Sunday, May 19, 2024

57 Channels and Only This Is On: May 19, 2024


The Challenge All-Stars 4:  Trivia is usually the best week, but Challenge trivia, especially about the season they are doing, was kind of lame.


Under the Bridge:  Oh joy, more unnecessary flashbacks.


Survivor:  Lol, four straight people go home with an Idol thinking Q was the target; Q finds an Idol and finally gets voted off.  This season is so stupid. 


Hacks:  Cool, they got Shooter McGavin back on a golf course.  It is probably obvious he won the tournament.  But I was a little surprised Debra did not get the job.  What are they going to do the rest of the season?  Watch her do some YouTube late night show.  I just hope the guy that got it gets canceled and they have to go with Debra as their second choice.


Pretty Little Liars: Summer School:  Is Mouse really that stupid that her grandma with dementia was in charge of getting her to the party?  She probably should not be driving. 


A Gentleman in Moscow:  Oh yeah, I completely forgot about Chekov’s guns.  But what a heart racing finale.  Unfortunately the ending was very vague.  They used the 3:4 aspect ratio for flashbacks, I wonder what the significance of them here.   I got the sense that it was a dream sequence.   I seems like Rostov did not get out, but what happened to Anna?  It seems like she should have gotten to Finland with Osip’s help but why was she not able to get to Sofia?  Was she just to famous to not get caught like Osip suggested earlier.  They played the ending like reality where we would not learn what happened behind the Iron Curtain, but this was fictional, I would rather have gotten a definitive answer to what happened to Rostov and Anna other than some vague dream sequence.


The Chi:  So just how long of leach does Emmitt have to kill the person Douda told him to?  And will he use her to get back at Douda?

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