got blue balled? Alrighty. But I do wonder if the mother is around somewhere now. You know Gilliad is in need of child bearing women. And I do wish they would do more flashbacks, Lydia’s was long overdue, but as they struggle where to go after the books, maybe going backwards and show how we got to the book could be more interesting. Talking about present day, what is Ofjoseph doing? I understand she feels untouchable because they need her to get her daughter back to Gilliad, but what happens if that happens? She just might het her tongue cut out.
You can watch The The Handmaid’s Tale on Hulu.

Krpton: Oh wow, so Lyta died. Of course I have watched way too much television to believe she is dead. Or at the very least she will stay dead. She has not even given birth to or gotten strangled by her son. I cannot remember the show, but I vaguely remember a character getting their throat cut and then the next week, they were like, oh, it was not that deep (Hannibal I think). So it could be that. Could be a hologram. She could just be resurrected. All I know is I just do not believe we have seen the last of Lyta alive and breathing.
You can download Krypton on iTunes.

Swamp Thing: Just when you thought Avery being Matt’s daddy was going to be the biggest shocker of the episode, it was a plot between both of Avery’s lover to kill him. The least shocking moment was the reveal that Avery is not dead yet. But the big question now is has the swamp changed him much like Swamp Thing?

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: So May shot not-Coiusen after all that. But since he is alien, I guess it is possible that he can survive human bullets. But it is weird that May shot first and did not bother to even ask questions. Maybe she knows something we do not yet. And there were some cryptic things between weird bat lady and not-Coulsen. Something about remembering her name and now she will help him remember his. There was also something about new skin. Could that really be Coulsen and the alien took a recently dead person’s body when he transported to this world and may still have some of Coulsen’s memory deep down? Speaking of weird bat lady, just where did she go? I thought for sure she did something to the pilot when he passed out, he just stayed passed out and no one seemed to be at all worried. Maybe nothing really happened to him and he just cannot hold his alcohol very well.
You can download Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. on iTunes.

Sunday, July 07, 2019

57 Channels and Only This Is On: July 7, 2019

Big Little Lies: Renata may be going to the poor house, but at least she went out in style. C’mon, what second grader would not want a private disco concert by The Tramps? But at least we got Adam Scott in an afro getting into a fight. Is one of those two gonna kill each other this season?

Claws: Well that had to be the least realistic toe I have ever seen. At first I thought dude was just not very well endowed.
You can download Claws on iTunes.

Fear the Walking Dead: So Al’s captor promises not to kill he if she gave her a tape, is about to kill her after getting the tape, but instead kisses. The whole containment storyline has been confusing.
You can download Fear the Walking Dead on iTunes.

The Handmaid’s Tale: The new black Handmaid was almost like Checkov’s antagonist this season; you knew she was going to do something, just not what and when. But we finally got it, she snitched on the Martha that was helping June. But how did June not get implicated in this?
You can watch The The Handmaid’s Tale on Hulu.

Krpton: So Seg separated himself from Brainiac last week except he is still there. So much for not brining Brainiac to Kyrpton. But who or what did Lobo kill last week? This show just does not makes sense too often.
You can download Krypton on iTunes.

Swamp Thing: So the weird dude who rowed up to Swampy last week is the same dude who cursed the actor dude. Do what exactly that guy up to?

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: So weird bat lady thinks she is the victim while Not Coulsen claims to be the aggrieved. I don’t know, kind of seems like the chick who takes over people with bats is probably the true evil one. Or at the very least more evil. But why exactly did she not have her bats fly down the gullet of FitzSimmons? Did she run out of bats?
You can download Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. on iTunes.

Sunday, June 30, 2019

57 Channels and Only This Is On: June 30, 2019

Big Little Lies: Okay, I wonder if this is going to be an every other week thing because this week was much more entertaining than the last. Though I am missing what is Meryl Steep’s deal. She does not want to believe her son is an adulterer let alone a rapist, but then starts stocking Ziggy. SAeems like deep down she knows but does not want to admit it. Something dark had to have happened with her other son.

Claws: Gee, when I see a dead body, my first thought is call the police. Who would think Polly has a guy to help get rid of a body? But just when you thought the show could not get any weirder, Virginia starts talking to a pig.
You can download Claws on iTunes.

City on a Hill: So the bother is an informant for money? Couldn’t he make more money robbing armored trucks? Or is he just doing this because his brother would only let him do that one job. If the last job only netted $15,000 each, and Kevin Bacon is offering a $20,000 reward. But where exactly is Kevin Bacon getting this money? Does the FBI really pay that well to informants are does Bacon use the money he steals from bookies and the like to get all his money so he can close more cases?

Fear the Walking Dead: So we are not going to get a what Daniel was doing since we last saw him episode? Meh. But the using a cat to distract walkers so you can kill them easier was kind of brilliant. but that had to be one of the more gruesome ideas with the plan on either show. Now how many seasons until we see Daniel again?
You can download Fear the Walking Dead on iTunes.

Legion: Um, where was the “previous on” reminder? I vaguely remember that not much actually happens on the show. Afterwards I went to YouTube to find the official recap and… um, that was not much help. Maybe it is not something that is meant to be understood.
You can download Legion on iTunes.

The Handmaid’s Tale: Wait, was that was June’s kid’s place in DC? But aren’t they in Boston? But June has seen her daughter multiple times. Did they move? And if Rory Gilmore and the crazy Handmaid had to be brought back from the colonies because a lack of Handmaids, why were there so many on the Mall at the end? Seems like there are plenty.
You can watch The The Handmaid’s Tale on Hulu.

Krpton: So they were able to remove Brainiac who looks like the old Brainiac. This makes no sense.
You can download Krypton on iTunes.

Swamp Thing: So we finally learned what happened to Shauna, they did shock me that Abby was at fault… until it turned out to be just a red herring and something drug Shauna down. So now that we got that answered, now the question is, who, or what, actually did that? If Swamp Thing could see what happen, shouldn’t he be able to know what pulled Shauna down?

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: So not-Coulson is over a hundred years old? Well that kind of hurts my multi-verse theory. So just how do the two look-a-likes have matching DNA?
You can download Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. on iTunes.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

57 Channels and Only This Is On: June 23, 2019

Big Little Lies: I was a bit worried there would be a sophomore slump but my fears were eased by how on fire everyone was in the premiere but everyone but Meryl Streep seemed to cool down in the second week. Maybe they do need a mystery and a rich text to pull from to keep the show going.

Claws: Am I really supposed to think Uncle Daddy has changed because he had a heart to heart with Virginia? I am highly suspicious of that. What angle is he playing? And what a horrible witness protection program Desna is running. How about not hiding the Tat for Tit chick with a friend? $50,000 should get you a ticket out of town.
You can download Claws on iTunes.

Fear the Walking Dead: Yeah, I completely forgot what exactly happened to Dwight on the main show. I vaguely remember his wife leaving. Hopefully we get a montage next week catching us up on that. And, wait, the kids have been setting up those zombie roadblocks this whole time? I feel like I missed something.
You can download Fear the Walking Dead on iTunes.

The Handmaid’s Tale: I was wondering why Fred did not have some secret plan to kidnap his kid (or the kid he thinks is his); instead he was planning what seems to be a pretty bad plan. A least I assume that Canada is not going to give a kid that he cannot prove paternity to. But then again, Luke does not lay any claim other than being the husband of the mother. Interesting legal question.
You can watch The The Handmaid’s Tale on Hulu.

Krpton: I never thought Brainiac was dead last week, but, um, Brainiac is in Seg now? Huh? That makes no sense.
You can download Krypton on iTunes.

Swamp Thing: Wait, did Scarecrow pass through the bayou? Although I guess his terror gas was sprayed, not a communicable disease.

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Seeing younger Simmons just made me realize how bad she looks now with those bangs. Time to pull your hair back Simmons. And I think we have seem more brain simulations of Daisy in the last couple episodes than real Daisy.
You can download Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. on iTunes.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

57 Channels and Only This Is On: June 16, 2019

Billions: So everything Chuck did this season with his father was just a very long con against Connorty? That just comes across as a little too cute. Really, Chuck knew that choir boy Connerty was going to eventually turn into Chuck? But where does this leave Connerty next season? Is he really going to prison to only be seen again as Taylor plots her revenge against both Chuck and Axe who thankfully will be antagonists again next season because them working never seemed right? I just hope Taylor actually brings one if not both down next season. Although it will probably be another Connerty situation where just as we think Taylor has Axe dead to rights, in the season finale we will learn Taylor played into Axe’s hand the whole time. Meh.

Big Little Lies: I worried about the second season of the show because when Game of Thrones went past the books, creatively the show fell off, same for the Handmaid’s Tale, and there may not be much of a plot now that the murder has been resolved, but oh my goodness, everyone was just firing heaters all episode. I cannot remember any show that has ever been this snide and snarky before. Although the one exception was Adam Scott who seems to be obvious as ever. And I was just as puzzled as him at that supermarket scene. Should I know who the boob job chick was? Was that the teacher from last season?

The Chi: After all the blustery from Cruz, Ronnie still gets out of prison by the end of the episode. With not much time until the season finale, I wonder if he will catch Ronnie by then. It is also about time for the cops to crack down on all the gang activity this season. They finally connected everything, now they just need the smoking gun. Speaking of wrapping things up, it will be interesting to see how they end Brandon’s arc considering the actor got dismissed from the show. Hopefully they did not intend his wedding to be a big part of next season, because we know it is not happening now if it is not done by the end of this season.

The Bold Type: So Scarlett is folding? Is that was what was happening at the end? Is the main trio just going to start a blog next season? Or is the magazine just going full digital and just downsizing? Did they really renew this show and not Cloak and Dagger yet?
You can download The Bold Type on iTunes.

The Handmaid’s Tale: Wow, those Rory Gilmore scenes were just super boring. If you are going to do a sappy reunion, just leave it to one scene. If you are going to drag that out, at least give the wife a new wife (or more shockingly, a husband). Really the whole episode was a drag until the end (this episode sorely missed Commander Lawrence who is the only interesting this so far). Is Fred really going to go to Canada to steal “his” baby back?.
You can watch The The Handmaid’s Tale on Hulu.

Krypton: So I watched about a ten minute recap before the premiere and still ended up a little confused. Like the blond chick was a clone? Completely forgot that. But I finally got the answer of what happened to Adam Strange, he went back to his time only for his town being bottled by Brainiac and apparently the planet was also taken over by Zod. Except Zeg-El killed Brainiac so all’s well on Earth now I guess? Okay, I doubt Brainiac is really dead. It would be pretty cheesy to defeat a supervillain off screen like that.
You can download Krypton on iTunes.

Swamp Thing: They are really racking up the questions without actually answering the past ones. Like who, or what, were controlling the bugs and why did they disperse when Swamp Thing told them to? What was the secret group the banker mentioned when threatening to expose Avery? And why exactly can the actor not leave, why did his cards change, what exactly do the cards mean, and what exactly does Abby have to do with it?

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: So Not-Coulsen is not evil and is actually trying to save the Earth? Alrighty. Even more confusing is how Daisy was able to get back to Earth so quickly. Didn’t Simmons waste the last warp speed jump to get to Fitz? So how did Daisy get back to Earth so easily?
You can download Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. on iTunes.

Sunday, June 09, 2019

57 Channels and Only This Is On: June 9, 2019

Billions: Well they finally got Chuck Sr. But I have to guess the thing Connerty’s brother stole is going tome back to haunt him. I was a bit disappointed that the two teams breaking in for the document did not run into each other. Not like either could rat the other out because they were both breaking the law.

Fear the Walking Dead: Wait, Daniel is alive? Didn’t he die… twice? I remember him “dying” in a fire in like the second season. Then he showed up at the damn, but then I do not even remember how he “died” that time. But apparently he has run into Al sometime between the damn and right now, which has been a while in the show’s time because they did a pretty big time jump just to get Morgan on the show.
You can download Fear the Walking Dead on iTunes.

The Chi: Well the last time Cruz brought in Ronnie when he was drunk did not end well for him. Let us see if things end differently this time.

The Handmaid’s Tale: So what is going on with Commander Lawrence, he seemed like a stand-up guy who was helping Rory Gilmore and Offred’s baby escape. And now this season he seems much more antagonist. Last season he seemed like the architect of Gilead who regretted his creation but now comes off as a grump. And even one face value it seemed extremely cruel to make Offred Ofjoseph pick five from a group being sent to the Colonies, but in actuality it turned out a blessing because then she could pick five that could be most helpful for the resistance. So what exactly is his deal? I guess we have a whole season to figure that one out.
You can watch The The Handmaid’s Tale on Hulu.

Swamp Thing: Well that was a weird week. Not necessarily anything that happened on the show but right before the second episode aired, DC Universe announced they were canceling the show that led to a flood of possible reasons why. The one that caught traction was that a clerical error leading to North Carolina not paying for half the budget like originally agreed turned out to be based on false evidence, the 40 million tax credit promised turned out to be a couple million more than North Carolina set aside for all productions in the yearly budget. The more likely culprit is probably DC’s new corporate overlords who is currently working on their own streaming service and have not decided what to do with the niche outlet. I think it is very telling they have not made any programming announcements since renewing Titans last fall and it has been almost a year since they last greenlit a new program, Stargirl. So the question is Warner Bros. let DC Universe stand along with maybe the shows and movies eventually showing up on their still unnamed service? Will they take the successful shows and let DC Universe be just for comics? Or will they shutter it all together? The uncertainty really looks both DC Universe and whatever the Warner Brother streaming service called look really bad especially with Disney+ almost ready to launch.

As for the actual show, it continued from it strong premiere. I was most interested this week with the dead friend who just seemed like a way to draw a wedge between Abby and the big wig family as well as a way for her to get out of town to st up this homecoming. But clearly there is something else going on with the dead friend showing up twice. You can write off the first appearance as a dream sequence, but then she showed up again in bed with the mother. So she clearly has not crossed over yet and the mystic knows something she is not telling. This could be interesting.